②︎①︎Chapter Twenty-One②︎①︎

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"Oh, and that deal I made with you earlier? I'm changing it, I'll let you do what you want me to do for as long as you want, just because we didn't get to finish here."


It was night now, everyone was in their tents with their partners, some having a lamp light up the inside, showing silhouettes of the different students. Saiki and Toritsuka were one of the tents that had their lamp on, since Saiki was moisturizing his skin with some lotion he brought with him. Toritsuka play with his bracelets, bored out of his mind; and then he remembered something.

Toritsuka quickly grabbed Saiki by his waist and pulled him close with a huge grin plastered on his face, Saiki surprised at the sudden action and dropping his lotion bottle on the ground, because he was wearing his ring. "Hey darlingggg...you said we could do some stuff tonight." Toritsuka murmured. Saiki sighed, indeed he did, he hoped Toritsuka had forgotten, but being him, of course he didn't. "Yes, you wanna do it now?" Saiki asked. Toritsuka nodded eagerly. "Alright...well since I made that deal with you, what do you want me to do?" Saiki hesitatingly questioned his boyfriend. Toritsuka thought for a bit, and then got a glance of his bag full of sex toys, turning Saiki around to face the bag.

"I want to test all of those on you, all night."

Saiki's eyes widened, and he whipped his head towards Toritsuka with furrowed eyebrows. "What?!? You can't use every single one on me! I'll die!" He protested. Toritsuka chucked. "You said I could have you do anything I wanted you to." He whispered. Saiki shook his head and huffed out some air from his lungs. "Right. Good grief." Saiki sat in anger for a bit until he groaned and yanked Toritsuka's bag over towards them, shoving it into Toritsuka's arms. "Let's just get this over with." He stated. Toritsuka bounced happily and laughed. "Oh my god, this'll be fun."


Saiki was laying on top of his sleeping bag, shirtless, and staring up at Toritsuka, irritated. Toritsuka kneeled above him, rummaging through his bag to find what he could start with. "Let's see...hmm...ooh! Perfect." Toritsuka mumbled to himself, as he pulled out some clamp looking things. Saiki raised an eyebrow. "What's that?" He asked. Toritsuka smirked.

"Nipple clamps." Toritsuka set his bag onto the ground next to him and Saiki, and pushed the clamps down, them ready to bite onto fresh skin. "Wait, those go on my nipples? God, you're crazy." Saiki said. Toritsuka laughed and moved his hands towards Saiki's chest. "This might hurt a bit, but that's the good part." He let go of the clamps, them snapping down onto Saiki's nipples, the pink haired boy quickly wincing and moving his hands up, about to remove them, until Toritsuka grabbed his wrists. "Leave them on, darling." He mumbled. Saiki stared at Toritsuka while hissing through his teeth in slight pain. "Motherfucker- what are you, a sadist?" Saiki asked Toritsuka. Toritsuka shrugged. "Maybe." He teased.

As Saiki got used to the feeling of his nipples being pinched, he relaxed and took a few deep breaths, Toritsuka noticed this and let go of Saiki's hands, knowing he wouldn't try to remove the clamps. "You okay?" Toritsuka asked. Saiki closed his eyes and nodded. "Okay then, time for something else now." Toritsuka dug through his bag again, a few clattering noises coming from it; and then he found another toy to try out on Saiki.

Toritsuka pulled out a ring...but, it was bigger than a usual one. Toritsuka spun the ring around his finger, laughing as he moved down to pull off Saiki's pants and boxers. Saiki kept his eyes closed, wanting to be a bit surprised at what was going to happen next.

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