➂︎Chapter Three➂︎

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Saiki and Toritsuka were now in the kitchen, Saiki was looking through his cabinets and cupboards to see what he and Toritsuka could make. Toritsuka just stood in the middle of the kitchen, until he felt something brush past his legs.

"Oh hey, your cat is in here." Toritsuka said. Saiki inaudibly groaned. "Yeah and he keeps saying how much he thinks you'll like him." "Wait, what?" Toritsuka asked. "I can talk to animals dumbass, I don't just hear human's thoughts." Saiki explained, not bothering to look over at Toritsuka, who was now crouching down and petting Amp. "Cool."

Saiki then pulled out a box of macaroni noodles. "Here we go." Toritsuka looked up to Saiki. "Mac' and cheese?" Toritsuka stood up and walked over to Saiki, snatching the box from his hands and examining it. Saiki annoyingly huffed, "Yeah, hopefully something simple that you can make." "Pft- I can make this!" Toritsuka proclaimed. 'Sure.' Saiki grabbed the box back.


The macaroni noodles were now boiling in salted water on the stovetop. Saiki was getting the ingredients to make the cheese sauce out. "Since so far I've been doing all the work, you can drain the noodles." Saiki said to Toritsuka. He slightly groaned, not wanting to do any work. "Fineee. Do you have a drainer?" Saiki rolled his eyes. "Obviously, it's in the cupboard below you." He pointed to the cupboard. Toritsuka crouched down, open the cupboard, and grabbed the drainer. "Woah, this is so shiny!" "That's because it was washed." Saiki stated.

Toritsuka closed the cupboard and went over to the macaroni noodles, draining the water in Saiki's kitchen sink.


"Ugh! Finally done!" Toritsuka wiped non-existent sweat off his forehead. "Now because I did almost everything, you're putting it in bowls for you, me, my dad, and my mom." Saiki said, walking away from Toritsuka to go tell his dad that he make dinner. "Wait, no!-" Saiki was already gone. "Damn." Toritsuka mumbled.

'Wait his mom isn't even here, why does he want me to prepare a bowl for her?? Is it for later?' Toritsuka thought as he grabbed four bowls. 'Hm, I wonder if his mom's a milf...' 'Do NOT think of my mother that way, pervert.' Saiki said in Toritsuka's mind. 'Ah!- sorry!'


Toritsuka was sitting quietly at Saiki's dining room table, eating the macaroni and cheese him and Saiki made. Saiki's dad was going on and on about how he couldn't believe Saiki had a friend. While Saiki just ate, seeming to enjoy the food he made.

Toritsuka looked over to Saiki and chuckled, "I think we did pretty good making this!" Saiki gazed over to Toritsuka. "You barely did anything, there basically no 'we' in this." Toritsuka jokingly frowned. "But I helped!" Saiki shook his head and went back to eating.


It was now getting late, Saiki was laying on his bed reading, while Toritsuka sat at Saiki's desk, talking about how much he liked boobs.

"Sooooo, where am I gonna sleep?" Toritsuka asked. "Floor." Saiki said, not looking up from his book. "Do you have a mattress to put down?" Saiki shook his head no. "People don't tend to spend the night, so I have no need for one." Toritsuka spun around in Saiki's desk chair like a little kid. "Well then you must have blankets to put down on the ground." Saiki shook his head again. "I don't have enough, you'll have to sleep on the floor with one blanket to cover you and a pillow." Toritsuka stopped spinning and hopped onto Saiki's bed, making Saiki drop his book and groan.

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