⑮︎Chapter Fifteen⑮︎

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Saiki slowly opened his eyes, his room was full of sunlight and warmth, which was surprising because his room was normally pretty cold since it was almost winter now. Then Saiki felt something move next to him, and he now knew what the warmth was, remembering the night before.

Saiki looked over to see a sleeping Toritsuka holding onto him tightly like he was protecting a treasure chest. Saiki turned his head over to his clock, it was 9:00 AM, and Saiki didn't have to worry about being late for school since it was the weekend.

Saiki silently cuddled up into his boyfriend's arms, enjoying the embrace. Which made Toritsuka accidentally wake up.

Toritsuka's eyelids fluttered open as he yawned. Saiki pushed his nose up against Toritsuka's. "Good morning." He said monotonically. Toritsuka smiled. "Morning, I'm glad you're the first thing I see today." Toritsuka tiredly mumbled. Saiki slightly blushed and closed his eyes, pushing his face into Toritsuka's shoulder. Toritsuka just put a hand onto the top of Saiki's head and gently pet his soft and messy hair.

"What do you wanna do today?" Toritsuka asked. "Whatever you want, but nothing sexual." Saiki said, his voice muffled. Toritsuka chuckled, "Why not? I thought you like when we do sexual stuff?" "I'm just not in the mood today, pervert." Saiki replied. Toritsuka slowly sat up, Saiki wrapping his arms around Toritsuka so he could stay cuddling him. Saiki was sitting on Toritsuka's lap, his face hidden in his lover's shoulder, and his blanket slowly falling off of him.

"You're so clingy." Toritsuka laughed. "Well last night was the first time we slept in the same bed, and I liked it because we were cuddling, so I want it to continue." Saiki rambled about. Toritsuka shook his head and smiled.

Just then, Saiki's bedroom door opened. "Ku-Chan! It's time for breakfast!-" Saiki's mother said. She stopped, seeing her son and his boyfriend cuddling together. She covered her mouth and smiled widely. Saiki turned his head to look over at his mom, while still keeping his head in Toritsuka's shoulder.

"Stay just like that! I need to take a picture!" Saiki's mother rushed out to grab a camera. The two teens stayed perfectly still, not caring about having a picture of them taken. Then, Saiki's mom came back into the room, quickly taking a picture with a Polaroid camera. A bright flash made Saiki and Toritsuka squint their eyes.

A picture rolled out of the Polaroid camera, Saiki's mom grabbing it quickly and shaking it, running out the room to go show Saiki's father the cute picture. Saiki rolled his eyes. "Good grief." He murmured.


Toritsuka and Saiki were sitting at the dining room table, eating breakfast that Saiki's mother made, it was just scrambled eggs and toast, a cup of milk next to their plates for each of them. Saiki and Toritsuka had their free hands intertwined with each other underneath the table as they ate.

"What are you two gonna do today? Watch a movie together? Go on a date? Tell me!" Saiki's mother begged from the kitchen. Toritsuka looked at Saiki. "We could go on a date, we haven't had one yet." Toritsuka explained. Saiki's mother gasped loudly. "You haven't gone on a date yet?!? Oh my goodness!! You have to!" Saiki sighed. "Relax mom, and no we haven't gone on a date yet...but I'd like to go on one today." Saiki turned his head towards Toritsuka.

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