➅︎Chapter Six➅︎

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Saiki couldn't face Toritsuka now after this. He had to avoid him, and prayed that it would be easy to.


It was Monday now, Toritsuka was tiredly walking to school, while still chewing on his breakfast from earlier. He kicked a few pebbles on his way. 'Saiki just left me at the cafe alone...at least he paid for the meal, because I had no money on me.'

The purple haired boy swallowed his breakfast as he arrived at the school gates. 'Let's see...where are you Saiki?' Toritsuka looked around outside, seeing plenty of students walk into the school building, but not noticing Saiki. He couldn't be invisible, Toritsuka would still be able to see him.

'Saiki!! Can you hear me??' Nothing. "Shoot, he must have his ring on..." Toritsuka whispered to himself.

Truth was, Saiki didn't have his ring on, he needed to be able to read Toritsuka's mind if he was going to avoid him successfully. Saiki was already in his classroom, sitting at his desk, he teleported there a few minutes before everyone started arriving to school. 'Should be easy to continue this for the rest of the day.' Saiki thought, he looked out one of the classroom windows.


Saiki was able to avoid Toritsuka for the whole school day. He ate his lunch on the roof, instead of the cafeteria or the bathroom, and whenever Toritsuka did notice Saiki and chase after him, Saiki managed to teleport away without anyone seeing, besides Toritsuka. It was pretty tricky, but Saiki did it, now he only had to continue this forever.

Toritsuka was confused on why Saiki was avoiding him, sure he tried to avoid Toritsuka every day, but he never tried this hard just to not see him.

'Did I do something??' Toritsuka thought, all he did was hang out with Saiki at the cafe, and yeah he did complain a bit, but he didn't do anything that could make Saiki angry. Toritsuka was getting worried. What if Saiki was hiding something from him? Like that he was planning on killing himself soon, or maybe he was going to hurt himself or someone else?

Toritsuka was at home, looking around to find his guardian spirit, Nendou's dead father. "Hey! Where are you?" Toritsuka called out to his empty room, even empty of ghosts.

That's when Nendou's dad poked his head through one of Toritsuka's bedroom walls. "What? I'm busy." He groaned. "Well stop being busy, I need you to do me a favor." Toritsuka said. Nendou's dad flew completely into Toritsuka's room, spinning upside down and stretching. "Whyy??" Toritsuka furrowed his eyebrows. "Because I'm worried about my friend and I need you to check on him for me." Nendou's dad started doing random yoga poses.

"Finee..who is this so called 'friend'?" Nendou's dad did air-quotes with his fingers. "Kusuo Saiki, and are you implying I have no friends?? I have plenty." Toritsuka scoffed. "Suree. Okay bye now." Nendou's dad flew away. Toritsuka sighed. 'I hope Saiki's okay...'


Saiki was quietly rambling to himself aloud. "If I avoid him enough, I'll fall out of love with him." He was walking around his room, in the air, he was so concerned about this that he didn't even notice he wasn't touching the floor.

Nendou's dad then flew into Saiki's room, not being noticed since Saiki can't see ghosts without Toritsuka. He just flew around Saiki and tried to gather information from his rambling.

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