⑲︎Chapter Nineteen⑲︎

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"Are we done yet?!? Let's eat!" Saiki's grandfather yelled.


Saiki was reading a book, sitting at his desk, not paying attention to what any of his fellow classmates were saying and thinking around him. As Saiki licked his fingers and flipped a page, the teacher walked in. Saiki inaudibly groaned, having just starting the book he was reading, and set it down next to him.

"Hello class, before we start today's lesson, I have an announcement." The teacher said. The class quieted down and all eyes were on the older person in the room. The teacher shuffled some papers at their desk and continued on with what they just said.

"The school will be having a camping field trip next week." All of the students starting whispering to one another, except for Saiki, who sat silently, wondering why they were having a field trip like that in November.

"Each tent will only be able to fit two people in it, so we are deciding to let you all pick your tent partners, and if you'd like, they may be from another class; as long as their teacher agrees." Saiki perked up, finally interested in what the teacher had announced. He could share a tent with his boyfriend, Toritsuka, which made him feel relieved that he wouldn't have to share with a random nuisance. 'I'll talk to Toritsuka about that at lunch.' Saiki told himself.

"We will be staying at a nearby forest for a week, I suggest you talk to your guardians about this and start packing for the trip." The teacher finished speaking and then picked up chalk to write something on the chalkboard.


It was lunch now, Saiki sat with Toritsuka at an empty table, Toritsuka talking about how excited he was for the trip. "I've never gone camping before! This should be so much fun!" Toritsuka clapped and rubbed his hands together. "And my teacher said we could have tent partners from another class, so looks like I found mine already." Saiki chewed on his lunch as he watched the purple haired boy ramble about being thrilled to go camping. Toritsuka's rambling soon getting cut off by the noise of a lunch tray slamming on their table.

"Buddy and buddy's boyfriend! Are you guys excited for the field trip?" Nendou asked, sitting down at the table uninvitedly. Saiki put his thumb up, his mouth too full of food to speak. "Yeah, I'm so eager to be out in nature for a week!" Toritsuka said. Saiki swallowed his food and looked at Toritsuka, smirking, trying to hold in a chuckle. "You'll hate it as soon as we get there. The teachers are confiscating any entertainment we bring, phones, games, and even books and magazines." Saiki explained, in a somewhat cocky way. Toritsuka snapped his head towards Saiki and grinned. "But they can't take away one of my favorite entertainment things, you." He winked. Saiki widened his eyes and blushed, he just failed at trying to make Toritsuka crumble up and cry. "Haha, you guys are so silly." Nendou stated, eating his lunch like a dog.

Then, there was a loud thud on the floor next to them. The three teens looked over and saw Kaidou lying face first on the floor. Kuboyasu behind him, quickly trying to help Kaidou up. "Hey guys!-" Kaidou said, looking up with blood rushing down his nose. "Jesus Christ." Saiki mumbled. Kaidou looked like he had just broken his nose, but swore it was okay with tears in his eyes.

"You- you guys talking about the field trip?-" Kaidou sniffed the blood up into his nose, stumbling to sit down next to Nendou at the table. Kuboyasu was mumbling something to himself, as he grabbed a millions napkins and shoved them up to Kaidou's nose. "Yeah..." Toritsuka replied. "Cool...!-" Kaidou then fell face first onto the table, probably breaking his nose for real this time. Kuboyasu looked at Saiki and Toritsuka. "Yeah, I'm taking him to the nurse. We'll catch up with you guys later..." He stood up with Kaidou next to him and they left the cafeteria. Nendou continued to shove his lunch into his mouth as everyone at the table were silent.

"Good grief, I swear he needs a babysitter." Saiki said.


A week had gone by now, it was time for the field trip. Saiki was on his way to his school, so that he could be assigned a bus to ride, dragging a suitcase behind him. He was sending his last few messages he could before his phone would be confiscated, mainly messaging his mom and reassuring her that he'd be okay. After finally calming his mother down, he turned off his phone and put it in his pocket.

Saiki made it to the PK academy school gates, students of the school standing around talking to their friends, bags next to them. Buses were lined up on the road in front of the school, Saiki walking next to them to get over to a empty spot.

Saiki leaned against a nearby wall, stopping his suitcase to stand next to him. He looked around for Toritsuka, they had agreed to meet up together so that they would be put on the same bus.

Saiki looked down at the ground for one second and all of a sudden he was being hugged tightly. He looked up and saw Toritsuka happily squeezing the life out of him. Saiki held onto his arms. "Good grief, don't kill me." He said. Toritsuka let go of his boyfriend. "Sorry, I'm just excited!" Toritsuka placed a kiss onto Saiki's cheek, causing the pink haired teen's cheeks to warm up. 'I can tell.' Saiki thought to himself. Toritsuka grabbed Saiki's hand tightly. "Come on, they're starting to send pairs of students onto the buses." Saiki grabbed onto his suitcase as Toritsuka dragged him away.

After they told a teacher they would be tent partners, they were sent onto a bus, finding an empty seat. Saiki got into the seat first, sitting next to the window. He stuffed his suitcase under the seat in front of him as Toritsuka sat down next to him. Saiki looked over at Toritsuka and saw he had a two huge backpacks, trying to stuff them under the seat in front of him as well. "Jeez, what on earth did you bring?" Saiki asked. Toritsuka grinned at Saiki and winked at him. "You'll see." Saiki shook his head. "It better just be clothes and essentials." He mumbled.

Saiki pulled out his phone, scrolling around on it. It would be an hour drive to the forest they would be camping at, so Saiki had his phone for the next hour.

Saiki and Toritsuka remained silent, and then someone jumped on the back of their seats, looking down at them. "Hey lovebirds!" Hairo said. Toritsuka looked behind him and Saiki, seeing Hairo staring down at them from his seat. Saiki waved hello, not caring enough to look up from his phone. "You two better not be doing anything suspicious in that tent of yours!" Hairo joked, before sitting back down. That made Saiki look up from his phone, staring ahead of him, confused on why the hell Hairo would say that.

Toritsuka looked at Saiki and leaned in the whisper into his ear. "I say we do some suspicious things in our tent just because." Saiki glared at Toritsuka and elbowed him hard in the side, making Toritsuka cough loudly. "Shut up, pervert."


Saiki and Toritsuka were asleep, Saiki laying his head on his lovers shoulder, while Toritsuka had his arm wrapped around Saiki's waist, pulling him in close. They were sound asleep, looking adorable.

The two teens had only woken up when they heard giggling around them. Saiki opened his eyes and saw Mikoto and Yumehara laughing and taking pictures of them cuddling. Saiki sighed and lay his head back into Toritsuka. Who was half asleep and half awake. 'Reita, wake up.' He said into his mind. Toritsuka slowly opened his eyes and saw what Saiki had saw. He quickly stood up, about to punch Mikoto, until he remembered she was a woman.

"Wait, are we here already?" Toritsuka looked around, noticing the bus had stopped. "Yeah." Yumehara chuckled. "Once we stopped, we saw you two and decided to take our chance." Mikoto added on. Toritsuka scoffed. "Oh fuck you, big boobs."

Saiki stood up next to Toritsuka, grabbing his suitcase. "Reita, you don't treat a woman like that." He yawned, walking past Toritsuka and the two girls, heading off of the bus.

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