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ONE OF these days Blue swore she'd murder Vance Hopper. Every thing he ever did made her want to snap his neck and never say sorry. Blue was a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode every time he came near. The boy made her want to rip all of the hair she had, dig herself a grave, and then die alone.
          Blue was sure Vance would be the death of her. No matter what the cause of death may be, she knew he'd be the reason.

Vance on the other hand also hated Blue. Every time she'd walk into the grab n' go, looking for a snack, he always managed to find a way to be mad at her.
     One time it was simply because she had gotten drink he didn't like. Blue found this pathetic but tried to avoid arguing with the boy... which didn't work.

One day Blue would kick his ass and make him regret anything he ever did to her. Though she didn't know how, she'd find a way.

Her thoughts were cut short when the annoying sound of her brothers voice rang through her ears.
"Wake up!" He shouted for what felt like the fiftieth time this morning, shaking Blue awake. "Get your nasty hands off me." The girl mumbled, pulling the blankets over her and rolling to the other side of the bed.
       "Dad is taking us to school. Get your ass up!" He said again, this time pulling back the blankets and pushing her onto the floor. Blue landed with a thump, surely leaving a few bruises along her legs and stomach. "Ow!" She shouted, standing up. "You are so dead!" With one last yell, she slammed her door close, finally just deciding to get dressed even though she'd definitely get Baylen back later.


One thing about Blue is that she absolutely hated school. She thought it was completely useless unless you were trying to get in college.
      Which she obviously wasn't.
Wasting a day just to learn some stupid things for a few hours made her angry. But no matter how hard she tried to get out of school, whether that be getting expelled, faking sick, or even just skipping class, it never worked.

Let's just say her parents didn't know what to do either. With multiple talks to the school, no one could figure out what was wrong with her... even if there was anything wrong her.

Pulling on her headphones as both Blue and Baylen exited their dads car, the school, more like prison, building stood tall in front of them. "I'll see you two tonight." Levi said, pulling out of the drop off area. Baylen looked at his sister sadly as he watched her look at the building in which they would sit there for the next 8 hours.
      Blue started walking towards her only friends.
            Bruce, Gwen, and her best friend, Clara.

"Hi!" Clara waves with a giant smile on her face. Bruce and Gwen turned around with the same smile, also waving at the girl.
       Blue slightly smiled, pulling the headphones off her ears, letting them hang around her neck before speaking. "Hey guys." She mumbled, stuffing her hands in her pockets. The four of them talked for a little before the bell rang, signaling class would begin soon.

"Have fun in class." Blue told Bruce since they shared home room together. "Excuse me?" He asked as they stopped in front of the classroom. "I'm not going in there. It's stupid, useless crap we don't need to know." She explained, shrugging her shoulders. Bruce sighed, looking to the side before back at her. "Fine. Be careful." With that he walked in, leaving Blue by herself.

The girl walked down the hall, passing a few students who were rushing around before walking out of the building completely.
The only thing she could hear was the blasting music in her ears and her own thoughts deep inside her mind.
That was until someone tripped her as she went falling forward onto the gravel. Blue didn't even need to know who's foot tripped her as she saw the black boot.

"Fuck you." She mumbled, quickly standing up again, just to become face to face with Vance. He had a smirk plastered upon his face, leaning up against a teachers car. "Oh please, you'd do the same thing to me if you could." That earned an eye roll from the girl.
"Maybe watch where you're going-." "Don't be so cliche, Vance." Blue immediately snapped back, backing up to walk away. He just shrugged, turning to walk far away from the school.

Blues head wasn't being quiet. Instead it was racing with thoughts. Thoughts that shouldn't even be spoken aloud let alone done.
       She shook her anger off, placing the headphones back onto her ears before heading to the park. The only place she could go without getting caught.

The walk there was short, just about four minutes. Blue sat against a tree, putting her head against it while closing her eyes.
     At this point she wished Vance would kill her. She thought there was nothing to live for except for Baylen, Bruce, Clara, Gwen, and her grandma. But that was it. She could never make new friends or talk to other people because of how quiet she was. With the exception of Vance.

Life had stopped being good after her parents divorce. After that it all went downhill. She'd watch the little girls and boys with both their parents, looking as happy as ever. That's all she had ever wanted. It made her even more angry when they wouldn't tell her the reason they divorced.
        To Blue, her parents relationship was good and steady. But she thought wrong.
Just around her 12th birthday, Blue had finally figured out the cause of their divorce. It's when her father started to drink more, got angry easily, talked over her, and treated her as if her feelings didn't matter.
Blue had even talked to her mother a bit about it and sure enough, she was right.


The girl had opened her eyes after closing them for a couple minutes, realizing she had a whole day of doing nothing.

Grab n' go it is.


A/N: let me know how the first chapter was! Also if you are confused about the nick name "Blue" it will be described later in the story x

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