♡︎Thanksgiving Special♡︎

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November twenty-forth, 2022, thanksgiving. Lots of people celebrate thanksgiving with their family, and that's what the Saiki's were doing this year.

"Ku-Chan, when your grandparents and brother get here, make sure to help them with their coats!" Saiki's mother told him. Saiki nodded, reading a book on the living room couch. "Oh, and did you invite Reita?" His mother quickly asked. Saiki looked up from his book and raised an eyebrow. "No, why?" Saiki's mom gasped loudly. "Ku-Chan! He's your boyfriend!! He's apart of this family now!!" His mother scolded.

"I'm sure he's celebrating with his family." Saiki looked back down to his book and continued reading. "Well then ask him, and if he's not, you're inviting him!!" Saiki sighed, and put his book down next to him so he could pull out his phone from his pocket, not wanting to make his mother angry.

Saiki: "Hey, Reita."
Toritsuka: "What's up?"
Saiki: "What are you doing today for thanksgiving?"
Toritsuka: "Oh, nothing. I was planning on eating a microwaveable turkey dinner and watch TV."
Saiki: "Good grief, that's sad. Well my mom wants me to invite you to our family dinner for thanksgiving, I suggest you come or else she'll lose it."
Toritsuka: "Really? She's so nice, I doubt she could even raise her voice, lol."
Saiki: "You'd be surprised."
Toritsuka: "Yeah, sure, I'll come, should I be on my way now?"
Saiki: "Yes."
Toritsuka: "Alrighty, I'll see you soon darling, ttyl. I love you!"
Saiki: "I love you too."

Saiki put his phone down and looked over to his mother, who was standing a few feet away from him, her hands on her hips, impatiently waiting. "So?" She asked. "Reita's coming." Saiki replied. His mother clapped her hands. "Great! I'll get another plate ready! Oh, I can't wait for your grandparents to meet Reita!" Saiki's mother ran off to the kitchen. 'Good grief, how on earth will my grandfather react?' He thought, picking up his book and going back to reading.


There was a knock on the door, Saiki knew it was Toritsuka, so he told his mom he'd get the door. He stood up from the couch, and walked over to the front door, opening it and being greeted with a smiling Toritsuka. "Hiiiii." Toritsuka teasingly said. "Hello, Reita." Saiki moved out of the way so his boyfriend could come inside, and he did.

As Saiki closed the door, he looked Toritsuka up and down. "Good grief, you're a mess." Toritsuka was wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants, his hair all tangled up with his headband. "Does it matter?-" He asked. "Yes, my grandparents are coming over, and they care if someone is properly dressed." Saiki explained. Toritsuka shrugged his shoulders. "Whoops, I didn't bring any clothes with me." Saiki sighed and grabbed Toritsuka's hand, dragging him upstairs. "Come on, I'll lend you some of my clothes."


Toritsuka was now changed into better clothes, a white button-up shirt, covered by a navy blue vest, and some black jeans. "Wow, we're almost wearing the same thing!" Toritsuka chuckled, as Saiki combed his messy purple hair. "Yeah, except I have a pink vest on." He mumbled, concentrating on the hair he was grooming. Toritsuka liked seeing Saiki be so focused, he thought he looked cute whenever he was.

Saiki finally finished combing Toritsuka's hair, his nice comb now full of strands of purple hair. "Hm. Oh well." Saiki threw the comb away in the bathroom garbage. "Here." He grabbed Toritsuka's headband and handed it to him. Toritsuka took it and put it on, fitting nicely with his cleaned up hair. "I'll wash your hoodie and sweatpants for you after dinner." Saiki said. Toritsuka smiled. "Thank you!" Saiki smiled a bit and put a hand on Toritsuka's cheek to pull him in for a quick kiss.

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