➇︎Chapter Eight➇︎

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'You're Bisexual, Toritsuka.'


Saiki finally gave Toritsuka his phone number, and now he was regretting it. Toritsuka constantly messaged him like a clingy dog, asking a million questions about their relationship.

Toritsuka: "How do you feel about me talking about women and their boobs?"
Saiki: "I'd prefer if you didn't talk or think about women like that while dating me, but I can't stop you."
Toritsuka: "Can I call you pet-names like baby and sweetheart?"
Saiki: "Ew, no."
Toritsuka: "Awww, please? :("
Saiki: "No."
Toritsuka: "How about babe?"
Saiki: "Good grief, no."
Toritsuka: "Darling?"
Saiki: "...Sure."
Toritsuka: "Yay, okay darling. ;)"
Saiki: "God, you're embarrassing."
Toritsuka: "Do you think we could have sex sometime? ;D"
Saiki: "Woah. You're thinking about that WAY too soon, Reita."
Toritsuka: ":0 You called me Reita!"
Saiki: "Well we're dating, aren't we? I think we can call each other by our first names now."
Toritsuka: "Alright, Kusuoooo."
Saiki: "Gosh, I'll see you soon, Reita."

Saiki put his phone down and was about to get ready for school.


Toritsuka was talking to a few random guys in his class, he was in a great mood and just kept talking and talking. "Oh yesterday was such a great day! I actually got into a relationship!" Toritsuka said. "Really?" A guy snickered. Toritsuka had a little angry look on his face. "Yeah, and he's THE one, he was madly in love with me and I had to confront him because he was too scared to tell me, gosh he's so cute." Toritsuka rambled. "Wait, he?" Toritsuka stopped. "Oops, but yeah he, I'm a fellow Bisexual and I have an amazing boyfriend." Toritsuka proudly claimed. One of the guys was confused, but just said, "Congratulations?-"

Toritsuka really liked talking about how he was in a relationship now...and he may have talked to a few more people about it.


"Wow, you're dating someone?" Aiura said to Toritsuka. "Yup! And let me tell you, he's so great, I love him so much." Toritsuka sighed happily. Aiura raised an eyebrow. "You're dating a guy? I thought you only went after girls." She scoffed. "Well once I found out how much he loved me, I realized I loved him too and that I'm Bisexual." Toritsuka held a hand up to his chest like he was giving a motivational speech.

The two were walking to the cafeteria together for lunch. "Do I know him?" Aiura asked. Toritsuka hummed. "Maybeee..." Aiura tried thinking of who it was that Toritsuka was dating, until she saw Toritsuka get pulled away by a another friend of hers. It was Saiki.

"I need to talk to you, privately." Saiki gritted through his teeth to Toritsuka. Toritsuka knew he was in trouble and gulped. "I'll be right back Aiura, Saiki and I gotta chat!" Toritsuka nervously said to Aiura. She nodded and then went onto her phone as she walked away to the cafeteria. Saiki pulled Toritsuka into the nearest men's bathroom.

"What's up?" Toritsuka awkwardly chuckled. Saiki let go of Toritsuka and sighed. "You can't go around telling everyone you're dating someone." Saiki said. Toritsuka frowned. "Wait, why?" Saiki closed his eyes and crossed his arms. "I don't want you to slip up and say that you're dating me." Saiki mumbled. Toritsuka looked somewhat heartbroken. "Are you that embarrassed of me?" Saiki shook his head. "No, not that much. I just don't want people finding out I'm in a gay relationship and getting a bunch of attention on me, nothing to do with you yourself."

Toritsuka felt a little better. "But I can't stop talking about how great you are and how happy you make me!" He whined. Saiki opened his eyes and blushed a little with no expression. "We've only been dating for a day and a half..." Saiki whispered, seeming flustered. Toritsuka smirked.

"Awe, did I make you shy?" Toritsuka teased, leaning in closer to Saiki. Saiki furrowed his eyebrows. "Good grief, you're annoying." Toritsuka chuckled and pulled Saiki close to him, to the point their bodies were touching. Saiki and Toritsuka looked into each other's eyes.

"You want to kiss me?" Saiki asked. "Mhm." Toritsuka leaned his forehead onto Saiki's. The corners of Saiki's lips moved upwards, into a barely noticeable smile. Saiki nodded, giving Toritsuka permission to kiss him. Toritsuka quickly pushed his lips onto Saiki's.

Saiki was still new to kissing, this being the second time he's ever had a kiss, so he let Toritsuka do everything. He did feel a little guilty, not wanting to make Toritsuka do all of the work, so he tried to think of what to do. Then, he got an idea.

Saiki gently poked the tip of his tongue out of his mouth and it grazed Toritsuka's bottom lip. Toritsuka peeked one eye opened and looked at Saiki. 'Now, what are you trying to do?' Toritsuka asked teasingly. Saiki replied to him, 'I don't want you to do the whole kissing thing, thought I'd try to do something.' 'How cute.' Toritsuka closed his open eye and kissed the corner of Saiki's mouth.

Saiki then got the chance to move in and bite Toritsuka's bottom lip, which he did. Toritsuka was a little surprised and smirked. 'Feeling ambitious?' He asked. 'Just let me do this.' Toritsuka could get the hint that Saiki wanted to make out, but wasn't quite sure how. Though, Toritsuka just let Saiki do his own thing.

Saiki then pushed his tongue into Toritsuka's mouth, Toritsuka gladly letting him do so. Saiki was a bit nervous to move his tongue around, Toritsuka's mouth was so warm and wet, of course that's how all mouths should be.

Toritsuka decided to help Saiki out a bit and gently pushed his tongue up against Saiki's. Saiki pushed back. 'Doing good so far.' Toritsuka reassured Saiki. Saiki felt childish to need help for once in his life, but Toritsuka made it seem okay. 'Try sliding your tongue under mine.' Toritsuka told Saiki, he did as he was told. 'Good, now just try to pretend you're licking a lollipop.' 'Yeah yeah, good grief.'

Saiki started to get the hang of moving his tongue around, Toritsuka moving his own tongue in the right spots. Saiki shyly slid his hands onto Toritsuka's shoulders, as Toritsuka held onto Saiki's waist to keep him close.

Saiki was so focused on the nice make out, that he didn't even hear the thoughts of someone who was seeing everything, and had their phone out.

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