②︎③︎Chapter Twenty-Three②︎③︎

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"I told you to slow down."


PK Academy was now done with its camping trip, and everyone returned back to school after a few days. Toritsuka ended up returning looking a bit different though.

"Jesus, using these things suck ass." Toritsuka complained to Saiki as he walked with his crutches. Saiki scoffed, "If you didn't run like you were in a life or death situation, you'd be fine." Toritsuka frowned. "Sorry...but we still got to sleep in the teacher's cabin for the rest of the trip!!" Toritsuka chuckled. "Yeah, but only because you were an idiot."

Saiki walked beside Toritsuka, who kept tripping over himself. Because he was his boyfriend, the school asked if he could help him out, and make sure he got around school okay. Saiki agreed, knowing Toritsuka wouldn't be able to do anything by himself in his condition.

Toritsuka suddenly stumbled and almost fell face first onto the floor, until Saiki caught him. "Good grief, take your time." Saiki scolded. Toritsuka set his crutches upright and rested on them. "But I don't wanna be late for my class!" Saiki sighed. "Fine, if you don't wanna be late, just don't go." Toritsuka tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "You mean skip my class?" "Obviously, dumbass." Saiki started walking a bit ahead of Toritsuka. "Wait, but what if I get caught? I can't really get too far." Toritsuka hopped behind Saiki. "Simple, I'll skip with you and teleport us somewhere before anyone sees." Saiki explained. Toritsuka widened his eyes. "You? Skip?" He questioned. "Listen, I know it's not like me, but I don't wanna have to help you walk around to all of your classes. Plus, I need to get away from the nuisances in my own class for a day." Saiki turned around and looked at Toritsuka as he spoke. Toritsuka hesitated. "Well...I guess skipping would be easier for me." Toritsuka shrugged his shoulders. "Great." Saiki put a hand onto Toritsuka's shoulder and quickly teleported them to the roof of the school.

Saiki walked over to a nearby bench and sat down, patting the spot next to him for Toritsuka to sit. Toritsuka scooted over, dragging his injured leg behind him. He then stopped. "Wait...is this where we had our first kiss?" Saiki looked at Toritsuka and slowly nodded yes. "I thought it would be a nice place to skip." He mumbled while looking away. Toritsuka smiled widely and laughed as he sat down next to his lover, setting his crutches on the ground next to him.

"I remember the day I found out you liked me." Toritsuka chirped. Saiki gazed at Toritsuka and slightly blushed. "...Me too." He rest his chin into the palm of his hand, looking over the roof railing towards the sky. "It feels like it was years ago." Toritsuka laughed. Saiki closed his eyes and let the cool breeze blow against his face. Toritsuka took a deep breath as he stared at Saiki. "I love you, Kusuo." Saiki opened his eyes and looked over to Toritsuka, his chin still in his hand. "I love you too." Saiki replied. Toritsuka grinned and grabbed Saiki's free hand tightly.

"You know, on the day we kissed, I wanted to tell you how cute you looked." Toritsuka murmured. Saiki blushed more and covered his mouth with his hand, hiding his red cheeks. "...Shut up." He said, closing his eyes. Toritsuka leaned in close to Saiki and pulled down his hand. "What if I don't wanna?" He gently smiled. Saiki stared into Toritsuka's eyes. "...You're so annoying." Saiki huffed out before kissing Toritsuka. Toritsuka chuckled into the kiss and put his open hand onto Saiki's cheek to pull him closer, while his other hand still held onto Saiki's hand.

They shared a sweet, soft kiss for a few moments, before pulling away. Toritsuka brushed his thumb across Saiki's cheek, gently caressing it. Saiki closed his eyes and put his free hand up to Toritsuka's. '...Stop.' He telepathically said. Toritsuka tilted his head. "Why? You don't like it?" He asked. 'No, I like it. It's just that I'm reading your mind right now and I know if we continue; you'll want to escalate things.' Toritsuka snorted, slowly pulling his hand off of Saiki's cheek. "Awe, caught red handed." Saiki opened his eyes once more.

"...You know how I haven't hurt myself in a while?" Saiki blurted out. Toritsuka lost his smile and suddenly looked concerned. "Yeah?- You didn't hurt yourself again, did you?!-" Toritsuka got scared. Saiki put a finger up to Toritsuka's lips to stop his talking. "No, I didn't. Don't worry, Reita." Toritsuka sighed a breath of relief. "I just want to make a promise to you, that I'll never do it again." Saiki said. He pulled his finger away as he continued speaking. "Being with you has really made my mental health better, and as long as I'm by your side, I don't wanna hurt myself." Saiki slightly smiled. "So I promise to never hurt myself again." Toritsuka's eyes sparkled.

"...That sounds good."

Hi there! Sorry this chapter is so short, I didn't really know what to write besides some fluffy things. Also in the next chapter, Toritsuka's leg will be healed because it'll be a time skip. Okay, bye!

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