Chapter.2 Reflections

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Riiiing....riiing....riiing.! \^/ I'm coming, hold your Mudsdales.\^/ Click. \^/ Hello?\^/ [-- Hey Soffy, can I get a moment? I have something to show you.--]

\^/ Sure Big Mo, I have some time before the next Trial starts. I was just feeding Charjabug. What's the emergency this time.\^/ [--Well I wouldn't call this an emergency little cuz, but the Clefairy were acting weirder then usual today. Not to mention what's happening on Route 10.--]

\^/ Fine, let me look out the window real quick. Your not exactly one for pranks, but you better not be overreacting to this.\^/ Hmmm...I don't see any Clef...Is that?

[--Do you see it now? What do you think they're making this time?--] \^/ Well, from the materials their using, it's not going to be dangerous, just let them do their thing for now Mo, and you just make some observations alright?\^/

[--Can do Soffy, but what about the anomaly floating down to Route 10?--] \^/ The What!?\^/

*Pow* Bap* *Pah* Ouch! Ow! Stop it! '" Yeah, you tell him. He can't keep punching us around."' Take my boot to your Face! Ha! *Stomp*&"& Gyaaahh! &"&'" Ooooo, that looked like it hurt."' Haaaa! *stomp* &"& I...surren...&"&

'" Uhhh, grass lady, you can stop now."'HAAAAaaaa! *Stomp* &"& Crabrawler.exe has stopped working...&"&  HAAAAAAA!!! '" That is enough! Can't you see he's already knocked ouuut."'

Suddenly all the tension just left me. I looked down to see a black, purple ,and blue crab like pokemon passed out in a pile of berries, and foaming at the mouth. Thankfully it doesn't look like I killed him. He's still breathing, but how far was I willing to go?

What had this journey done to me. Fighting day in, and day out, just to stay alive. Can me, Sid, and Mimikyu ever get peace for once? I just got here, and I'm sniff, alweady falling apar ick, ih, ih...

'" Hey now, it's ok, he's still alive. You just got into a bit of survivor mode. Happens to a lot of pokemon with few power points left. They get desperate, they try to end the threat as quickly as possible. It's not your fault."' Everything is my fault weird little Beedril, Everything that got us to this island was basically my idea. I wanted to leave the jungle to find my real home. 

If it wasn't for me...none of this wouldn't have happened... I wipe a bit of wetness from my eye, and turn to face the weird yellow pokemon giving me an offended look.

'" So what I'm hearing is that you got separated from your friends, and need my help to save the day. You are in luck then. This RIBOMBEE knows every inch of this island."'

Alright, fine, I get it, sniff...your a Ribombee, not a Beedril. Maybe I do need some help in not getting lost, but don't think I'm going to let you take the lead.  I'm not a pushover, I...just been through alot in the past eleven days, or was it twelve?

'" We should probably get you something to eat first, and a place to hide while we're at it. This berry tree is too close to that pokemon center right over there."'

I look to where she's gesturing, and sure enough a white circular building with a red roof that probably looks like a pokeball from above. Just a few meters away from where we are.

'" I know right, yikes. It's written all over your face how much danger you were really in. Hahahaha. You thought the Crabrawler was going end you...ahahahaha"' 

Hey, those punches really hurt, I protested as I sat down to eat. *Crunch* I'm already feeling faint enough as it is. My head has been aching since I got here, I'll have you know. One more hit, and I probably would have collapsed. *Munch* '" Not at the rate your going at those berries you little glutton. I thought grass types didn't even need to eat anyway."'

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