②︎⑤︎Chapter Twenty-Five②︎⑤︎

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He kissed her.


Saiki couldn't believe it, his boyfriend; the man he LOVED had kissed another person in secret. Saiki's eyes shook in pure shock as he watched how much Toritsuka seemed to enjoy the kiss.

Something was going on inside of Saiki, it felt like he was breaking down, about to power off as if he was a machine. Saiki gazed down at himself and saw what was happening on the outside. His cheeks were suddenly soaked wet with tears, and he was shaking like a leaf. This wasn't like Saiki, he only ever showed emotions like this months ago when everything was at rock bottom.

Saiki's fright soon changed to rage when he suddenly wanted to kill Toritsuka, but like whenever he felt like that, he couldn't do it. He loves Toritsuka, but did Toritsuka ever love Saiki? Was Saiki a fool all along, and Toritsuka had only agreed to dating him because he felt pity? Was Toritsuka really just a straight man, who felt forced to date Saiki?

Saiki felt like blaming himself, but he knew he couldn't have made Toritsuka agree to date him all those months ago. Toritsuka must've only started dating him as a joke, but what about all those moments they shared? Their official first date, introducing Toritsuka to Saiki's parents, thanksgiving, the first time they had sex? Those couldn't have meant nothing to Toritsuka.

Toritsuka most certainly did love Saiki, but not anymore it appeared. He fell out of love, and didn't want to break the news to Saiki.

Saiki wasn't his 'darling' anymore, was he? God how Saiki wished that this was all a bad dream and that he would wake up in Toritsuka's arms, him calling Saiki 'darling'. He probably wouldn't have that anymore.

Saiki soon snapped out of it, and made sure no one saw him as he teleported home, into his room.


"Oh my, certainly an interesting reaction Kusuo gave!" Kusuke wrote down notes onto a clipboard, talking to himself. Toritsuka was behind him, his eyes widened, tears falling onto the cold metal floor. He saw Saiki in the corner of the robots eye, shaking and sobbing. Saiki looked so heartbroken, he'd never looked like it before, and it broke Toritsuka. Toritsuka felt as though he actually did kiss that girl, even though she had just kissed a big chunk of metal. He felt guilty that he couldn't stop it, and all he could do was watch as Saiki's heart was shattered.

"...What...have you done...?" Toritsuka huffed out. Kusuke turned around and tilted his head. "Hm? I partially completed my test." Toritsuka glared at Kusuke, anger filling his body.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT KUSUO WILL DO TO HIMSELF?!?-" Toritsuka shouted, trying to strangle Kusuke, but being held back by rope. "He'll get over it once I tell him the truth." Kusuke mumbled, going back to writing down notes.

Toritsuka eventually got tired and gave up at trying to kill Kusuke, falling down to the hard floor with a loud sigh. Kusuke snickered to himself, the corner of his eye looking at the purple haired teen. "Relax. I'll have you check on Kusuo soon, so you can let me know how he reacted once he left our sight." Toritsuka snapped his neck up towards Kusuke and snarled, "Sure, I'll let you know what damage you made your little brother do to himself." Kusuke turned around and bit the end of his pencil that he was writing notes with, shaking his head. "You're pretty sassy when you're angry."


Saiki leaned over his bathroom sink, now feeling furious at himself. He gripped the sides of his sink so hard, that it started cracking. 'He thinks I'm a freak, reading his mind all the time. That's why Reita fell out of love.' Saiki laughed to himself, his eyes puffy from crying, tears still falling out of them and splatting down into the sink. His heart felt like it was broken into millions of pieces and they were resting at the bottom of his gut. Saiki wiped his tears away aggressively, chuckling quietly.

The chuckling got louder and louder, and Saiki was now having a laugh attack. As he chortled hysterically, he fell down to the bathroom floor; tears pouring out of his eyes once more. Saiki sat on his knees, facing the now wet tiles below him.

This feeling was worse than Saiki's previous depression, it was unbearable to experience. Saiki continued laughing as he reached up for the drawer on the right underneath his bathroom sink. His hand fumbled while grabbing a razor blade, stained with blood from so long ago.

Saiki brought the blade down to him and looked at it, a horrific smile growing across his face. 'Who needs love...when I have pain?' Saiki told himself, immediately slicing the blade as he deep as he could into his left wrist.

Saiki cried out in pain, it's been so long since his wrists were abused by a razor blade. He squinted his eyes closed, not wanting to see the gruesome sight he had created.

'More.' Saiki sliced again, with a cry following after. "More!" Saiki yelled to himself. He cut his wrist repeatedly, not bothering to look or stop.

Saiki continued hurting himself for too long that night.

Sorry that this chapter is shorter than usual, I like to end on good cliffhangers. I think one more chapter after this is good enough to end the book with!

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