Chapter.28 Whatever it Takes

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<< he dead? >> Fo looks down, and focuses on the spot that Togedemaru landed. : Nnno, I made sure he at least landed in the grass. 

He stinks of human interaction. Probably abandoned by a trainer in the past. Never a good combination.

His steel typing combined with that Healing Wish move, or whatever it's called should keep him alive though. I just couldn't stand his attitude. It sounded like Mimikyu has a secret that Togedemaru just couldn't mind his own business about. :

Fo says that while looking down at Toucannon. << I...I'm sorry...I didn't know. I'm not sure I understand it either to be honest. >>

: I'll tell you soon, as for him, whatever he decides to do now, isn't my problem anymore.: Toucannon narrows his eyes. << What do we do now? You still want to fly over THAT area? >>

: It will take too long to fly around. I have an idea though to distract myself. We'll be taking the Mimikyu with us. : Toucannon's beak drops. << Whaa? >>

p^^ Wow Herdier, you look...bigger. ^^p ,, Call me Stoutland Pancham. We need to help Crabrawler, and Corsola replenish their health.

>O< It's times like this when I wish I knew the move Recover like my dad had. >O<

@~ Sigh, I've been saving a revival herb I found at a human made burial ground for pokemon, but I only have one. ~@ ,, Please don't. Crabrawler just needs a good rest, and he'll be fine. We are no longer in danger, and that herb may help in dire straits.,,

p^^ Pfff, you just know it taste bad. I can smell that horrid thing from here. I would have to be knocked unconscious before I'd let you put that foul plant anywhere near my mouth. Trust me, I stuck enough leaves in my mouth to know. ^^p

,, We have company. (This smell...why do I smell them? It's like the scent is masked, but still there. Are they hiding nearby?) ,,

Without a sound, Decidueye decends from the sky. @~ I'm glad you're ok, thank you so much for helping us.~@ Decidueye lowers his head to insure the shadows cover his face.

<<: I noticed that you have trouble keeping up with the other pokemon. I can take you to your missing friends. When I was flying up, I spotted them earlier heading towards the human city. :>>

Mimikyu's face sinks. @~ Oh.. that's not good... They won't last a day in there. Please take me with you, I need to help them! ~@

An invisible sinister smile lines his face. <<: Well then...hold on tight. :>> ,, Wait...the smell is coming from you? Mimikyu wait don't go, it's a...trick... ,, They flew off.

,, Corsola, tend to Crabrawler till he recovers. Pancham, get on my back, now! ,, Pancham meekly nods

Malie City:

X&% What the heck was that!? %&X  ^*& Aaaaaahhhhh! My Poliwhirrrrl! &*^ Hey, calm down, he's still alive. ( I think... Sure am glad I landed on such a squishy water pokemon.)

If I had a pok'e dollar for every time I landed on a fat water type pokemon I'd have 2 Pok'e, which is weird cause this is the second time in a week.

X&% Hey are you ok? How did you fall through the roof? %&X Whoops, forgot I'm still in...uhhh where am I exactly?

I look around to see I'm in some kind of small restaurant that sells pastries of some kind. They almost look like donuts in some ways. They smell pretty good too.

 I wish I could stay to grab a bite, but one of the girls that looks identical to the other one by the cash register is giving me a concerned look. Not wanting to repeat mistakes, I bow my head, and rush to leave, but she then grabs my arm.

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