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THAT NIGHT as Blue tried to sleep she couldn't

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THAT NIGHT as Blue tried to sleep she couldn't. Her eyes stared up at the ceiling, listening to her father yell on the phone at about 12 in the morning.
         The tossing and turning didn't help. She lay wide awake, the only thing on her mind was her father arguing back and forth with a friend about politics. That's when she finally decided to go check on Baylen.

She lightly knocked on his door which was already halfway cracked. Baylen, also not being able to sleep, turned over to see Blues silhouette in the door frame. "You can't sleep either?" The girl asked, leaning against the frame. "Nope." He replied, propping himself up on his elbows. "Should we tell him to stop yelling?" Blue suggested, crossing her arms. Baylen nodded, throwing the blankets off, walking out of the room with Blue following.

Baylen opened the garage door, sticking his head out. "Dad." He spoke but the man didn't even look over and instead sipped his beer. "Dad!" He said louder, pushing open the heavy door even more.
          Levi looked up at his son, quickly saying something into the phone before putting it down. "Yes, son?" "You're being very loud. If you could quiet down it'd be very appreciated." Baylen spoke, closing the door before Levi could respond.

That was until the kids were halfway back to their rooms and Levi came in. "Sorry. You know I get angry about that stuff." He replied, grabbing yet another beer. Probably the fourth one he's had in the past three hours. "Yeah, now please be quiet." Blue finally spoke up. "Oh and why you're at it, maybe you should stop drinking." She suggested as nicely as she could.
           Levi closed his eyes, lowering his head with a sigh. "You don't know what addiction is sweetie." He replied. Blue held back an eye roll, thinking about several habits and addictions she had. "Okay, sure." She said back, turning to go back to her room until his voice stopped her. "Was that sass?" Levi asked, looking up at her, dropping his hands to his sides. "I don't know, was it?" She asked, speaking truthfully.

"Don't! I mean... don't speak to me that way." He spoke through gritted teeth. Baylen on the other hand looked down at his sister, watching her breathing deepen. The two siblings tried to walk back again, Blue mumbling, "no wonder mom left you." Baylen heard and laughed a little.
           Unfortunately Levi had also heard.
"What did you say? What did you say you little shit?" He asked, moving a few inches towards them. Blues soul practically left her body when she heard that. Slowly they turned back around, looking at him.

"No wonder mom left you." She spoke louder this time, swallowing the fear that had rose. His jaw twitched, his fist balling up. Baylen had slowly grabbed his sisters hand, his jaw clenching as well. "Why'd did I have children?! You." Levi said, pointing at Blue, his voice raising as he did so. "Are worthless. You two are the reason we're divorced!" He shouted, sticking his finger in their faces.
   "Don't you yell at her like that!" Baylen yelled, letting go of her hand, stepping in front of his sister with a finger pointed at Levi. "Screw you! You suck at being a father!" Baylen finished yelling, dropping his hand.
         Blue felt tears well up in her eyes making Levi's face soften. "Blue I... I didn't mean it." He said, gesturing his hands towards his daughter behind Baylen. Blue dropped her shoulders. "It's fine. Goodnight." With that she went to her room, leaving Baylen and Levi in the kitchen light.

Baylen narrowed his eyes at his dad, keeping his jaw shut tight before leaving himself.

Levi put his head in his hands with a sigh. He wanted to change. But he felt as if he couldn't. He desperately wanted his wife back as well. All four of them together were a happy family. But of course he had to screw it up.


The morning had came, the sun shining through Blues window. She groaned, covering her face with the blanket when she heard someone walk into her room. "It's saturday. You know what that means?" Baylen asked, sitting down next to her. She pulled the blankets off her head, turning her head to look up at him. "We have to babysit right?" Blue asked while Baylen nodded.
            "What time?" "11:00 to 7:00." He said, standing up to go get ready. "Ugh, why does Bethany have to leave so early?" She complained.

Now Blue liked the kids her and Baylen babysat but some weekend days she was not feeling it. Bethany worked as a nurse on Saturdays and had different babysitters.
        This Saturday it was Baylen and Blue.

Blue got dressed, throwing on a white shirt with a blue jacket, yellow stripes wrapping around the sleeves, throwing on some baggy jeans. The girl looked in her dusty old mirror, brushing her hair and spraying perfume.

"Come on, Blue! It's time to go!" Baylen called from the kitchen. She put on her black converse as quickly as she could, grabbing her backpack she'd need for babysitting. It held snacks for the kids, Barbie's, and movies for them to watch if they got bored. "Let's go! Bye dad!" Blue shouted, grabbing her black lanyard with her house keys.

Baylen hurried after Blue once she ran out the door, almost excited to babysit now. "Good Lord Blue, slow down would ya?" He called out, running after his sister. However, Blue didn't slow down and instead ran faster. Baylen scoffed, trying to catch up with his sister.
Blue stopped running to say hi to Bruce who was riding his bike down the road. "Hi Bruce!" She called out. He smiled at her. "Hi Blue!" Bruce pulled over to talk to her. That's when Baylen finally caught up. "Good Lord, you run fast." He panted, placing his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. "Hi Bruce." He said out of breath.

Bruce laughed at him before returning back to Blue. "Why're you two in a rush?" The boy asked, holding himself up with one foot, still sitting slightly on the bike. "Babysitting! You wanna hang out tomorrow with Gwen?" She asked, rocking on her feet. "Yes of course. I'll let her know." He smiled, looking at Baylen who finally caught his breath.
"I'll let you two get going. See ya!" They waved goodbye to each other, Blue and Baylen taking to each other's side.

Somehow he got his sister to walk the next block. The Cameron's house was nice. It was two story, had a nice garden in the back, along with multiple cars in the driveway. The family was rich and it was obvious but they were still very kind.

The two siblings were let inside. Bethany explained the rules even though they already knew everything. "Thank you Mrs. Cameron. Have a nice day." Blue smiled at her as she left.

The kids were immediately entertained since Blue and Baylen had agreed to jump on the trampoline with them.
Blue had made them lunch while the kids played uno with Baylen.
It was safe to say the day went by pretty easily.

Around 6:30 the kids had been put to sleep as Blue and Baylen laid on the couch. "Wanna watch Charlie Brown?" Baylen asked. Blue nodded, to tired to say anything. She would've went to sleep right then and there but it wasn't even her house and she had to get home.
Eventually Baylen got bored and decided to braid his sisters hair. Which failed miserably. "What did you do?" She asked as she looked at his worried face. "Nothing... bad." He scrunched up his face at the lie. "I hate you." Blue said, rolling her eyes. "Love you to." Baylen shrugged, perking up at the sound of the front door.
"Thank you two so much. Here's your money." Bethany said, handing them each a ten. "Thank you."They both said, putting it into their pockets. "Of course. Have a good night." She waved them off into the night as they left.


"I have to stop by the store." Blue said, realizing they hadn't had dinner yet. "I'll come with." Baylen yawned. "No, it's fine. Go home and relax." She told her brother. "You sure?" She immediately nodded. "Alright, be careful. I love you." "Love you to." And with that they parted ways.


A/N: thank you for reading! I really wanted to have a Blue and Baylen bonding time so I hope I made that happen :)) the next chapter will be a little crazy, just a heads up. comment and vote x

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