⑱︎︎Chapter Eighteen⑱︎

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"I guess I've seen too much porn."


Toritsuka was on top of Saiki, pinning him down onto his bed, licking every crevice he could find on Saiki's torso.

Saiki huffed. "Quit licking me, are you a cat?" He asked, a bit impatient. Toritsuka looked up at Saiki, smirking. "Only if I get to be your kitten." He said. Saiki had a disturbed look on his face and grabbed one of his pillows, hitting Toritsuka in the head with it. "Ow! That hurt!" Toritsuka rubbed the side of his head. "You deserved it." Saiki put his pillow back and before he could say anything else, Toritsuka kissed him deeply. Saiki melted into the kiss and relaxed, wrapping his arms around Toritsuka's neck, pulling him down with him.

They pulled away, their saliva dripping down onto Saiki's bare chest. Saiki licked around his mouth, cleaning his and Toritsuka's spit up from it. "You're so annoying." He mumbled. Toritsuka chuckled, sitting up to pull his shirt off. "You love me though." Toritsuka threw his shirt next to Saiki's on the floor. Saiki stared at the shirtless Toritsuka, he was only in his pants, necklace, and bracelets. Saiki didn't want to admit he looked extremely hot when he didn't have a shirt on, so he just kept it to himself.

Toritsuka leaned back down to Saiki, kissing his hips. Saiki bit his lip, getting turned on from the soft lips on his skin. "Let's just get naked already." Saiki demanded, now very impatient. Toritsuka laughed. "Oh, look at how horny you are. You're never like this." He teased, sitting up again. "Good grief, shut up." Saiki quickly sat up to Toritsuka's level and aggressively pulled Toritsuka close to him by the brim of his pants, unbuckling his belt as fast as he could. Saiki eyes were filled with lust, he really wanted this. Toritsuka got hard at the sight of it, and his hardened cock sprung up when Saiki pulled down his pants and boxers.

Saiki adjusted Toritsuka so he was sitting on the edge of his bed, and Saiki got down onto his bedroom floor, on his knees, and in front of Toritsuka. Toritsuka widened his eyes with a big grin plastered on his face. "Holy shit, Are you about to suck me off?!-" He seemed excited. "Yes. I've never done it before, but I'm going to do it." Saiki responded. Toritsuka tried his best to not jump from horny excitement. Saiki then gently grabbed onto Toritsuka's cock, making it fit in his hand.

Saiki gulped, he was nervous to suck a dick for the first time, but he wanted to do it, he wanted to make Toritsuka feel nice, and hopefully have him return the favor after. Saiki took a few breaths before moving his mouth close to Toritsuka's cock.

Saiki breathed heavily onto Toritsuka's tip, making Toritsuka shudder at the warm air brushing against him. He waited a few seconds, only feeling Saiki's breath, until he felt something wet touch his tip. Toritsuka gasped.

Saiki was slowly licking Toritsuka's tip, his eyes closed and salvia dripping out of the corners of his mouth. He panted against it as he licked around, it felt so strange doing it, but Saiki just tried to pretend it was like a popsicle.

Toritsuka gripped Saiki's bed's blanket on the sides of him, feeling something build up inside. Truth was, he'd never had a blowjob before either, he was a full on virgin. He has used fleshlights before obviously, being him, but it felt so good to have a wet and hot tongue touching his cock.

Saiki then slowly wrapped his lips around the tip of Toritsuka's dick, and started gently sucking. Toritsuka bit his lip with a smile on his face. "Mmm...oh darling, that feels great..." Toritsuka murmured. Saiki peeked one eye opened and looked up at Toritsuka, his face was red, and he had some sweat dripping down from underneath his headband. Saiki knew he was doing good, so he continued and closed his one eye.

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