𝟐𝟖 ════𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞

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"Behold, a prophecy whispers low,
In shadows ancient, where tales unfold.
Woven by tongues of yore, a sacred scroll,
A beast must fall, as voices decree, bold.

A monster amidst men, they proclaim,
Slay it with courage, reclaim the realm's fame.
In ruby hues, the prophecy bleeds,
A sanguined path, where destiny leads.

A hero's quest, a task divine,
To vanquish the darkness, to make the light shine.
With blade aflame and heart afire,
She'll seek the beast, quell its ire.

Through treacherous lands, she'll battle her way,
Guided by whispers and shadows' play.
The beast awaits, its power immense,
A formidable foe, a relentless presence.

Yet hope flickers, like stars in the night,
Whispers of courage, making shadows take flight.
The prophecy echoes, a beacon of fate,
As she rises, to seals the beast's fate.

In crimson triumph, will the be monster slain?
Will the prophecy fulfilled? and its promise be sustained?

Estella discovered herself strolling on a verdant expanse. Golden rays of sunlight bathed the surroundings, while delicate butterflies danced in the air, evoking a sense of tranquillity in the brunette's countenance. Lush bushes adorned with pops of red, showcasing blooming delicate roses in all their splendour - added to the picturesque beauty of the scene.

As she walked further, the ground beneath her became as soft as feathers. In the distance, a young man with brown hair caught her eye, appearing to be of a similar age. Upon noticing her, he radiated with joy like the brightness of a thousand suns. The brunette couldn't help but smile, feeling her cheeks warm at his gaze. His hazel eyes held a pure and intense emotion, resembling that of love and adoration towards her.

Her smile only grew, showing him her pearly whites.

"Aurelia, you are a divine beauty,"

Estella felt herself blush enough more, trapping her bottom lip between her teeth as a breeze ruffled through her long curly hair. The fawn-headed boy stepped closer to her and with a gentle touch, pulled her lip, parting them.

She could feel every inch of her body ignite and butterflies appeared in her stomach. The brunette shyly glanced down her toes before he placed a hand under her chin and pushed her chin upwards to make eye contact. The pure adoration in his eyes took her breath away.

She could count every one of his long lashes that sparkled under the sun, feel him gently breathing in and out, and she wondered if he could feel her heart pounding heavily in her chest. Just when she had parted her lips to speak, a pair of lips connected to her own.

The kiss was unlike anything she had ever felt. His lips moved against her with the gentleness of a feather, and she could feel herself melt into the kisses, her hands immediately going around his neck while he encircled her waist tenderly.

Slowly he pulled away from her and stared at her. Kisses started from her cheek and slowly made their way down her neck making the brunette sigh in bliss.

Suddenly, the sensation of something sharp like two needles being jammed in her jugular made Estella open her eyes, and a thick liquid trailed down her neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 : 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now