Chapter two

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The first night they stayed there, Agatha and Sophie had managed to sneak into the tower, catching Alexander walking out of her office to get coffee from the school for evil.
She was still wearing her clothing, only her blouse was out of her trousers and her Spencer was gone.
As they were about to start an argument with her about their misplacement, she stuck up her hand, still moving towards the doors.
" not now readers, hello schoolmaster, if you have a question either wait or ask him. I need to get coffee. Want anything schoolmaster?" She interrupted herself to welcome the man back, bowing out of respect for him as she stood before the doors.
" tea would be lovely" the man smiled at Alexander, who nodded and left the tower.


That very next day, Alexander approached lesso who was about to start her first lesson of the day.
" lesso, I need your help with this really quickly then I'm gone." Lesso rolled her eyes and nodded, Alexander holding a chart before her of the amount of evil had truly won these last past years.
" anything to say?"
" we'll need to work them harder." Lesso shrugged, returning to her class to start the lesson.
" sure" Alexander settled in lesso's chair, swinging her legs over the armrest and placing her chart on her lap so that she could work.
" well, are you going to leave?" Lesso gestured at the door, raising an eyebrow.
" I'd prefer not to, if that's alright with you?" The students started mumbling amongst each other, lesso getting increasingly frustrated.
" no, it's not alright with me! Now get out!" Alexander frowned slightly, ignoring the redhead and focusing on her paperwork instead.
" just, continue your lesson lesso, I need to finish this before dinner" Alexander muttered under her breath, grabbing a quill from lesso's desk and dipping it into the blood red ink.

" attention!" Lesso started her lesson, ignoring Alexander as the woman had requested.
Alexander zoned back in when a drop of ink fell off the point of her- lesso's- quill and onto the blank space under the report.
She frowned, dabbing it dry with her cloth before she neatly ripped it off to continue on another page.
" please refrain from making such loud noises." Lesso complained, Alexander looked up and faces the dean and her class, both of whom were focused on her.
" it will not happen again then." Lesso nodded and resumed her lesson, starting to taunt hort about his werewolf powers once again.


At lunch, Alexander teamed up with anemone and spread small rumors about Manley and Yuba, trying to create a fight that would brighten their boring day.
It worked, because in less than five minutes Yuba and Manley had left the room, groans and bangs echoing through the halls.
" I'm not sure if they're fighting or fucking" lesso spoke as she played around with her cane.
" what? They would not have such intercourse lesso!" Dovey squealed out, a small blush decorating her cheeks at the thought of such an act.
" it's sex dovey, sex." Lesso waved at Alexander to join them, the woman taking anemone with her and sitting down with a bowl filled with peanuts.
" Manley is allergic, right?" Lesso hummed, looking at Alexander with amusement sparkling in her eyes.
" yes, he is indeed allergic, what are you going to do-?" Before dovey could finish Alexander was already aiming peanuts at his plate, throwing them right into his bowl of green goo.
" oh how devilishly evil of you, it's almost revolting" lesso sarcastically commented, Alexander nodding along.
" of course it is, but it's funny." Anemone answered, lifting a piece of melon to her mouth.
" anemone, you're a teacher of good, stop this." Dovey tried, anemone ignoring her with a shrug of her shoulders.
" seems like your teachers has finally turned on you Clarissa." Lesso chuckled, leaning her chin on her hand.
" I need to go, the schoolmaster has asked to speak with me earlier." Alexander stood up again, quickly drinking her water and waving the group goodbye as she left.


" ah, Good. Sit down alexander." The schoolmaster smiled at her, gesturing at the seat before his desk as he sat down.
Alexander did so, quickly looking around to make sure she wasn't in any trouble.
" what did you want to discuss?" Alexander clasped her hands together and leaned back as the schoolmaster pulled a short pile of papers to him.
" your reports, I'd like more this year." Alexander nodded, grabbing the pile when the man pushed it towards her.
" please handle those for me, it's the last bit of the arrangements for this year. Making sure it's not our fault if a student dies." The schoolmaster stood up once more, walking towards his books and dismissing Alexander in doing so.
" you're dismissed, have a good day"
She stood up, taking the papers with her on her way out.

She strolled over the bridge, towards the evil school.
After wandering the dark halls, she settled for lesso's classroom.
She walked in without knocking, startling lesso into silence as she sat down in her seat again.
" what lesso" she looked up as she grabbed lesso's quill once more, moving the pot of ink closer to herself.
Lesso shook her head and continued her lesson, knowing she'd be as silent as last time.
As Alexander worked, she felt eyes boring into her head.
She looked up, straight into a students eyes.
The student tilted her head slightly, blonde hair falling from behind her ear.
Alexander shook her head, looking back down at the insurance contracts that made sure the schools wouldn't be blamed for any injuries.

" what is miss drageon doing here lady lesso?" Someone asked, Alexander looking up at the mention of her name.
" I don't know" lesso shrugged, " is she distracting you?" The redhead smirked, Alexander getting the message and starting to clean up.
" yes, actually, but no need to-"
" fire chicken!" Lesso shot around with a taunting smile, which faded slightly when she saw Alexander already cleaning up.
" make sure you won't interrupt again." She warned, turning backs round to let Alexander leave.


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