Chapter. 6 Ultra Bee

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/Guzma if this is another of your tricks...\ O- What do you take me for princess? I would never use the same strategy twice if it fails the first time.

Besides, you should already know that we don't have the resources after what that punk did to me, and my crew. Speaking of which, I noticed you didn't bring that weird Mimikyu with you this time.-U

/I didn't want Mimikyu to escalate the situation, since I figured you would try to bait me into fighting you, and I was right, but now the situation is changed.  I got to act fast, now are you going to help or not?\   

A bead of sweat drips past Guzma's forehead, as he scratches his neck. O- Well I'm not doing it for you. I just think my team doesn't need the extra headache of having to worry about an Ultra beast.-U

Crap! What is that thing even saying, it's getting flying closer. /I\ Krhiher reeiihh rihherriii? /I\ 

It's turning it's head to the side? Why is it circling me now? Hey, watch where your grabbing me. What do you even want? /I\ Hrrreeehhh!/I\ Well that made it mad. It's flying up now. Wha...where you pointing that needle?

'" Hang in there Alex, I'm almost there!"' Ribrieen!? Is that you? Help me, I can't move. This thing has me glued somehow to the walkway. 

'" I'll take it from here. Weird Alien, how about you stay awhile and listen to my Bug Buzz. I heard it's quite popular this season."' The air around Ribreen vibrated in a green light that moved towards us at breakneck speed.

As the sound reached us, it caused the purple bug dragon to hold it's ears, wherever they are, but not before it shot more pink sludge at me. I dodged my head to the left, but some of it still got on my leaf hair, and onto my nose.

Wait...I don't have a nose. Not once on my journey have I been able to smell a thing. One of the curses of having a flat face I guess. I better not touch my...too late. My hand is stuck to my non nose. Nooooooooooooooooose!

'"Sorry Alex! You'll pay for gluing my friend you purple alien!"' <<@ Ribrieen, get down, you too Alex!@>>  Baile!? we both asked.

<<@ It took some convincing, but we cannot let our food supply dwindle any further. Ribrieen's Bug buzz was but the opening act. Now me, and the other Oricorio will put on the main performance.  It's the moment you've all been waiting for.@>>

Wait where did all these pokemon come from? This meadow was practically empty when we both got here. '" It seems that...the pokemon were too scared, or nervous to come out before.

Was it because they were worried about the purple alien's return? Could it be something else?"' Ribreen looks towards Alex.

Wow, there are so many Oricorio, as well as Ledian, more Ribombees, some cotton looking pokemon, and weird extra leafy grass type pokemon here too. Even Spinarak, and some Ariados are here as well.

I've never seen so many faces of pokemon, both old, and new in one area. I wave to them with my one good hand. Wait a remember something.

Baaaaiiile! Can you ask the Ledian to use Barrier, Lightscreen, and Safe Guard? <<@ Huh! Heh, that's not a bad idea. I just hope one of them remembers still remembers it. These are strong Ledian, and as such probably forgot most if not all those moves.@>>

'" That's not..."' The creature shrieks, and uses dragon pulse in the direction of Baile. '"Look Out!"' 

It looks like it's patience has run out. It's flying towards Baile now. '"Noooo, I have to help her."'<<@Stay down sweety. We got this. The Revelation Dance is about to begin. Wait to find your opening, don't just charge in.

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