➀︎Chapter One➀︎

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"I should kill myself."

Saiki said aloud as he lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. 'But I never would no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't do that to my parents.' Saiki added on in his head. He sat up and looked over to his alarm clock on his bedside table. It was 5:30 AM, an hour left before he had to get ready for school. Saiki pulled an all nighter, and has been for the last two days, he was exhausted, but just drank coffee and ate coffee jelly to keep himself up. He didn't see a point in sleeping, he hoped that he would get side effects that could lead to death.

Now why would Saiki want to kill himself? Simple, he wanted to be a normal person, but couldn't due to his powers. He didn't want to hear everyone's thoughts and get in their business, he didn't want to have dreams predicting what would happen and him having to stop it. He wanted to be normal.

Saiki stood up from his bed and went to his bathroom, looking in the mirror. His hair was a wreck, he had dried tear stains on his cheeks, his eyes were bloodshot, and he had deep bags under them. Yes, Saiki cried, it seemed to be the only thing he could do. He wasn't completely emotionless, he just only experienced sadness and depression, nothing else.

Saiki sighed quietly, and then looked down to his wrists. His scars were almost gone, he didn't like that.

Saiki chuckled sadly to himself and then opened the drawer under the sink, exposing the millions of razor blades he had in there. He wanted to feel, he wanted pain, he wanted emotion. Saiki picked up a razor and put it to his wrist.


"Ku! It's time for breakfast!" Saiki's mom yelled from downstairs. Saiki walked down, hair combed, un-noticeable makeup on to cover his bags, and all dressed in his school uniform. His parents didn't know about his depression, and he wanted to keep it that way.

Saiki sat down at the dining room table and his mother handed him some oatmeal. "Eat up!" His mother said. Saiki picked up a spoonful of oatmeal and was about to put it in his mouth, until he heard his father. "KUSUO, TELEPORT ME TO WORK PLEASE!" Saiki rolled his eyes, and just did as he was told, not wanting to deal with his father's nonsense today.

Saiki just ate his oatmeal in peace as his mother hummed a tune while cleaning the kitchen. He took his time eating, he didn't have to leave for school for another thirty minutes.


Saiki walked up to the school gates and looked around, making sure no nuisances were around. There didn't seem to be any in sight, so he continued walking into the school.

"Hey, Saiki!!" Saiki heard from behind him, he quietly groaned and then turned around to see Toritsuka running towards him. 'What do you want.' Saiki asked telepathically in Toritsuka's mind. "Come on, you can speak aloud to me!" "Fine. What do you want?" Saiki said. "Well I was wondering if you could help me!" Toritsuka said. "With what, girls? No." Saiki replied. "Awe come on! Can't you just tell me what a few girls think about me??" "I'm not doing that." "Please??" "I said no, now leave me alone." Saiki was very annoyed by the pervert, and sped walked away from him.

"Wait, Saiki!-" Toritsuka then grabbed Saiki's wrist tightly, Saiki hissed and yanked his arm away from Toritsuka. "Don't touch me." Saiki growled. "Woah, sorry!" Toritsuka apologized. "Whatever, I'm going to class." Saiki mumbled, walking away.

'Why did he hiss when I grabbed his wrist? I didn't grab it too hard...' Toritsuka thought. 'Mind your business.' Saiki answered. Toritsuka just stood there, watching Saiki walk away while holding onto his wrist.


Saiki was in the bathroom staring at his bloody bandages on both of his wrists. 'Jesus, I look like Kaidou with these' Saiki stared at his wrists a bit longer and then looked up at himself in the bathroom mirror. 'I'm a fucking freak.' He thought. Saiki shook his head quickly and then turned around to go into a bathroom stall. He unwrapped his bandages and threw them in the toilet, flushing them.

Saiki's fresh scars stung from the open air. "Not deep enough." Saiki whispered. He put his hand in his pocket, and pulled out a clean razor blade. "I need even more pain."

Saiki was so focused on the razor, that he didn't hear the thoughts of nearby people.


"Hey I'll be right back, I gotta piss." Toritsuka said to Airua. "Well hurry up, I'm starving." She replied. Toritsuka silently moved his mouth up and down, mocking Aiura.

Toritsuka slammed open the bathroom door, and then heard a small piece of metal clatter on the floor. "Huh?"

Toritsuka looked around and saw something shiny on the floor, he walked over to it, the bathroom door closing behind him.

Toritsuka crouched down and looked at the shiny thing, it was a razor blade...covered in blood. Toritsuka's eyes widened and he looked at the stall it came from. "Hello?..." He quietly asked. Nothing was said back to him.

Meanwhile, a terrified Saiki was crouching on top of the toilet, hiding. He held his bloody hands to his mouth trying to stay as quiet as he could be. 'Stupid Toritsuka, just piss and leave already.' Saiki thought. He would teleport out of there, but he didn't wanna leave without his razor blade. He wanted to have it on him at all times.

"Hey, I know someone's in there, are you okay?" Toritsuka said from outside the stall. He prayed that whoever was in there was alright. Saiki remained silent. "I'm gonna go get a teacher if you don't come out." 'Fucking hell.' Saiki didn't want a teacher to see him like this and let his parents know. He had no choice, he had to open the stall door.


Toritsuka grabbed the bloody razor blade and was about to go get a teacher, until he heard the stall door lock rattle. He anxiously waited to see who was in there. 'Please be okay.' He thought. Then the door opened, and Toritsuka was frozen still seeing who stood there.


If you or someone you know have been having suicidal thoughts, please call 1-800-273-8255. You are not alone and it will get better. Please be safe and take care of yourself.

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