⑬︎Chapter Thirteen⑬︎

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"...Did I do good?" Saiki monotonically asked. Toritsuka laughed, tired. "Yeah, you did good."


The next day at School, Saiki was sitting at his desk in class, his chin resting on his palm, he was deep in thought.

'Goddamn, yesterday night felt so good.' He was remembering his first time jerking off, while on call with Toritsuka. He loved how it felt, and when he finally came, so much weight left his shoulders. Saiki wanted to feel it again, he still felt like he had more to get out.

'Reita.' Saiki spoke into Toritsuka's mind from the other classroom. 'Yeah?' Toritsuka responded. 'Meet me in the bathroom.' 'Why? Am I in trouble?' Toritsuka jokingly said. 'No, just please meet me in there.' 'Alright, alright. I'll be there in a few minutes.' 'Good.'

Saiki raised his hand to ask the teacher if he could use the bathroom, and once he left the room, he booked it to the closest bathroom.


Toritsuka finally made it to the bathroom. 'I'm in the closed stall.' Saiki told Toritsuka. Toritsuka walked over to the only closed stall and pushed open the door. Saiki quickly pulled Toritsuka into the stall and locked the door. "What's up?-" Toritsuka was cut off by Saiki pushing him down onto the toilet, and him climbing onto his lap. Saiki was being bold, but he was actually really nervous, though of course, his blank face showed none of that.

"...I want us to jerk each other off." Saiki requested.

Toritsuka widened his eyes and blushed hard. "Wha- huh?-" He was majorly confused and couldn't even speak a sentence. Saiki didn't say anything and just gazed to the side anxiously. Toritsuka nervously chuckled. "Did you?- Did you like what happened yesterday?-" Saiki nodded. Toritsuka's face relaxed and he then smirked. "Well, I'd love to do that." Saiki looked at Toritsuka and his eyes lit up.

Toritsuka put his hand on Saiki's chin and pulled his face close to his own. Saiki was breathing heavily, he wanted to kiss Toritsuka badly. Toritsuka looked Saiki up and down. "...You seem so...desperate." Toritsuka's thumb tugged Saiki's bottom lip down. "I like it." "Good grief, just shut up and kiss me already." Saiki then grabbed Toritsuka by his necklace and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

Saiki starting grinding his hips up against Toritsuka, this was a new side of Saiki to the other, but he wasn't going to complain.

Toritsuka slid his hand that was holding onto Saiki's chin, down to above his collarbone, starting to unbutton his shirt. Saiki let him do so, helping Toritsuka with the buttons he struggled on, and pulling off his uniform's tie. Their kissing started getting more sloppy, spit was leaking out of the side of their mouths, dripping down onto themselves. They didn't pull away for air, so they just panted into each other's mouths, their faces getting hot, and Saiki's glasses steaming up.

Saiki's shirt was now fully unbuttoned, his chest exposed as his shirt and tie rested on his shoulders. Toritsuka moved his hand down to the middle of his chest, caressing each crevice he came across. Saiki loved being touched by Toritsuka, he moved his hands onto Toritsuka's shoulders, holding on tightly.

Saiki was the first to pull away from the deep kiss, a string of saliva connecting from his lips to Toritsuka's. They both now had boners hidden under cloth, resting next to each other. Saiki then stuffed his head into Toritsuka's neck, hiding his red face as he started to undo Toritsuka's belt. Toritsuka huffed. "This is like a dream come true..." He chuckled. Saiki rolled his eyes and pulled off Toritsuka's now undone belt and threw it on the bathroom floor.

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