⑫︎Chapter Twelve⑫︎

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"This turkey is good!"


Toritsuka left Saiki's house after dinner. He thanked his parents for making a good meal and welcoming him into the family, and then he started walking home.

After about an hour, Saiki got a text.

Toritsuka: "Hello darling, just got home now. :)"
Saiki: "And you're telling me this, why?"
Toritsuka: "So you wouldn't have to worry about me! 😊"
Saiki: "Why would I worry about you?"
Toritsuka: "Wow. Harsh. :("
Saiki: "Don't worry, I was just joking."

Saiki and Toritsuka continued texting for a while, and Toritsuka started getting a little flirty.

Toritsuka: "Man, I miss being next to you, feeling your body warmth and taking it in. ):"
Saiki: "If you want to be warm, cover up with a blanket."
Toritsuka: "But I miss your scentttt..."
Saiki: "Why are you smelling me?"
Toritsuka: "Oh my lord, Kusuo, I'm trying to flirt with you, you're making this hard. 😢"
Saiki: "Sorry, I'm not used to flirting."
Toritsuka: "Well you will be eventually. ;)"


Toritsuka: "I keep thinking about your soft hair...I wonder if I could touch it soon...maybe pull it?"
Saiki: "Pull it?"
Toritsuka: "Yeaaaah...I could pull your soft hair and wear it like a glove..."
Saiki: "Okay, are you gonna pull my hair, or pull out my hair?"
Toritsuka: "Just pull. ;))"
Saiki: "You're weird."
Toritsuka: "No, I'm horny."
Saiki: "...Right now?"
Toritsuka: "Mhm."

Saiki stared at his phone screen, he dealt with a horny Toritsuka all the time, but instead of him reading a porn magazine, he was flirting with Saiki, he felt...flustered.

Toritsuka: "Would you be so kind and help me with my horny-ness? :)"
Saiki: "Have a magazine do that for you."
Toritsuka: "Well, I would use a magazine, but recently they haven't been doing it for me. But whenever I think of you...you make me feel tingly. 🤭"
Saiki: "...Tingly?"
Toritsuka: "I'm sure you know what I mean, darlinggg."
Toritsuka: "So what do you say? Wanna help me?"
Saiki: "...Fine. What do I even do?"
Toritsuka: "Let's see...could you send me a normal pic of yourself?"

Saiki hesitated for a bit. 'A picture? What would Reita do with that?' He didn't know, but decided to just quickly take a picture of him doing a peace sign with his normal blank face. He sent it to Toritsuka.

Toritsuka: "Awe, you're so cute."
Saiki: "Yeah yeah, happy?"
Toritsuka: "Mhm. Seeing your face is making me feel VERY happy."
Saiki: "You're a strange one."
Toritsuka: "Hehehe, am I though?"
Saiki: "Yes. Very."

Saiki was about to put his phone down, thinking he did enough for Toritsuka until he got another text from him.

Toritsuka: "Do you think you could maybe...take a few more pictures for me?"
Saiki: "Of what, me?"
Toritsuka: "Yeah, but different."
Saiki: "Whatever, what do you want me to do in them?"
Toritsuka: "How about...teasing me?"
Saiki: "...What."
Toritsuka: "You know...showing your skin to me."

Saiki didn't quite understand Toritsuka, but kinda got the idea. He moved the collar of his shirt to the side, exposing his shoulder, and took a picture of him like that, simply doing another peace sign.

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