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ANOTHER DAY of nothing

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ANOTHER DAY of nothing. Blue hung out with Clara and Vance most of the day which was very amusing to her. Clara and Vance got along as if they were siblings. They were arguing over the most stupid things imaginable and she couldn't control her laughter.

The three of them were sitting on Blues bedroom floor, sipping on Pepsi and eating snacks. The snacks weren't even getting touched since Blue was laying down, holding her stomach from her laughter as Vance and Clara were arguing over movies.

They kept talking over each other which made it that much more hilarious to Blue. "No! You're not listening!" "I'm very much listening!" Clara yelled as Vance yelled over her.
      "Matt Dillon is going to be the next big actor. I'm telling you now." Clara shrugged, popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

"We don't know that." Vance argued. Blue found it amusing just how much Vance was against Matt Dillon for some reason. "He's kinda hot. Just saying." Blue put on a straight face with a shrug.
   Vance gave her a death stare and she just smiled at him. He threw popcorn at her which she dodged quickly.

The three of them hung out the rest of the day. Baylen had eventually joined them. At one point Blue had told Vance about Clara's enormous crush on the boy so the couple found it funny how she acted around him.

Suddenly everything went black. "What the fuck?" Vance mumbled, looking around at nothing but darkness. "Is it storming?" Clara asked, feeling her hands around until she hit someone's knee.
      "Who did I hit?" She asked as she felt someone grab her hand. "Me." A British voice spoke. And it definitely wasn't Blue.

"Shit, my bad." Clara quickly pulled her hand away and even though it was dark Vance and Blue couldn't help but let out a laugh. "No but seriously, is it storming?" Clara asked again. "Yes, Clara, it is storming." Blue replied, standing up and trying to move her way through the darkened room.

It brought back memories from when she was kidnapped. When she woke up in the dark room and couldn't see anything for hours.
     The girls breathing quickened without her even realizing it. Her hands trembled a bit and she froze in her place.

"Blue?" Vance asked, standing up as well. Once he managed to reach her, he slipped his arms around her from behind, holding her tightly. Clara and Baylen knew what was going on and just stayed silent.

The girl closed her eyes tightly, her bottom lip starting to tremble. "You're okay. I'm right here." He whispered, kissing the side of her head.
The girl put her hands on his arms that were closed around her and immediately felt safer. "Sis, we'll go get flashlights. Stay here with Vance." Baylen spoke up, standing up carefully before pulling Clara up with him.

Vance and Blue sat on the bed while the other two went out in the hallway. Baylen bumped into Mandy on the way, already holding flashlights. "Oh, thanks mom." Baylen smiled, turning it on. "No problem." She smiled back before returning back to what she was doing.

Clara's face was lit up as Baylen shined the light on her. "Woah there, that's bright. You're gonna blind me." The red head laughed, pushing the flash light away from her. Baylen laughed to, both of them returning back to the room.
"Here." Baylen said, throwing Blue one of the flash lights. "Thanks." She replied turning it on.

"You good?" Clara asked, sitting down on the opposite side of where Vance was. Blue nodded before standing up again. Vance, Clara, and Baylen shared small talk while Blue grabbed the lighter.
More specifically the lighter that was used to set a whole building on fire. Blue decided to keep it just because it was useful. She even carved her name into it.

She lit a few candles that were scattered around her room before sitting back down. Vance put an arm around her shoulders as they all continued their conversations.


A few hours later everyone had fallen asleep. Blue had fallen asleep on Vance and Clara accidentally fell asleep on Baylen. The boys had fallen asleep a few moments after that. The loud thunder was music to Vance's ears.
He loved the rain with all of his heart. The clash of lighting and the booming sound of the thunder and the rain pattering hard against the window was all very calming to him.

He thought about the girl wrapped in his arms besides him. The girl who had saved his life. He honestly didn't know if he'd still be alive if it wasn't for her.


A/N: sorry this chapter is so short. I had no idea what to write and I just needed a filler chapter. Thank you for reading! Comment and vote x

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