𝟐𝟐 ════ 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲

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Estella Delacour repeated in her mind, trying not to wince as the corset threatened to cut off her oxygen supply. The brunette stared at the white corset that fitted snugly around her torso and as the balmy rays of the sun hit it, more and more it started to look like a medieval torture device. Her chest rose as she heaved air into her lungs, her movement restricted by the corset.

"Sorry, darling, let me adjust it to your measurements," her mom apologized and then loosened it. A deep breath of relief released the brunette, smiling faintly at her mother gratefully.

Once the corset dress was on, her mother helped her ease into the gown that was prepared for the Founders parade. Beachy orangish pink was like the pinkish face of an infant or the rays of sunlight reflecting on soft, cotton-candy-like clouds. There were off-the-shoulder sleeves, falling delicately on her shoulders, and a clear pendant with a rose inside rested on her collarbone. The dress then poofed out, in a large circle, courtesy of the corset. Soft ruffles on the middle of the skirt hung delicately all around the skirt, each ruffles forming a perfect U shape. At the very end of the dress shone white glittery detailing that sparkled like diamonds.

Estella felt like a Disney princess.

Glittery white diamond earrings hung on her earlobes, given to her by a certain emerald-eyed friend. Hair fell down in tight ringlets, small pieces of it clipped back with a hairclip that belonged to her ancestors, and white roses were pinned all around the clip.

Her mother gently spun her around, eyes taking her in with a proud smile. "You look so beautiful,"

Estella blushed, verily in the colour of her dress. "Thank you,"

Just then, the doorbell rang and both the women rushed downstairs to open the door, greeted by an eager Jenna, with Jeremy and Elena lingering by her side. Jeremy was dressed in the Civil War outfit, giving patriotic vibes with a grey coat, hat and pants, a walkie-talkie in one of his hands. His dark hair was left untamed and he greeted her with a stiff smile.

Estella tried not to frown, as she moved aside to let the Gilbert siblings and Jenna enter. Jenna's eyes trailed to the brunette, and a look of awe crossed her face, which made Estella blush again.

"Wow...I mean, you look perfect," Jenna's pale hands grasped her own, and the smile Estella wore began to hurt.

"There you go again! You see Estella and forget about your own niece! Are you my Aunt or hers?" Elena narrowed her eyes in mock anger, arms crossed in front of her chest.

Estella's lips parted in awe as she took the sight of Elena in. She was dressed in a yellow dress, that had the same level of puffiness as hers, the divided skirt falling elegantly down to her ankles, with a green cloth tied around her waist, the ends of her fluttering in her breeze with each movement she made. Elena's hair was curled, tresses falling like a waterfall on either side of her face, with a small red rose clipped at the side of her head.

𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 : 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now