⑰︎Chapter Seventeen⑰︎

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"Aweee!!" Mikoto said as she took a million pictures of the couple.


Saiki and Toritsuka had been hanging out a lot more recently, mainly at Saiki's house, for the past week and a half. They just watched movies and TV shows, while eating and sometimes cuddling.

This time, the teens were laying in Saiki's bed, both watching stuff on Toritsuka's phone. Saiki lay his head on Toritsuka's shoulder, and Toritsuka had one of his arms wrapped around Saiki. Toritsuka was scrolling through social media, a lot of couples videos coming up.

"You sure watch a lot of videos about relationships." Saiki said. Toritsuka smiled. "I just want to see if we can relate to them with our relationship." Saiki sighed. 'Good grief.'

They stayed like that for a while, until Toritsuka looked at Saiki, putting his phone down onto Saiki's bedside table next to them. "What?" Saiki asked, confused on why Toritsuka was staring at him. Toritsuka sat up and moved away from Saiki a little bit, still looking at him, and then he looked his boyfriend up and down. Toritsuka grinned.

Saiki had his ring on, so he couldn't hear Toritsuka's thoughts, but by his face, Saiki could tell what Toritsuka was thinking about. "God, you're such a pervert. What do you wanna do?" Saiki stated. Toritsuka crawled close to Saiki, putting a hand onto his chest and pushing him down to the bed. "I want to feel you." He whispered. Saiki blushed and looked to the side, flustered. Toritsuka laughed and grabbed both of Saiki's hands, pinning them above his head.

Saiki huffed, "Wait, what exactly are you planning on doing?" Toritsuka leaned in close to Saiki's face, licking the corner of his mouth. "Well...I was hoping...we could take it a bit farther this time?" Toritsuka requested. Saiki raised an eyebrow. Did Toritsuka mean sex? They only had done two sexual activities before, phone sex, and giving each other handjobs, neither of which counted as their official first time having sex. "Do you mean..." Saiki started off. "If you want to." Toritsuka cut off, smirking. Saiki thought for a bit.

Toritsuka started kissing Saiki's neck as the pink haired boy got lost in his thoughts. Saiki breathed out slowly, taking in the nice feeling of Toritsuka's lips on his body. "...If we have sex...how would that work?" Saiki quietly asked. Toritsuka stopped and looked up at Saiki. "What do you mean?" "I mean, who would be the top and who would be the bottom, and what would our safe word be and whatnot." Saiki explained.

Toritsuka smiled. "I was hoping you'd let me top you." He said. Saiki's cheeks flushed a deep pink color. He'd never thought what it would be like to be a bottom, from what he's heard, the bottom usually doesn't do too much besides take whatever they have coming to them. "...Yeah. Okay." Saiki replied. Toritsuka chuckled happily, giving Saiki a quick peck on the lips. "And how about you pick our safe word?" Saiki skipped through all the words he had in his head, and then landed on one.

"Purple." Saiki said. Toritsuka smiled curiously. "Why purple?" Saiki pointed to Toritsuka's hair. "Awe, that's so sweet, darling." Toritsuka kissed Saiki lovingly. They then pulled away.

"Do you think we should use a condom?" Saiki asked. Toritsuka started thinking. "Neither of us have an STD...and you can't get pregnant, can you?" Toritsuka quickly asked. "Only if I'm in my female form." Saiki responded. "Well then, I don't think we really need one" Saiki felt a little uneasy thinking about having sex without a condom, even if there wouldn't be any consequences for not using one, Saiki felt like they should use a condom for their first time.

"Actually, I feel like we should use one, it going to be our first time and all." Saiki quietly said. Toritsuka was a bit shocked, "Oh, sure, yeah. Whatever makes you feel comfortable." He kissed Saiki's cheek. Saiki smiled slightly.


Saiki walked into his room, holding a box of condoms and a container of lube in his hands. "I found these completely unopened in my parent's room, we can use these." Saiki gently kicked his door closed behind him, locking it with telekinesis, and walked over to his bed to sit down next to Toritsuka. Toritsuka grabbed the condoms and lube and set them on the bedside table. He eagerly pushed Saiki against his pillows and pinned him down. "Oh my god, I'm so excited." Toritsuka laughed. "I am too, but for the love of god, take it slow. It's our first time." Saiki whispered. Toritsuka quickly nodded and leaned down to lick Saiki's ear. Saiki closed his eyes, trying to keep himself calm.

"You know, I've actually never had sex before." Toritsuka said. "That's not surprising." Saiki responded. "What's that supposed to mean?" Toritsuka asked. "Nothing." Toritsuka shrugged it off and went back to what he was doing.

Toritsuka slid his hand up Saiki's shirt, caressing his chest. Saiki blushed, Toritsuka's fingertips touching him felt tingly, but it was a good tingly. "How about we just..." Toritsuka mumbled, pulling Saiki to sit up and tugging off his shirt. He then threw Saiki's shirt on his bedroom floor. Saiki crossed his arms over his stomach, trying to hide his exposed torso in embarrassment. Toritsuka smirked. "You don't have to hide yourself from me, I've seen your skin before." He gently pushed Saiki's back down against his pillows, starting to kiss above his collarbone. Saiki kept his blank face on, his cheeks were bright pink, and he was squinting one of his eyes a bit. "If you've never had sex before...how on earth do you know what you're doing?" Saiki asked. Toritsuka started licking Saiki's collarbone, thinking of an answer.

"I guess I've seen too much porn."

Oh my god, I'm so sorry this is so short and left on a cliffhanger. I had horrible writer's block for this chapter, but don't worry, the next chapter will continue with the smut!

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