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BLUE WOKE up with a splitting headache, causing her to groan as she opened her eyes. All she saw was darkness. She stood up, expecting to be tied down but to her surprise she wasn't.
        She ran her hands along a wall she found, hoping that if she kept doing that she'd find a door. Suddenly her hands touched a doorknob and she immediately grabbed onto it.

"Let me out!" She screamed as loud as she could. "Fuck you, you bitches! Let me out!" She screamed again, shaking the knob in hopes in would open. After awhile of nothing she gave up, walking further into the darkened room.

The girl forgot there was a chair and fell over it, landing face first on the ground. She felt more bruises forming as she sat back up, grabbing the chair and throwing it at the door. The only light which was coming from under it was doing absolutely nothing.
          The girl sat against the closest wall, bringing her knees to her chest, assuming she'd be there for quite some time.


Hours later someone finally rattled the door handle, alerting Blue. She perked her head up and saw the same guy. She rolled her eyes as he walked in. "Is this room sound proof or did you just not hear me?" Blue asked as he harshly grabbed her arm, pulling her up.
        "Neither, we just chose to ignore you." The man replied, pulling her out into the light. Her eyes adjusted, taking in her surroundings. The building was mostly white and looked like some sort of doctor's office or lab.

Several other men stood around as the one holding her threw the girl into a chair.
         Blue looked unamused. She wasn't surprised this was happening once they had found her. She had two men standing besides her, holding small knives. She assumed they'd use them on her if she tried to do anything.

The leader stood at the other side of the table, staring her down, trying to make her uncomfortable which wasn't working. Blue always kept eye contact no matter who she was talking to. Unless she was mad or sad she held power over it.

He gave up, dropping his head but Blue kept her eyes on him the entire time. "You're probably wondering why you're here." He spoke, lifting his head back up. "No." She responded right back, causing a "guard" besides her to stiffen.
         "No I'm not. I know exactly why I'm here." Blue smiled as she spoke truthfully. Everyone in the room was now confused except for him.

"What's your name?" He asked. "You already know. Plus I don't have to tell you anything." Blues sentence was cut short when a sharp pain stung in her arm. One of the men had cut her. It wasn't a large cut but enough to make it bleed.

Blue pretended it didn't hurt because for her it really didn't. "Now, what's yours?" The girl spoke through gritted teeth. "Fine. Nolan." Blue tried to keep her laugh back and succeeded.
         "That's pretty pathetic. This whole thing is pathetic." Another cut to her arm. "I see how this is gonna go. I'm gonna get cut every time one of you finds my words or actions offensive." Blue spoke aloud, causing Nolan to slam his hands on the table.

A man stood at the side of the table and looked at her. "Stop talking." He said, standing tall. Blue looked at him, putting up both her middle fingers before rolling her eyes.

"Let me ask you a question." Blue leaned forward. "Do you want me dead?" Nolan's gaze turned to ice, his eyes hardening as Blue smirked.
           "Is that a no?" A cut to her cheek. She felt blood rush down her face and tried to ignore it. "Well if I keep bleeding then I'll be dead before you know it." The girl leaned back, watching Nolan struggle to find words.

A man went in to cut her but Nolan stopped him. "She had a point. You only do it when it's absolutely necessary." Blue had won this time.


Throughout the day Blue got a few more cuts as she was bombarded with questions. "I should be the one asking you these things. I'm not the one who took someone's life." She thought her arms couldn't take another cut but she was wrong.
Her arms felt as if they were on fire at this point. At first it didn't hurt but once her arms were almost completely filled it hurt like hell.

"You were the only witness. I've seen you with that boy and he obviously knows as well. If I get caught because of you two, you're dead." Blue simply didn't care about his threat. She was already held hostage, getting cut. How much worse could this get?

"We'll talk tomorrow." Nolan walked away with some of his men following behind. The two beside her lifted her up by her arms, dragging her somewhere.
Instead of the dark room, she was brought to another small room with a small cot and a toilet. "Is this what? Prison?" She asked. With that they threw her to the ground, slamming the door behind them.

Blue looked around, feeling goosebumps rise on her skin from the bitter cold of the room. The walls were bare and dark and the only pieces of furniture in there were just necessities. The girl sighed and sat on the cot.

It was very springy and uncomfortable but it was better than the floor. She laid down and stared at the ceiling. She had no idea what the time was so she just decided to sleep.


The girl woke up from a nightmare the same time someone walked in the room. "Let's go." His deep voice rattled. She stood up, looking at him then obeying. She really didn't want any more cuts.
Her arms were covered in dry blood and she felt disgusting. They probably were getting infected from the lack of sanitation.

The man grabbed her arms harshly. She winced but he didn't care and kept on walking. Blue kept her mouth shut as they walked until she was sat in the same spot she was the day previously.


A/N: I'm so deeply sorry if that was a trigger to anyone. I'll always put warnings before things like that. But thank you for reading :) comment and vote x

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