➃︎Chapter Four➃︎

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'Yeah, that sounds good.'


Toritsuka held his uniform collar up to his nose and took a long sniff. "Wow, this smells so nice!" He gleamed. 'Because I washed it, you idiot.'

Saiki and Toritsuka were walking to school together, Saiki had a half eaten coffee jelly in his hands, a thing that would keep him up for school.

"How'd you sleep last night?" Toritsuka asked. 'Fine.' Saiki lied. "Good! I slept great! Your bed was way better than the floor." Saiki rolled his eyes. "Obviously." He mumbled.

A girl with a different school uniform then passed by them, Toritsuka's eyes quickly getting glued onto her breasts. "Look at her..." Toritsuka murmured. "You aren't even looking at her, you're looking at her boobs." Saiki sighed, throwing away his now empty coffee jelly container in a nearby garbage can. "Same thing." Toritsuka chuckled.


"I'm off to class, see you Saiki." Toritsuka said, about to go into his classroom. Just then, he felt a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. He looked back and saw Saiki was the one stopping him. "I have a request." Saiki said. Toritsuka raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Saiki didn't typically ask to hang out with people, so he didn't know how to ask Toritsuka properly. "I'm going to a cafe after school. I would like if you joined along." Saiki explained. Toritsuka smiled. "Sure, I'll meet you at the school gates when school ends." He walked into his classroom. 'That was surprisingly easy.' Saiki went into his own classroom too.


It was lunch now, Saiki was eating in the bathroom, in the same stall he was found cutting himself just the day before. He really wanted to do it again, but he was stopping himself. Saiki was going to go somewhere he liked later, with someone who surprisingly made him feel alright. So there was no point in him hurting himself before that, he'd most likely do it after when he was at home.

Saiki had his ring on, he tended to keep it on during lunch because that's when everyone starts thinking like crazy with their free time. So he didn't know that someone was looking for him.


'I didn't see Saiki in the cafeteria...I hope he's okay.' Toritsuka was looking around for Saiki, immediately feeling anxiety when he didn't see Saiki eating at his usual table in the cafeteria. He looked around the hallways with no sight of Saiki. 'Maybe he's invisible??' Toritsuka put his arms out to see if he would bump into an invisible Saiki, he looked like a stupid zombie as he walked.

'Come on Saiki, where are you?? I'm worried...' Toritsuka then had a good idea, for once. 'The bathroom!' He zoomed to the men's bathroom, hoping Saiki was there.

Saiki was in the bathroom stall, enjoying his delicious meal, until he heard the bathroom door slam open, making him jump and drop his meal. 'My coffee jelly!!' Saiki's sweet desert had fallen on the floor and gotten everywhere. 'Does someone have to shit that badly?' Saiki groaned in his mind. The now angry Saiki stepped over the mess, opened the stall door, and looked out to see who ruined his lunch.

Toritsuka had one knee on the floor, panting like he just ran a mile. "Saiki! Are you okay..!-" He wheezed. Saiki just looked at Toritsuka from the stall, with a slight surprised look on his face. 'Yeah, I'm okay. Are you?' Saiki telepathically asked Toritsuka. He stood up and brushed himself off. "Yeah, ugh...I was worried you were...hurting yourself again." Toritsuka mumbled, still panting.

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