➁︎Chapter Two➁︎

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"Surprise." Saiki said monotonically. Toritsuka was horrified by the sight in front of him. Saiki's wrists were covered in cuts, blood dripping down to his fingertips and onto the ground.

Toritsuka was speechless. He couldn't get any words out, he wanted to barf, he felt sick seeing Saiki like this.

"Give me my razor back." Saiki demanded. Toritsuka furrowed his eyebrows. "W-what? No way!" He said. "I said, give it back to me." Saiki said, reaching over for his razor blade. Toritsuka held it up, away from Saiki. "There's no way in hell I'm giving this back to you!" He shouted. Saiki was getting angry now.

"Yeah well, it's mine and I own it, so give it back." Saiki grabbed Toritsuka's arm with the razor in it and pulled it down towards him. "Saiki, stop!" Toritsuka pulled his arm back. "For Christ's sake, stop making this a big deal." Saiki dug his nails into Toritsuka's arm as he yanked it back to him. "Are you serious right now?! I am not giving you back the thing you used to hurt yourself with!"

Toritsuka and Saiki played tug of war with Toritsuka's arm for a bit until Saiki managed to get the razor blade back. "I can easily kill you right now, you don't want to mess with me." Saiki snarled. "I'm not messing around with you, I'm trying to stop you from hurting yourself!!" Toritsuka responded. "Seems like you're too late then." Saiki said.

Toritsuka gave up on trying to fight Saiki and they stood in silence, looking at each other.

"...How long." Toritsuka whispered. Saiki raised an eyebrow. "How long has this been going on for?" Toritsuka asked a little louder. Saiki just stared at him. "Saiki. Tell me." Toritsuka pleaded.

"...Four years." Saiki responded. Toritsuka's face went pale and his eyes held deep concern in them. "Oh my god..." He whispered in shock. Saiki just gazed his eyes to the side, wanting this conversation to end.

"Saiki, why?"

Saiki looked back to Toritsuka. "Why? Because I'm not normal, I'm cursed with these powers, I don't want to read minds, I don't want to be able to teleport, I don't want to be so strong, I just wish I could be normal like everyone else."

Toritsuka was silent.

"Now if you tell anyone about this, you're dead." Saiki threatened. He walked past Toritsuka and over to one of the bathroom sinks.

Toritsuka remained where he was, his mind racing with thoughts. "Stop thinking so much, it's giving me a headache." Saiki said from the sinks.

Toritsuka slowly looked behind him and over to Saiki, seeing him clean up his razor and wrists. He gulped and then walked over to Saiki.

"Would...would you like some help?" Toritsuka quietly asked. "I'm fine." Saiki mumbled, splashing water over his wrists. "I don't think you are." Saiki didn't reply to Toritsuka.

Saiki finished washing his arms, and then grabbed a few paper towels and wrapped them over his wrists tightly. He looked at Toritsuka. "If you want to, you can clean up the blood from the stall I was in." Saiki said. Toritsuka nodded and grabbed paper towels, putting water on them, and then walked over and started cleaning up.

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