②︎②︎Chapter Twenty-Two②︎②︎

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"I love you too!"


It was the next day, Saiki and Toritsuka had been up all night...doing things, and they were exhausted. They hoped they would be able to sleep in, until there was a call for them outside of their tent.

"Hey lovebirds! Rise and shine!" Hairo yelled from outside of the two teen's tent.

Saiki slowly awoke from his short sleep, and sat up, stretching. Toritsuka stay laying down in the sleeping bag, not wanting to get up. Saiki looked down at Toritsuka. 'Reita, come on. Let's put some clothes on and start the day.' Saiki telepathically told Toritsuka. Toritsuka groaned tiredly and rubbed his eyes, refusing to sit up. Saiki rolled his own eyes and climbed out of his sleeping bag, going over to his suitcase to grab some clean clothes.

"We'll be there in a bit." Saiki responded to Hairo's wake up.


Most of Saiki and Toritsuka's friend group were hanging around an unlit campfire near the teacher's cabin, some of them refusing to wake up and staying in their tents to sleep in. Saiki wished he was one of the people who stayed in their tents, he was exhausted, his head hung low at the ground. Toritsuka sat next to Saiki on a huge log that was lying in front of the unlit campfire, his chin resting in his palm, practically asleep.

"Man, you two look exhausted!" Kuboyasu stated to Saiki. The pink haired boy looked up. "Yeah, this nuisance made us stay up all night." He mumbled, tiredly pointing next to him at his asleep boyfriend. "You guys should've went to sleep early! You would feel as refreshed as me!" Hairo chimed in, stretching his arms up above his head. Saiki sighed and closed his eyes, ready to nod off.

"Hey, I gotta an idea! How about I talk to the teachers about hosting a race? I'm sure it would wake everyone up!" Hairo then suggested. Almost everyone agreed with him, Saiki slightly nodding, not giving a care. "Alright! You all better get warmed up then!" Hairo chuckled, running away to a nearby teacher.

"Oof, I'm not so great in races..." Kaidou murmured. Nendou laughed, "Everyone knows that little buddy, you suck at them!" He elbowed Kaidou's shoulder playfully, the smaller boy wincing in pain, making another laugh come from Nendou. "I'm sure we'll all do great." Kuboyasu butted in, gently shoving Nendou away from Kaidou, to stop the bullying. Kuboyasu then looked over to Saiki. "Won't we, Saiki?" He asked. Saiki looked up. "Hm? Yeah, sure." He responded lazily.

'But I'm not using my powers to help any of you.' Saiki added on in his head.


'Good grief, we're actually doing this?'

Saiki stood in his gym attire, along with a good amount of other students from his school. The teachers had agreed to let Hairo host a race so everyone would wake up. It was an optional race, but Saiki's friends forced him into it.

The race would be teams of two with tent partners, whoever got both partners across the finish line first, got to sleep in the teacher's cabin for a night. Lots of students wanted to participate, hoping they would win a night in the teacher's cabin, and not have to sleep in a grimy tent.

Toritsuka was standing next to Saiki, stretching out his legs and doing some stupid looking exercises to warm up. Saiki glared at him. 'Do you have to do all of that?' He asked telepathically. "Yeah, I mean, it's a race! Usually people who don't have god-like powers like you warm up like this." Toritsuka replied. Saiki punched Toritsuka's arm. 'Keep it down, idiot.' "Jeez! Okay!-" Toritsuka cried.

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