⑯︎Chapter Sixteen⑯︎

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"...I love you, Reita." Saiki pulled Toritsuka into a tight hug, Toritsuka was taken by surprise, but hugged back. "I love you too, darling."


"Are you ready?" Saiki asked Toritsuka. "I'm ready if you are." Toritsuka said. Saiki rolled his eyes at the cheesy line and hit send.

Saiki: "Hey everyone, important announcement. Toritsuka and I are dating, he's Bisexual, I'm Pansexual and Demi-Romantic/Demi-Sexual. Kuboyasu, Kaidou, and Teruhashi already know about this, sorry the rest of you weren't told before. We'd be very grateful if you accepted us, we don't know how each of you will act, but we can just hope for the best."
Kuboyasu: ":) 👍"
Nendou: "Woah, that's great buddy, would you guys like to come with me to get some ramen soon?"
Saiko: "Hah, I assumed you two were something from when that little picture incident happened, whatever, your relationship isn't any of my business, you two do you."
Mikoto: "More like do each other LOL, though I am kinda disappointed you're taken now Saiki, I support you and that idiot." 
Kaidou: "Wooo! Good job at telling everyone else Saiki!! :DD"
Yumehara: "You and...Toritsuka? That's an interesting duo, but I'm sure you guys are happy together!"
Hairo: "Nice! That's amazing! I wish you two nothing, but good in your relationship!"
Mera: "❤️"
Touma: "Haha, I knew you were always a little fruity Saiki! But I could've never guessed Toritsuka was too, wow, that's so cool! I bet you two are so cute together! You guys can be the next Edward and Bella! But gay!!"
Rifuta: "Aw yay! I can have a gay best friend now!!"
Teruhashi: "Congratulations Saiki!"

"So what did they say?!?" Toritsuka looked over Saiki's shoulder at his phone screen. Saiki was smiling. "All good things." Toritsuka smiled back. "Even big boobs?" Saiki lost his smile. "Yes, even Aiura." He mumbled.

Saiki: "Thank you everyone, Reita and I are really happy that you all accept us."
Kaidou: "Aww! You guys are already calling each other by your first names! 🥺"
Rifuta: "How cute!!!"
Hairo: "You know what, this is such great news, I say we throw a party celebrating you two!!"
Kuboyasu: "Great idea, Hairo!"
Teruhashi: "I think a party sounds nice!"
Saiki: "Good grief, it's not like we're getting married."
Hairo: "You could soon though! And that's the point! The fact that you two are dating could lead to great things in the future for you!"
Touma: "Hairo's right! You two could get married, start a family, die together! Oh it'd be so sad if you two died together, but at least you could die with each other, so the other wouldn't be depressed for the rest of their life."
Saiki: "Jeez, it's not a funeral either."
Yumehara: "What do you say Saiki? Wanna have a party?"
Saiki: "I'd rather not, but I know Reita would like to, so I'll go to a party just for him."
Mikoto: "Awe look at that, Saiki has feelings! 😢"
Saiki: "Shut up."

Toritsuka was impatiently bouncing next to Saiki. "What are they saying?!?? Tell meee!!" Saiki pinched Toritsuka's lips together, shutting him up. "They're throwing a party for us, I don't wanna go, but I know you will, so I'll go because of you, nuisance." Saiki then let go of Toritsuka's lips to let him speak. "Oooh a party!! Sweet! I've never been to one before!" Toritsuka gleamed. "I'm not surprised." Saiki mumbled under his breath.


"This is the place." Saiki looked up from his phone and at the house in front of him and Toritsuka. Their friends were throwing a party for them at Hairo's house, since he was the one who came up with the idea for a party. "Well, what are we waiting for?? I'm ready to get my party on!!" Toritsuka excitedly rang the doorbell a million times. Saiki quickly grabbed his boyfriend's hand and moved it away from the doorbell. "You only have to press it once!" He snarled. Then, the door opened.

"Hey! It's the lovebirds!!" Hairo said, moving out of the way for Saiki and Toritsuka to come inside. They walked in and took off their coats, as Hairo closed the door. "I'll take those, if you don't mind." Hairo grabbed their coats and went to another room to put them away.

"Buddy and buddy's boyfriend! Hii!!" Nendou ran over and put both of his arms over Saiki and Toritsuka, Saiki groaned, annoyed, and Toritsuka was trying to breath since it felt like his ribcage was being crushed by all the weight on it. "Help!-" Toritsuka asked Saiki. Saiki rolled his eyes and pushed Nendou off of them, Toritsuka immediately gasping for air. "Hello, Nendou." Saiki monotonically said.

"Yooo! It's the rest of my group." Mikoto yelled from a couch in the middle of the room. Saiki waved hello to her silently, while Toritsuka flipped her off. Saiki put Toritsuka's middle finger down and mumbled to him, "Be nice to Aiura." Toritsuka huffed, jokingly angry.

"Looks like everyone is here now! Time to start the party!!" Hairo walked out of the room he was in and cheered out. "Yay!" Teruhashi clapped happily. "Kaidou, would you be so kind and play some music?" Hairo asked. "Sure thing!" Kaidou then turned on some "party" music, which was just love music for Saiki and Toritsuka. 'Good grief.' Saiki thought.

Hairo then turned the lights so that they would be flashing a bunch of rainbow colors, instead of sticking on one color. Toritsuka laughed as he looked at Saiki, he did not want to be there at all.

Toritsuka then looked over the a big table full of food and drinks, Yumehara was holding back Mera from eating everything. That's when Toritsuka noticed some beer and alcohol and ran over. Saiki looked at what Toritsuka was doing.

"Alcohol?? None of us are twenty-one." Saiki said to Hairo. Hairo shrugged. "I know, but I thought since it's a special occasion we could just have a little bit." Saiki shook his head as he ran over to Toritsuka. "Don't you dare drink a drop of this shit." Saiki put a hand on Toritsuka's shoulder, pulling him away from the drinks. "Oh, come on...it's a party, we can drink a bit!" Saiki gripped tightly onto Toritsuka's shoulder, making Toritsuka mouth, "Ow." "Reita, you're seventeen, you're not drinking." Saiki dragged Toritsuka away from the table. 'What are you, my dad???' Toritsuka thought.

Nendou decided to go over to the drinks and open a beer, drinking it. "Hah! It's just like soda!" He exclaimed.


It was much later, the party was still going on, and lots of people were buzzed, not full on drunk because...they were all underaged, but they were just buzzed. Toritsuka had managed to secretly drink a bit without Saiki knowing, so he was one of the buzzed people.

"Darling...come here..." Toritsuka mumbled while sitting next to Saiki on a beanbag, and pulling Saiki close to him, hugging him tightly. Saiki smelled Toritsuka's breath. "Oh my god, did you drink?!?" Saiki angrily asked. "Just a bit, I'm not drunk so it's okay." Toritsuka smiled. "Reita, it's not okay, even if you aren't drunk. Good grief." Saiki sighed. Toritsuka then pulled Saiki's head to his chest, cuddling with him. "Be quiet and sit with me..." He murmured. Saiki blushed a bit, seeing a few of their friends stare at them cuddling.

'Reita, you need to get home. I can teleport us to your room.' Saiki telepathically told Toritsuka. "Nooo, I wanna be close to you." Toritsuka started petting the top of Saiki's head, his fingers tangling with his hot pink hair. Saiki blushed even harder when he heard the sound of giggling and pictures being taken by their friends. "We can be close to each other at your place." Saiki explained. "I'm comfy here though, let's just stay darling, pleaseee??" Toritsuka begged.

Saiki really wanted to leave now, but since Toritsuka was refusing, he decided to stay. Saiki huffed. "Fine, but when you're not in a cuddly mood, we're leaving." Saiki wrapped his arms around Toritsuka's torso, leaning into the embrace. "Yay!" Toritsuka laughed as he kissed the top of Saiki's head multiple times.

"Aweee!!" Mikoto said as she took a million pictures of the couple.

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