⑩︎Chapter Ten⑩︎

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Saiki clenched his fists. 'Please.'


Saiki: "Hey, did you fix everything?"
Toritsuka: "Hopefully, had to get some help from Teruhashi and Saiko."
Saiki: "Of course you needed help, why those two? Specifically why Teruhashi."
Toritsuka: "Saiko has some agents to take care of the photo and Teruhashi is taking care of the rumors."
Saiki: "Good grief, I hope tomorrow will be a better day."
Toritsuka: "I'm sure it will with me around. ;)"
Saiki: "You're so corny."

Saiki put his phone down and lay on his bed, awaiting for the next day.


As Saiki walked up to PK Academy, he didn't get as many stares as yesterday, sure he got a few glances here and there, but there was no whispering with him being the center of attention. Saiki sighed of relief.

A yellow glow suddenly started walking towards Saiki. Teruhashi was skipping to him. "Hi Saiki, how are you?" Saiki gave her a thumbs up. Teruhashi smiled. "That's good, I would just like to say something to you real quick." Saiki had his ring on today so he couldn't hear what Teruhashi was thinking, he groaned in his mind.

"Toritsuka seems to really care about you, I think he'll treat you well. I just wish you both nothing but happiness in your relationship." Teruhashi explained. Saiki was shocked, like, really shocked. He assumed Toritsuka probably told her about them dating, but the fact Teruhashi seemed really okay with them was a shocker. "...Thank you." Saiki thanked Teruhashi. She nodded and waved goodbye as she walked away quickly before any boys caught her talking to Saiki.

Saiki felt...happy to have support from people he knew.


Toritsuka was running up to the school gates, waking up a bit later than usual that day. He wasn't going to be late for class, he just didn't want to be late to see Saiki before class started.

'I need to see if my darling love is alright!' Toritsuka thought as he zoomed past a few students walking into the school.

As Toritsuka was about to make it to Saiki's classroom, he saw Saiki waiting outside of it, seeming to be waiting for Toritsuka. Toritsuka grinned.

'Decided to sleep in a bit today?' Saiki jokingly said. Toritsuka chuckled. "Sorry." Saiki just shook his head and slightly smiled. 'Let's go somewhere more private, I want to thank you for taking care of the problem.' Saiki started walking away. Toritsuka blushed and smirked. "Really now?" Saiki rolled his eyes. 'I'm not thanking you in a sexual way, pervert.' Toritsuka frowned. "Aw."

They both made it to an empty hallway and stopped. "Thank you, Reita." Saiki said. Toritsuka smiled and pulled Saiki into a tight hug. "I just wanted you to be okay." He whispered. Saiki blushed a little.

"I think you deserve a few more thank you's." Saiki mumbled as he gently pushed Toritsuka away a little so they had space between them. Toritsuka raised an eyebrow, confused, until Saiki kissed Toritsuka. Toritsuka smiled into the kiss and put a hand onto Saiki's cheek, softly holding it.

Saiki pulled away quickly and then kissed Toritsuka's cheek. "You're in sich a kissy mood, it's so weird." Toritsuka giggled. 'I will admit, it is a little out of character for me.' Saiki thought. "You don't hate it though, right?" Saiki asked. Toritsuka shook his head. "No, I love it, a lot." "Good." Saiki kissed Toritsuka on the lips again for a short time before pulling away to speak. "We should get to our classes." Toritsuka nodded. "Alrighty."

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