➈︎Chapter Nine➈︎

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Saiki was so focused on the nice make out, that he didn't even hear the thoughts of someone who was seeing everything, and had their phone out.


'Oh my god!' Takahashi the broccoli head was going to use the bathroom until he peeked in and saw Saiki and Toritsuka making out, he immediately pulled his phone out and took a bunch of pictures. For some reason Takahashi was a bit homophobic, he had no reason to be. 'God, that's so gay!' He finished being a peeping-tom and ran away.


The next day, Saiki was walking up to the school gates and saw people looking at him and whispering to one another. Saiki knew something was up. 'Good grief, what did Toritsuka do now?' He thought. He just ignored the stares and headed to class.

Saiki sat down at his desk and looked around, even his fellow classmates were gossiping while looking at him. Then a few of his 'friends' came up to him. "Hey Saiki..." Kaidou greeted. Saiki slightly waved to him.

"Are you dating Toritsuka?"

Saiki furrowed his eyebrows. "God, what did Toritsuka say to you?" Saiki asked. Kaidou looked confused. "Nothing?...Do you not know?" Saiki raised an eyebrow. "Know what?" Kuboyasu who was behind Kaidou hissed through his teeth awkwardly and pulled out his phone, pulling something up. "Someone's been sending this around..." He mumbled. Kuboyasu held his phone screen up to Saiki, Saiki's eyes widened.

On the phone screen was a picture of Saiki and Toritsuka making out in the bathroom from the day before. 'Fuck.' Saiki didn't know what to say, he looked at his friends. "Sorry you had to find out this way...we totally support you though if you are dating him!" Kaidou said. Kuboyasu nodded in agreement. Saiki closed his eyes and sighed. "Yeah, I'm dating him. Jesus Christ, I did not need this to happen." Saiki replied. Then the classroom door slammed open.

Toritsuka was sweating like a dog who just chased a squirrel for hours. He ran into his boyfriend's classroom and snatched him away out into the hallway, saying nothing. Kuboyasu and Kaidou watched as Saiki was pulled away from his desk and didn't do anything.

"Kusuo, I'm so sorry." Toritsuka whispered to Saiki. Saiki looked at Toritsuka. 'You don't need to be sorry, you didn't do anything.' Saiki responded telepathically. "I know how much you don't like attention though, you must have been getting a lot of it today." Toritsuka shakily said, seeming really worried about his lover. Saiki put a hand onto Toritsuka's shoulder. "Calm down Reita, and yeah I have been getting a certain amount of attention, which honestly makes me kind of upset." Saiki told Toritsuka. Toritsuka frowned.

"I promise I'll fix all of this for you." Toritsuka put his hand over the hand Saiki had resting on his shoulder. Saiki smiled a little. 'You seem more worried about me than yourself.' "Everyone already knows me as the pervert, I like having attention, so all I need to be worried about is you." Toritsuka explained. Saiki decided to show a sign of how much he appreciated Toritsuka caring for him, so he gently kissed his cheek. Toritsuka immediately blushed at the unusual action. 'Classes will start soon, I'll see you later, Reita.' Saiki let go of Toritsuka's shoulder and went back into his classroom.

'Bye...darling.' Toritsuka grinned happily.


It was lunch now, Toritsuka had let Saiki know that he would be busy trying to fix the problem the whole lunchtime, so Saiki ate alone on the rooftop like normal, even though he kinda wished Toritsuka could eat with him.

'Okay...I don't think I have enough brains to fix this whole issue, so I'll need help.' Toritsuka thought to himself. He walked around the school hallways. 'But from who?' Toritsuka then saw up ahead of him was Teruhashi, who looked like she just escaped a crowd of boys. 'Of course! Everyone will listen to her! Maybe she can convince whoever took the photo to say that it was photoshopped!' Toritsuka tan up to Teruhashi.

"Teruhashi, I need your help!" Teruhashi looked a little concerned that a pervert was running up to her, but decided to listen since she's so nice. "Yes?" She politely asked. Toritsuka stared at her glow for a second, before he remembered he was already dating someone.

"Teruhashi...you've probably seen that photo going around of me and Saiki." Toritsuka started off, Teruhashi tried to keep a smile on, she saw the photo, many times, and it made her a little annoyed considering how she has a crush on Saiki. "Mhm." She mumbled. "Well, I was wondering if I found whoever took the photo, that you could convince them to tell everyone it was photoshopped." Toritsuka stated. Teruhashi hesitated.

"...I'd love to do that for you!...But, I have a question." Teruhashi said. Toritsuka gulped, noticing how she seemed serious. "Are you and Saiki...in a relationship together?" Toritsuka pushed his lips together and hummed. 'I don't think I should tell her...Saiki might get mad.' Teruhashi saw Toritsuka was trying to remain quiet, so she put on her puppy dog face. "You can tell me!" Toritsuka couldn't resist, it was Teruhashi after all. "...Yeah." He sighed out. Teruhashi then frowned and looked to side, feeling sad now knowing the truth.

"Well...I support you two no matter what, and I hope you're both happy." She genuinely said. Toritsuka smiled. "Thanks, Teruhashi." Teruhashi smiled back. "If you have a hard time finding the culprit, I'm sure Saiko has some special agents or something that could easily find them." Teruhashi suggested. "Oh yeah, he probably has people from the FBI working for him...thanks for the help!" Toritsuka quickly ran away to go find Saiko, the rich boy.


Saiko was eating at a special table reserved only for him in the cafeteria. He had a gourmet meal made by his own personal chefs and was sitting on a small throne. Toritsuka saw from a feet few away and just whispered to himself, "Jeez, this might be hard."

Toritsuka slowly walked up to Saiko. The gray haired male looked at him. "Ah, the pervert. What do you need? Cash?" Saiko then pulled out a few hundred dollar bills from his pocket and threw it at Toritsuka. Toritsuka gasped and quickly grabbed it all, acting like a bridesmaid trying to catch the flower bouquet.

After Toritsuka got all of the money, he cleared his throat and spoke to Saiko. "No, actually, I need your help." Saiko grinned. "I'm sure it has something to do with this little picture going around?" Saiko held up a super nice phone with the picture of Saiki and Toritsuka on the screen. Toritsuka sighed. "Yeah, I'm sure you have some people working for you who are some special FBI agents that could trace back whoever first took that photo and maybe take it down?" Toritsuka hissed through his teeth, not knowing what Saiko's answer would be. Saiko raised an eyebrow and put a finger to his chin, thinking.

"Hmm. You know what, I'm feeling nice today, sure. I can get my agents to do that." Saiko replied. Toritsuka was shocked and widened his eyes. "Oh my god, thank you so much!" He bowed down on the ground to Saiko like he was his lord and savior. Saiko laughed. "Whatever, you will have to pay me back eventually." Toritsuka then frowned, right, you don't get nice things for free.

Now with the help of some people, Toritsuka knew that the problem would be taken care of.


Saiki was on the rooftop with his face in his hands, trying not to cry and scream. He was secretly angry about everything. He really didn't like attention. 'Good grief, Reita please tell me everything will be alright.' Saiki said, not even talking in Toritsuka's mind, just basically talking to himself.

Saiki clenched his fists. 'Please.'

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