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TWO WEEKS had passed since the incident and both teens were still in hiding

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TWO WEEKS had passed since the incident and both teens were still in hiding. Vance and Blue definitely had gotten closer. Both of them knew just about everything about each other at this point.
Vance had found an old Jeep behind the cabin at one point, deciding on fixing it up just to cure his boredom. Blue had even helped with it. The two had finished since it really wasn't that broken and just needed some repairs and gas. It took about 4 days to fix max.

Although they couldn't drive it maybe someday someone would be able to. Until then they both cleaned up the cabin. Vance had also managed to fix the T.V after the 100th time which he was very proud about.

The two teens were sitting on the sofa watching Tom and Jerry, Blue drifting in and out of sleep. "You tired?" Vance asked, looking down at the girl whose eyes were just about closed. "Yeah." She breathed out, yawning after the sentence. "Alrighty, let's go to bed then." He said, turning off the television.
They both said goodnight to each other, going into their rooms. Blue had been sleeping better after a few talks Vance had with her and she was forever grateful for it.


It was about 1 in the morning and Blue was fast asleep. That was until a bright light and car sounds woke her up. To make sure she wasn't going crazy she rubbed her eyes and looked out the window. Her heart practically dropped when she saw the car. No one except Blue and Vance had been there. How in the hell did someone find them?
She saw a guy, more specifically the one who blamed her murderer. He got out of the car with a shotgun. Blue immediately started to panic, going to wake up Vance right away.

"Vance! Oh my God, Vance!" She shouted, trying to keep her panic levels down. "What?" He asked quietly. "They found us." At that Vance practically jumped out bed, rushing to the front window to look. "Shit. Shit shit shit!" He yelled, immediately pulling on his shoes and coat, throwing Blue hers. The two ran as quietly as they could to Vance's window to escape through the back, that was until flashlights caught their eyes, signaling people were already in the back.

"Fuck." Vance mumbled, pulling Blue into the office room. "Open up, Parker!" The man shouted, signaling for his men to go around and look through the windows. "You're making this harder than it has to be!" He yelled again.
Blues heart was practically beating out of her chest as Vance held her, leaning against the wall behind him. His heart was also pounding against his chest, trying to think of an escape route. "Blue, listen to me." He said, turning her around, holding her shoulders. "The car that we just fixed is out back, if we can get outside we can get in it and drive off."
"Vance, we can't drive! I mean I only ever have driven out of my parents driveway!" Blue shouted quietly. "Do your best. I have a plan, play along." He grabbed her hand, leading her to the door, poking his head out.

"Clear." He said, pulling her into his bedroom. The door was now locked as he picked the lock on the window. "Wait." Blue said, going into her room with caution to grab her switchblade. Vance was now freaking out as the people tried to break down the front door.

"Where is it?" Blue mumbled to herself as she frantically tried to find where it was. With one final look in her dresser she found it, cautiously running back to his room. "What took you so long?!" He whisper yelled, opening the window some.
"Couldn't find it but I did, now let's hurry up and go!" She replied, crouching down as she neared the window. Vance stepped aside for her to climb through first. Her feet landed harshly on the snow, making it crunch under her feet.
Vance went immediately after her, the snow making a little to much noise. "Go go go." He rushed as they ran towards the Jeep. They opened the doors slowly as they slid into the seats.

"How do I do this?!" She rambled, fumbling with the keys. "Put it in and twist, the car should start and then drive!" He shouted as quietly as he could, trying to instruct her. "But remember the second the car is on the second they know we're back here so you have to go quick." Vance whispered, his adrenaline higher than it ever had been.
Usually when he was in a fight, he'd win. He always did. But now they were against bad men with guns. It wasn't just a fist fight. Their lives were on the line and the only thing on his mind was to get out of there alive.

Blue put the key in, twisting it. The car lights shot on, making the view in front of them easier to see. When they heard the men shouting "go towards the back" Blue immediately stepped on the gas peddle. "Turn right! Turn right!" Vance shouted since she was going straight towards the cabin. "Oh my God!" She shouted, turning the wheel with as much power she could.

They were now heading towards the woods which wasn't a smart idea. "Vance what do I do?!" She shouted with panic. "Go to the front and towards the road!" Blue turned the wheel, causing Vance to go flying into the door. The men had stepped in front of the car with their guns aimed right at them. "Shit!" Blue shouted.
"Just drive!" Vance yelled back, not caring if they ran over the men.

Millions of thoughts ran through her head as everything seemed to slow down. She had never once in her life think she'd be in this situation, that had been happening a lot lately. When Blue saw the guy who put her in this situation in the first place, sympathy had been replaced with revenge.

Fear had left the girls head entirely as she pressed down as hard as she could on the gas pedal. The car was now going straight towards the men as they all started shooting. "Get down!" Vance shouted although she didn't. Instead a smirk made its way onto her face as glass shattered all around them.
The men had all jumped aside as the Jeep made its way onto the road, them zipping down it. "Woah. That was badass!" Vance said, sitting up in his seat. Blue smiled at the boy then returned to the road.

Vance had heard another car and people shouting behind them as he looked back. "Um, Blue, they're following us." "Good." She saw the speed limit sign, completely ignoring it considering the situation they were in.

Blue felt like she was on top of the world. Nothing else mattered except for being alive and feeling alive. Being out of the cabins property made Blue more excited than she had been in awhile. She honestly didn't care that people with guns were chasing her because of a plan that had boiled up.

"They're gaining on us." Vance reported to her. "Okay." She said, making a sharp turn on the rocky terrain, making the Jeep almost tip over. Vance fell into the door again but was thrown right back into his seat once the car was back on all four wheels.
Blue looked in the rearview mirror, watching their car tip over completely, glass flying everywhere, the airbag flying into the drivers face, along with the other men getting injuries.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Blue yelled happily, making the car go slower once they were out of their sight. "That was the best fucking car chase I've ever been in. And my first. But Blue that was amazing!" Vance yelled, grabbing the hand that wasn't on the wheel. "Thank you." She smiled at him before looking back at the road.
"Now we need to get somewhere and quick because if we get caught we're dead. I mean we almost just did. Also I seriously do not want to drive on a main road." She said, her breathing coming back down to normal.

"Pull over." He instructed. Blue carefully pulled over on the abandoned road, sitting back in her seat with her eyes closed. Her heart was still beating out of her chest but she felt good. For once revenge felt sweet. It was the best she could do at the moment.
Destroy their car and their faces.

"I can drive from here." He said, getting out and going around to the drivers side. She jumped out, her body felt as if it were on fire. She sat in the passengers side, looking out the window with a sigh.
"What do we do now? We're still wanted and those guys will be up and going soon." Blue spoke up, her voice raspy from all the yelling. "I um.... I don't know." He sighed, leaning back in his seat. "I really don't know, Blue."


A/N: this chapter was SO fun to write! Thank you for reading! Comment and vote x

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