Chapter seven

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" Alexander!" The woman in question stiffened at the angry voice of dovey, giving the other dean the opportunity to pin the brunette to the wall.
" why did you propose the trial, they're just children!" Dovey scolded, Alexander almost shrinking under her gaze, almost.
" dovey, love, it is the only thing that could prove their love." The dean for good calmed down slightly, the redhead only tightening her hold on Alexander's neck.
" she might forgive you, but I won't." She growled, glaring down at Alexander who glared right back.
" then maybe you should think about it again, because I won't change my mind, and the trial is in less than an hour, see you soon." Alexander slipped out of lesso's grasp, turning into a cat and sprinting away, out of a window.


" Tedros of Camelot."

" Sophie of Gavaldon."

Both students were at different ends of the forest, the dark gaping of the forest entrancing Alexander, the brown cat standing on the wall seperating the forest from the school.

" A Trial by Tale is not to be taken lightly."

" Mortal danger lurks beyond the school's gates."

" Do you still wish to proceed?" Both deans spoke at the same time, lesso gritting her teeth and dovey tightening her hold on her staff.

"I do."

" Yes, Definitely."

" If you wish to give up, drop the red handkerchief on the ground, and you will be transported to safety." Both deans explained, the doors behind them opening with howls of pain and groans of annoyance.

" Let the trial begin."


" why did you even let them in there?" Lesso raged, Alexander placing a hand on her shoulder.
" if it is really true love, they will survive, and if it's not, they will still survive. Lesso, please, else Tedros would've proposed it." Lesso groaned, shrugging her hand off and falling onto Alexander's bed.
Alexander frowned, -when did they even get into her bedroom?-, before shrugging it off and sitting down besides lesso.
She rubbed over the woman's back, making soft circles on her lower back as the redhead placed her head in her lap despite the grudge she held.
" now, how about we get you back to your room and into some other clothing, those heels can't be good for you." Lesso grumbled something under her breath, shrugging off her unbuttoned coat and rolling over with her eyes closed and a frown.
" first of all, stop frowning please? It's bad for your skin." Alexander placed her thumb between lesso's eyebrows, happy she had her eyes closed so she couldn't see the blush decorating her cheeks.
" second of all, are you going back to your room or are you staying here?" Lesso stayed silent, loosening her frown and nodding before her body melted into Alexander's, asleep.
The brunette freaked out, thinking of how she was supposed to change the dean now, her finger glowing bright red as her cheeks lit up the same color.
She stared at lesso's face, taking in every minor detail that she could've ever missed in this rare moment of bliss, where not even lesso herself could ruin it by walking away.
She  got distracted by her finger, which started to burn brighter.
An idea pinged into her head, she could just use magic.
She smiled to herself, holding out her finger and watching as lesso's pyjama's appeared in her open palm.
She changed lesso using magic before she could even decide if it was a smart idea or not, then sat still as a mouse for well over fifteen minutes, only watching lesso.
Her breath hitched when she turned around, burying her face into Alexander's trouser-clad thighs.
It did not help that lesso groaned in her sleep, slowly wrapping her arms around Alexander's waist.
The brunette grimaced at her position, it couldn't be described as the most comfortable.
So, she got changed with a snap of her fingers and snapped them once again to re-arrange them to lay under the covers, and not on the edge of the bed.
Lesso once again grumbled because of the change of temperature and surrounding, clinging onto alexander's waist as she moved to lay more on top of the fairy.

Talking about said fairy, she was totally forgetting her place in the world, imagining how it would be if she would be capable of having moments like this more frequently, not only when the other was stressed out and needed someone to hold her.
" I love you, so much Nora." Alexander mumbled, kissing the redhead's forehead before sliding down slightly and closing her eyes.
She tried to get the urge to look at lesso to settle down a bit, and it worked, after a long, long, time.


Lesso woke up to Alexander, well, not really.
She woke up to something warm, something that made her feel as if she should just cuddle with it every night else she couldn't sleep, and a darkness that lightened when she moved her head away.
She slowly sat up, looking down at Alexander, who was sleepily reaching for her.
" lesso" she mumbled, grabbing ahold of lesso's waist and pulling her back down.
Lesso tried to move, but was unsuccessful.
" god damn it how are you so strong-" she was cut off by herself when Alexander began to softly play with her hair in her sleep.
" oh-" she closed her eyes, losing herself in the amazing feeling.
Only for a short moment though, because soon after she tried to escape Alexander's grasp again, once again unsuccessful.
She slumped, and Alexander's grip loosened.
Lesso decided that a few minutes wouldn't hurt, so she stayed there, in her blissful state that Alexander placed her in by simply playing with her hair.
The more she drifted away from reality, the more she thought about the effect the woman beneath her had on her.

Who was Alexander to her?

She was a gorgeous woman, dark red eyes that seemed to be dark brown instead, always trying to make reports even when it wasn't needed.
She always found her way back into her classroom, even if she spelled it to not let the brunette in.
She managed to get her to share her ink, the one thing in her classroom she liked.
She was sweet, but could be such a demon when needed.

And after all, just like the couple had proven overnight without either of their knowledge, never and Evers will never belong together, no matter what.

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