➆︎Chapter Seven➆︎

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'I really AM a horny pervert!!'


Saiki sat at his desk, reading a book before the teacher entered the classroom. He wasn't wearing his ring today, so he dealt with everyone's annoying thoughts.

"Hey buddy, whatcha doing?" He heard Nendou say from above him. Saiki didn't answer and just kept reading. Then Nendou snatched his book from his hands and held it upside down, trying to read it. "Hmmm, I don't understand this." He said, as he picked his nose and got his boogers on Saiki's book. Saiki almost gagged.

Nendou threw the book down onto Saiki's desk. "Oh well, I'm gonna go see what Kaidou's doing." Nendou walked away from Saiki and over to Kaidou, who was doing some random poses for Kuboyasu.

Saiki picked up the corner of his book and sighed. 'To the trash you go.' He threw it into a nearby trash can. 'It wasn't that good anyways.'

Then Saiki heard someone say his name in their mind.

'Saiki, are you wearing your ring?' Toritsuka asked from the other classroom. Saiki wasn't going to answer. 'Well if you're wearing it, I guess I can just think about the cutest girl I saw today and her big boobs.' Saiki knew Toritsuka was trying to break him. 'She had huge boobs, they looked like the size of basketballs, I don't know how she had such great posture.' Toritsuka went on and on.

'Good grief, stop. What do you want?' Saiki gave in. 'I want you to stop avoiding me, and meet with me on the roof during lunch.' Saiki closed his eyes and quietly groaned to himself. 'Why?' He asked Toritsuka. 'I just need you to, it's important, it's not about girls.' Toritsuka genuinely said. '...Whatever.' Saiki replied.


Saiki had his lunch in his hands, a bowl of rice and coffee jelly. 'Good grief, why does Toritsuka want to meet with me? He said it wasn't about girls, then what the hell could it be about?' Saiki breathed out. He then teleported to the roof.

Saiki looked around, no sign of Toritsuka. Saiki chuckled. Maybe he forgot to meet with Saiki even though it was his idea, Saiki thought he would be eating his lunch in private, until he saw a certain purple haired teenager run towards him.

"Saiki!- Hah!-" Toritsuka huffed as he stopped in front of Saiki. "God, I wish I could teleport! I ran up so many stairs!-" Saiki rolled his eyes, not wanting to hear this idiot complain about how tired he was. 'What do you want.' Toritsuka finally caught his breath and cleared his throat. "Right, uh..."

Saiki walked over to a bench close by and sat down, Toritsuka doing the same. Toritsuka stared at Saiki and played with his thumbs. "Sooo..." He started. "Lord, just get to the point." Saiki started to eat his coffee jelly. Toritsuka sighed and leaned forward, looking at the ground, slightly blushing. "Saiki..." Toritsuka mumbled.

"Do you have feelings for me?"

Saiki stopped eating and his eyes widened. He tried to remain calm and looked over to Toritsuka. '...I have hate feelings for you.' He told Toritsuka. Toritsuka shook his head and chuckled. "No...I mean, do you love me?" Toritsuka looked at Saiki. Saiki didn't know what to say.

They were both silent.

Saiki closed his eyes and took a deep breath, setting down his lunch next to him. Then he slowly nodded. Toritsuka gently smiled and blushed a little more. "Hah, wow, I'm flustered..." He whispered. Saiki said nothing. Toritsuka sat up straight and put a hand on Saiki's shoulder. "I'm surprised you know how to love...and that you love me." '...Me too.'

They looked at each other. "...You know, I have always wondered what it's like to be with a guy." Toritsuka said. Saiki was caught off guard. "I love you too Saiki..." Toritsuka leaned in close to Saiki's face, his lips centimeters away from touching Saiki's, then he stopped himself. "Can I...can I please kiss you?" Toritsuka asked. Saiki's heart was beating at what felt like a million miles per hour.

Saiki gulped and just blankly stared at Toritsuka with widened eyes.

"...Yeah." Saiki whispered. Toritsuka's eyes sparkled a little bit, he closed them and pushed his lips onto Saiki's gently. Saiki didn't even know how to kiss, this was his first kiss ever, so he didn't move an inch and let Toritsuka do the kissing part.

Toritsuka pulled away and grinned happily. "Your lips are soft." He whispered. "...I put on chapstick everyday." Saiki replied. Toritsuka laughed.

"Wait, how did you know I...had feelings for you?" Saiki asked. Toritsuka immediately got nervous and started stuttering. "O-oh!! Well I uh- uh-" He was now sweating. Saiki then read his mind, realizing that Toritsuka had sent his guardian spirit to spy on him. Saiki sighed. "I would kill you right now, but I'm feeling nice today." Toritsuka rubbed the back of his neck and had a loose grin on his face.

Saiki picked his lunch back up and started eating casually. 'So you like me back, I'm guessing you would like to know if I want to date you.' Saiki telepathically stated. Toritsuka nodded. 'Well you found out I'm in love with you, what do you think?' Toritsuka coughed, "It's you, so I don't know..." Saiki rolled his eyes and smiled.

"I'll date you, you nuisance." Toritsuka gasped. "You smiled!! I thought you only smiled for coffee jelly!" Toritsuka then shook Saiki by shoulders aggressively. Saiki was now frowning. "Don't make me change my mind." Toritsuka stopped. "Sorry!"

Toritsuka then started to get into his own thoughts. 'Am I gay? No I like women...but I like Saiki and he's a guy, what am I?' Saiki then answered him.

'You're Bisexual, Toritsuka.'

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