Chapter 27. Bird of Destiny

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,, This smell...Why does it smell familiar? Corsola are you still able to fight? ,, 

>O<, but I was able to set a Lucky..cough...chant...go get >O< Herdier looks on at the scene. ,,Things have really gotten out of hand.,,

<<: Oh no you don't! I have places to be after this. I won't go down so easily after coming so close. I'll be taking your Boss now. :>> (o''o) Put me down you worthless specter. I plead my Wish. (o''o)

Decidueye flies higher, and higher into the air with Togedemaru held loosely in his claws, ready to fall at any moment. :{ Boss! You put too many berries in my arms! I can't use my moves like this! }:

Herdier this whole time has been using Work Up to boost his power even further. @~ Herdier, you're going to draw too much attention. ~@

Pancham, perhaps realizing the same thing, gets up, and does one of the dumbest things I ever seen him do.

p^^ What's a matter big guy, can't handle little all me instead. Come on, show me what your made of. ^^p

Pancham with as much strength, and defiance as he can muster, uses Taunt to goad Pangoro into charging him instead. :{ Tch, you little punk, I can still stomp on you till the Boss falls so I can catch him. Wait, what the? Aaaahhh... }: *boomf* 

@~ I did it...I tripped him while he was distracted. My arm hurts from tripping a pokemon that is many times heavier than me, but it was all the time we needed. ~@

p^^ You're welcome by the way. ^^p @~ Shut up, and eat your cheri Berry before he picks himself back up. He's really mad now. ~@

With Pangoro's arms now free, he picks himself back up, but he looks unsure of himself when he sees 3 of us fully healthy, and standing defiant against him. Or should I say 7?

The biggest problem I had with him was his Mold Breaker ability in the past. His Bullet Punch which is even faster than my Shadow Sneak, shreds through me very easily, but the main reason I could never beat him, was the fact that I never learned Play Rough.

I'm just not strong enough yet. So I do the thing I've been doing when ever the paralysis didn't stop me. I've been building up my evasion with Double Team.

:{ Doesn't matter how many Mimikyuus there are, I'll beat them all! Bullet Punch, Bullet Punch, Bullet Punch! }:

One of the punches connect with Herdier, and Pancham, but since Bullet Punch isn't as effective on them, they hold on. @~ You guys ok? ~@ p^^ Hey I'm just glad he's focused on you more than us. Gives me a chance to shine. ^^p

Pancham gives a thumbs up with a grin. He then leaps into the air, and uses Reversal on Pangoro, who grunts, but then shakes Pancham off.

He only seems to be getting madder now. Herdier looks to have finished stacking Work Ups at least. ,, My body is ready! Time for Retaliation! This is for Corsola, and Crabrawler. ,,

Anger gives way to panic, as Pangoro realized his Mistake. He had ample time to take out Pancham, and Herdier, but he was too focused on me. :{ Hey wait a second, I didn't even take any of your friends out yet, you can't just do this to meeeeaaaaahhhhhh! }:

,, I just did.,, Pangoro is knocked back wards, and I use Surf to carry him down hill till he washes off the cliff.

p^^ We did it Herdier. ^^p I look up towards the sky as I see Decidueye almost out of view now. @~ Go get him Decidueye. Show him the true terror of Ghost Pokemon everywhere. ~@

,, Oh right I just remembered something, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!,, Herdier is evolving.

In the Air above Route 12:

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