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ESTELLA had still trouble processing that Ariadne was a witch

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ESTELLA had still trouble processing that Ariadne was a witch. The brunette hadn't told anything, as Stefan was maintaining his distance from her, still jittery from his blood intake, Damon was a firm no, and then Elena who was with Stefan, trying to make him less; jittery.

But that could wait; be a headache for another day, as Bonnie was finally home. The brunette hadn't gotten a chance to talk to her once she entered the town, although they did share phone calls.

Estella walked into class, and sat down at her desk, stacking her books on the desk in a neat fashion.

"Okay," started Alaric as he entered the classroom, and the small bubble of talk died. "this week we're gonna set outside our regular curriculum for a lesson in local history as we approach Founders' Day. Apparently, the community leaders feel it's more important than World War 2 but hey what do I know?" asked the teacher sarcastically.

Estella pressed her lips together to prevent smiling.

The classroom door opened and there stood Bonnie, an awkward small smile on her lips. Estella immediately brightened.

"Sorry, I'm late." apologized Bonnie.

"Well, it looks like we will be at full occupancy today. Welcome home, Bonnie." welcomed Alaric, giving her a small nod as she walked towards her desk.

Estella gave her a warm smile that Bonnie returned but when her gaze fell on Stefan, her smile faded, and she ignored him. Knitting her eyebrows, Estella glanced at Stefan, who returned her gaze, confusion embedded in his emerald eyes.


"You have to get the white dress, it looks gorgeous on you, although you did suit the purple one as well, and the pink, and the blue," rambled Caroline, as they walked down the hallway.

Letting out a small chuckle, Estella turned to her. "Considering the fact I can't wear four dresses at the same time, you are going to need to narrow it down for me."

Miss Mystic Falls was a pageant that was hosted annually. Typically, the daughters of the Founding Families competed against each other for the title of Miss Mystic Falls, though other members of the town compete to enter the pageant as well.

Caroline was absolutely bonkers for this event, as she could be pretty competitive with everything, and she had been dreaming about winning since a little girl. Estella loved the idea as well; getting the perfect dream dress, the perfect hair, the perfect date. . .

The smile that curled her lips faded, and Estella slowly bit her lip. She didn't have a date. . .oh god no.

"Bonnie! Bonnie!" chirped Caroline, hurrying along as she caught sight of her friend. Estella brightened again. "Thank god you're home!" She embraced Bonnie hurriedly, and Estella's cheeks began to hurt at the large smile she had.

𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 : 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now