⑪︎Chapter Eleven⑪︎

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'So warm...'


It was Sunday. Saiki had spent the whole weekend at Toritsuka's, pretty much just sleeping. He was feeling much better now.

Now that Saiki was feeling better he decided he wanted to take a step in his relationship with Toritsuka.

"Reita." Saiki said. "Yeah?" Toritsuka looked up from his phone and looked over to Saiki who was standing in the middle of his room. "I would like to introduce you to my parents...as my boyfriend." Saiki explained. Toritsuka raised both of his eyebrows and smiled. "Really? Will they accept us?" Toritsuka asked. Saiki sighed. "Of course, they'll just accept us too much." Toritsuka laughed. "Well then, I'd enjoy being introduced to them..." Toritsuka blushed a little, feeling happy.


Toritsuka and Saiki made it to outside his house, and they stopped to chat for a bit. "Okay, when we go in, my mom is gonna go crazy asking who you are, just don't say anything." Saiki explained to Toritsuka. "Oh, okay." Saiki then opened his front door.

"Ku-Chan? Is that you?" Saiki's mother called from another room. "Yes, mom." Saiki responded. Saiki and Toritsuka both walked into the house and Saiki closed the door. "How was your friend's?-" Saiki's mother walked over to Saiki and was shocked to see a new face with him. "Well hello there! Who are you? Are you another friend of my son's?" She kindly asked, a little excited. "This is Reita Toritsuka, I wanna properly introduce him to you and dad in the living room." Saiki said. His mother looked confused, but nodded eagerly and walked into the living room.

"So, do you want me to say anything?-" Toritsuka whispered to Saiki. "No, I'll do the talking, and if they don't respond when I'm done, you can babble about something." Saiki dragged Toritsuka out to his living room.

In the living room was Saiki's dad sitting on the couch watching TV, and his mother telling him to turn it off because there was a guest. Saiki's dad then noticed Toritsuka. "Oh, it's you!" He greeted. Toritsuka waved. Saiki's mother raised an eyebrow. "Have you met this young man before?" She asked. "Yeah, he came over when you were out with some friends and him and Saiki made delicious macaroni and cheese!" Saiki's mom gasped. "So you're the one who made that with my little Ku-Chan, I think it tasted very well!" Toritsuka awkwardly smiled. "Thank you ma'am." Saiki coughed. "Right, anyways."

"Mom, dad, this is Reita Toritsuka, my boyfriend."

Saiki's parents were silent for a bit, until they immediately jumped up and started talking extremely fast over each other. "OH MY GOODNESS! YOU'RE FINALLY IN A RELATIONSHIP?!?" "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! OUR BOY HAS A BOYFRIEND!" "OH, WE SUPPORT YOU SO MUCH, HONEY!!" Toritsuka stood there silently next to Saiki, sweating nervously. Saiki cleared his throat, which made his parents stop. They both huffed and took a few deep breaths.

"Sorry, dear! We're just so happy you finally found love!" Saiki's mom clarified. "Oh, and Reita. I'm so happy you're apart of this family now!" Saiki's mother hugged Toritsuka. He just stood stiff and still, afraid to do anything. Saiki's mom then let go. "How on earth did you manage to fall in love Kusuo?!?" Saiki's father asked, surprised. Saiki looked at Toritsuka and blushed a little. "...He just really cares about me. I guess I liked that." Saiki explained. His parents looked like they were about to cry. "Good grief, you guys are too emotional." Saiki sighed.

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