②︎④︎Chapter Twenty-Four②︎④︎

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"...That sounds good."


Three months since the camping trip, Toritsuka's leg is now healed; having been broken from being stupid...as Saiki keeps saying.

Toritsuka lay on his bed, texting his hot pink haired boyfriend.

'Nuisance': "Hey darling! :)"
'Cute-suo': "Hi Reita, is your leg doing okay now?"
'Nuisance': "Yep, much better, I just have to have a doctor check on it in a month. 🙃"
'Cute-suo': "Well it's good that it's better now."
'Cute-suo': "I'm heading to bed, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."
'Nuisance': "Bye sweetieee, I love youuuu!!!"
'Cute-suo': "Good grief, don't call me sweetie...but I love you too, Reita."
'Nuisance': "❤️"

Toritsuka chuckled at his phone as he turned it off and put it next to him on his bedside dresser. He pulled off his headband and threw it on his bedroom floor, falling down onto his bed soon after. 'I love that boy so much.' He thought to himself, acting like a young middle schooler with a huge crush.

Toritsuka closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep, even though he wasn't tired. The last thing Toritsuka imagined in his head was Saiki, before everything went pitch black, and he fell deep into his dreams.


Toritsuka slowly peeped his eyes open, waking up. When his eyes were widened, he couldn't see anything, just darkness, which was weird because usually he had a window shining moonlight into his room.

Toritsuka realized he was sitting up already, strange. He tried to stretch, but his arms were kept in place by something wrapped around them.

'...I'm not in my room...aren't I?' Toritsuka questioned his brain tiredly. He could tell that the room he was in was colder than his bedroom, and he felt a round wall against his back, most likely a pillar. 'Did Kusuo do some kinky shit while I was asleep?'

Suddenly, Toritsuka's eyes were blinded by the rooms lights turning on, looking as bright as the sun. Toritsuka squinted, letting his eyes get used to the light, before he looked around himself.

Toritsuka was in a full-on metal room. It was large and had nothing, but a few technologic and robotic equipment in a big box, set in the corner of the room. Toritsuka tried to see if he could spot Saiki anywhere, hoping he was just doing some crazy sexual fantasy; and then a voice echoed.

"Good morning, Reita." Bellowed through the room. It was said by a Saiki...but not Toritsuka's.

Footsteps made tapping sounds on the metal floor, getting closer to Toritsuka. He looked up, seeing who his captor was.

Kusuke loomed over the tied up Toritsuka, grinning widely, hands resting behind his back. Toritsuka stared at his boyfriend's elder brother, a confused expression forming on his own face. "...Hi?-" He responded. A sweat drop fell off the side of Toritsuka's head. "You...you're not gonna do some kinky stuff to me, are you?- Because I'm not into cheating on significant others with their siblings." Kusuke awkwardly laughed. "Dear god, no. I'm not into your type anyways, though obviously my little brother is."

Kusuke walked away, going into the big box of technologic stuff, looking for something. Toritsuka tilted his head. "So uhm...then why am I here?" He questioned. Kusuke ignored him, occupied with looking for the unknown thing. "Ah. There it is." Kusuke murmured to himself. He grabbed onto something, and pulled it out of the box.

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