②︎⑥︎Chapter Twenty-Six②︎⑥︎

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Saiki continued hurting himself for too long that night.


Toritsuka sat defeated, still tied up by Saiki's elder brother. He had witnessed Saiki's heart break, and he couldn't stop it whatsoever. Now Toritsuka had to anxiously wait until he was let go, to make sure Saiki was okay.

Kusuke walked into the room that Toritsuka was in, holding his clipboard from before up to his chest, and a pencil resting against his ear. Toritsuka's tired and red eyes gazed up to Kusuke, awaiting to hear what he had to say. Kusuke leaned down cockily and smiled at the purple headed teen he had kidnapped. "It's been four days, I think that's long enough to keep you here." Kusuke walked behind the pillar that Toritsuka was tied to and started untying the ropes that held him in place.

Toritsuka shot up, turning his head behind him towards his boyfriend's older brother. "Hurry up!! I have to make sure Kusuo is alright!" He demanded. Kusuke snorted, "I'm sure he's well." He pulled off the ropes and Toritsuka stood up, a bit wobbly from sitting for so long. After Toritsuka gained his balance, he bolted it for the door, leaving the room without saying a word to Kusuke. Toritsuka managed to find his way out of Kusuke's small base, making his way outside and being greeted by a lovely sunset.

Toritsuka covered the top of his eyebrows, creating shade to block out the bright sun from straining his eyes. He looked around to see where he was, seeing a familiar building not too far away, and speeding away towards it. From there he would find his way to Saiki's house, hopefully making it in time before he did anything too bad to himself.

Toritsuka ran, and ran. The breeze blasted his face as he moved his legs as quick as he could. He was running faster than the time he had broken his leg, which was pretty fast. He didn't even focus on his speed, all that was important right now was Saiki, he had to explain everything to him, and embrace him into a tight hug while he apologized; though he technically didn't even need to apologize.

'I'm coming darling.' Toritsuka thought.


Toritsuka was panting, he was on Saiki's street, so close. The sun was almost gone, and the night would soon arise to cover the city streets in darkness. Toritsuka tried to stop his feet as quick as he could as he made it to Saiki's house, pulling a muscle in his ankle, but not caring at all. He ran up to the front door, and kicked it open, his foot hurt like hell, but it worked.

Toritsuka entered Saiki's house, looking around. It was dark, and quiet. It felt so uneasy in the house for Toritsuka. No one seemed to be home, but he still had to check Saiki's room. He shuffled up the stairs, tripping over himself and wincing when he'd get caught on his probably now sprained foot. He went up to Saiki's bedroom door, and opened it quickly.

Saiki sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the floor with a straight face. "Kusuo!!" Toritsuka shouted, running towards his boyfriend, exhausted. "Don't touch me." Saiki said coldly. Toritsuka pulled his hands up to his chest, and stared down at Saiki, seeing the horrific cuts covering his body. Toritsuka's face went pale and tears started streaming down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry." He sobbed out. He fell down onto the ground in front of Saiki, and shook in pain and shock. "Please- let me explain everything." Toritsuka pleaded. Saiki didn't respond.

"Your brother- he- he took me and-..." Toritsuka's voice cracked as he spoke. "He made a robot of-...me and ah...what you saw was the robot, not- not the...real me." He huffed out through his tears. Saiki's eyes widened.

"...Of course. That's why I couldn't read...'your' thoughts." Saiki said. Toritsuka nodded quickly. Saiki grinned sadly and started chuckling. "...I'm an idiot." He laughed. "I should've known my stupid brother did something, he always does." Saiki sighed. "You aren't an idiot, you- you didn't know." Toritsuka stated. Saiki shook his head and groaned, "Good grief. I'm sorry."

Toritsuka smiled as best as he could. "It's okay, we'll just take you to the hospital and they can see if you're okay!-" Saiki looked down at Toritsuka with blank eyes.

"...At least there was a beautiful sunset." Saiki said monotonically. Toritsuka was confused, but just said "Yeah." as he got up to hug his boyfriend.

But something happened.

He went right through him.

The End.

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