Twenty Four

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Jin entered his house with a gloomy face, his mother realized something was not right with her son, she immediately approached Jin.

"Hey what's wrong? Why is your face gloomy?"

"I think hyung is mad at me"

"Are you guys fighting?"

"Not really, mom someone kissed my lips but I tried to avoid him, I said that to hyung and--"

"Kissing you?"

"Mom, please don't ask about it, I just want to talk about hyung"

"Where's Jungkook?"

"He went to see his client, they were going to have dinner together"

"What? Who?"

"I don't know, Seojun? Park Seojun"

"Jin, even though he is a grown man doesn't mean he can't be jealous, it doesn't mean he has to always accept what happened to him, have you ever thought why he has always been there for you? Me and your father never asked him to do that, he said to take you and picking you up calms him down, don't you know how much he loves you?"

"He loves me?"

"Are you stupid? You think he kissed you just out of lust? Jin wake up, he's a grown man, if he just wants to satisfy his lust, he can get it in America, a lot of girls and boys are definitely interested in him, why did he come all the way back here and kiss a child like you"

"Mom.. I'm not a child anymore"

"I don't know, I think you're still a child"

"Mom, will you help me?"


Meanwhile, in another place, Jungkook came to the location that Seojun gave, a 5-star restaurant, he entered and the waiter brought him to one of the tables there. He saw Seojun was sitting waiting for him.

"Hey Jungkook"

"Hey Seojun"

"Nice to meet you again"

"Yeah, so do I"

"I ordered food for you, I hope you like it"

"Yeah, it's okay, why did you ask us to meet?"

"Actually there is something I want to say, you must know Soobin right? My brother who I brought with me to a meeting"

"Yeah, what's with him?"

"He is your fan Jungkook"


"He really likes you since that meeting, I told him to call you but he said he was shy, and it just so happened that you came back to Seoul, I was going to ask him but he had other business"

"But--" Jungkook's phone rang, it was from Jin's mother.

"Ah excuse me, I have to pick up the phone" Seojun nodded and let Jungkook get up from his chair and leave.


"Jungkook, where are you?"

"I'm having dinner with my client, what's wrong aunty?"

"Can you come here now?"

"Has something happened?"

"Jin.. Jin passed out"

"What? Okay I'll be there now" Jungkook hung up the phone and returned to the table.

"Seojun, I'm sorry, I have to go now, my boyfriend passed out and I have to go there"

"Your boyfriend?"

"Yes, bye" Jungkook immediately left the restaurant, he drove the car as fast as possible to Jin's house.

Arriving at Jin's house he immediately ran into the house, no one was there, not even Jin's mother was there.

"Auntie.. Jin.." Jungkook shouted but no one answered. He ran upstairs to Jin's room and was surprised to see Jin standing there, near his bedroom window.

"Hyung.." he approached Jin and checked his condition.

"Are you okay? What happened to you Jin?"

"Is what my mother said is true?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Are you doing all this because you love me?" Jungkook just looked into Jin's eyes with his hand still holding Jin's arm.


"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Wait.. your mother called me and said you passed out, that's why I came here and canceled my appointment with my client but now you look fine and.. what do you mean?"

"That was my plan, you haven't answered my question"

"Your plan? You lied to me?" Jin nodded.

"Now answer me, do you love me hyung?"

"Jin...aren't you embarrassed if someone like me loves you?"

"Why should I be ashamed?"

"Because you never show your feelings for me, you often talk about your ex, or your classmate trying to get close to you"


"I know, I'm just a hyung for you, you won't--" Jin kissed Jungkook's lips, sucked his upper lip gently, wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and brought him closer.

"Stop talking Jungkook" Jungkook broke the kiss and looked at Jin.

"What did you call me?"

"Jungkook? I called you hyung and you thought, I thought you were hyung, how about I call you Jungkook?"

"I like it" Jin just smiled.

"I love you too Jungkook" Jungkook's eyes widened when Jin said his feelings.


"You heard me, don't make me repeat those words"

"Please just say it one more time" Jin brought his face close to Jungkook's ear, his lips almost touching Jungkook's ear.

"I said I love you too Jungkook"

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