Chapter.1 Mimikyu vs Birds

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Above Route 10 slowly floating down via makeshift parachute, and talking out loud to herself.

@~You know, things weren't so bad this week. Sure we got attacked by like six different types of pokemon in the span of two days, and I barely helped cause I was afraid of someone seeing me under my cloak, but it could have been worse. ~@ 

@~They could have been the same pokemon that chased me off Ula'ula island in the first place. Those guys make the Tsareena that Alex fought, look weak by comparison. I hope we don't run into them until we get stronger.~@ 

^<. Hey! Fake Pikachu! What are you doing up here muttering to yourself?.<^ Oh thank Arceus, it's just a Fearow. 

Fearows are huge light brown bird pokemon with skinny, almost bony necks. The red spiky crest on their heads are just for show as are their fierce eyes. The real threat is in those sharp crooked beaks they use to eat bug, and fish pokemon.

Thankfully I'm neither. @~ Oh not much, just floating down, got knocked into the air by a huge gust of wind.~@

Like I'd tell her that a Gyarados used twister to to put me up here. She would never believe that a Mimikyu was out at sea. Let alone one that was dumb enough to anger a Gyarados. I wasn't even the one that he was mad at.

Fearow raises a metaphorical brow. ^<.Well just be careful next time, that storm from before nearly took out our nest, and we've all been a bit...on edge lately. Especially the Skarmory..<^

@~I will, I chirped. (No pun intended.) I'm going to land in that tree down there, if that's ok, and then climb down.~@ I stated.

I get close to a tree, and decide to land on a branch, and wrap my lower half around it so no one below sees underneath. I got real lucky this time considering that I was floating down in broad daylight, and no body looked up at me. 

The fearow flew down to check up on me, rather then flew up. I seemed to be in the clear, until a Pancham who was on the same branch as me, took notice. 

This one didn't have a leaf in it's mouth strangely enough. Must have done something pretty stupid recently.

p^^ Huh? Where did you come from?^^p @~I fell down some air.~@ I deadpanned. Thankfully the black, and white fuzzy pokemon seemed to accept this without question, and then gestured towards my right hand.

p^^That's a lot of leaves you got there, can I have one?^^p Huh? @~Where did you get that ideeaahhh! The purse! Alex's leaf woven purse is in my right hand. How did I not notice? ~@

 I look inside to see that it's empty. That explains it. Without the leaf woven sleeping bags, and the berries inside, the bag weighed next to nothing. Aaahh, it even still has the eviolite still sewn in to act as a button to close the purse with. Alex is so going to kill me, if she doesn't get killed first.

@~ Uhhh, look kid.~@ Pancham stamps his feet, shaking the branch we're on. p^^ I'm NOT a kid! I'm over 7 cycles old, I'll have you know.^^p

@~Ok fair point, not sure why you haven't evolved yet if that's the case, but I need to give this leaf thing back to my friend. We got separated by the...storm. Yeah, that scary storm, and I need to find them since they got lost.~@

Pancham instead of letting the subject go, instead smirks, puffs up his chest, and grabs my fake shoulder with a knowing look.

p^^ Don't worry yellow guy, I'll help you find your friends. I wasn't afraid of the big scary storm, and neither should you have been. Let's go get your friends back.^^p

There is so many things wrong with what you said. That storm nearly drowned me at sea after those guys pushed me into the ocean, and second. 

@~ I'm a girl, and I guess I could use a little help. How about you go that way, and I go this way. We'll cover more ground.~@ Strangely enough, Pancham got a huge grin, and actually jumped off the branch towards the east. I can't believe that worked.

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