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THE RIDE back to town felt so long. Blue offered Vance to ride with her and her family but he opted to go with the cops. For once he wasn't going to the station. He was going home.

The boy sat in the cop car, staring at the fast motion of everything that passed outside the window. A huge weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. Everything that had happened, happened. No more murders. No more running. No more hiding. No more being scared. It was all over.

He leaned his head back against the seat, thinking everything through. Nothing with Blue would be the same again. Was the first thing that came to his mind. The two definitely did not hate each other anymore.
He didn't know what to think about that. Everything would be awkward now but he pushed it aside.

Everyone would hate him and Blue even more. Or so he thought. They had led to many problems, resulting in people not being able to do certain things and staying under house arrest for months on end.
Vance wished he could disappear. His stepfather would be furious and his mom wouldn't do anything about it. He then started thinking about why she didn't show up. She surely cared but why wouldn't she?

Vance closed his eyes, his mind drifting to sleep.


In the car, Blue was bombarded with questions and she wasn't ready to answer them. "Mom, I can't... I can't think straight right now. I promise I'll explain later I'm just so... exhausted." The girl sighed, leaning her head against the window.
"Okay baby, just relax." Mandy looked in the rearview mirror at Blue who had passed out within seconds. She sighed, looking at her beat up appearance.

Blue had thousands of cuts down her arms, now covered in dried blood. Her skin consisted of black smoke residue from the fire. Her pants were stained with blood and with every movement she made, the cuts under them screamed in pain. She had a large gash on the side of her stomach as well on the side of her cheek.

Mandy's heart ached for her. She started crying, looking back at the road. "Are you gonna put her in therapy?" Baylen asked quietly, trying not to break down himself. "Only if she wants it." She replied.
Baylen looked at his sister, gently grabbing her hand. Blue subconsciously squeezed it tighter, her mind, even while sleeping, enjoyed her brothers presence after months without it.


Blue walked through the door of her house with a soft smile. The air was cold but it still felt like the home she always knew. "Mind if I go to my room?" She asked as Mandy hung up her coat. "Not at all." Her mother replied with a smile.

Blue practically ran to her room, throwing herself down on her bed. Oh how she missed it. The girl snuggled up in her blankets with the largest smile she had given in awhile. The girl could've fell asleep right then and there until Baylen walked in.
Blue sat up, patting besides her, signaling he could sit. He sat down, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, placing his head on hers. "Blue... I missed you so badly. You have no clue how hard it was for me." He mumbled, never wanting to let go.

"I missed you to. So much. I have so much to tell you guys but I don't know how. There was surprisingly good memories but the other ones..." The girl tried to find words to finish her sentence. "They make me want to die." She spoke truthfully.
Baylen squeezed her shoulders and placed a kiss to the top of her head. "How about you tell me some of the good ones. Would that make you feel a bit better?" He asked in a soft tone. The girl nodded and started.

"So you and Pinball Vance are a thing now?" He teased, shaking her shoulders. "Not really." She shrugged. "Oh come on we both know that's a lie. But the question is... do you want to be a thing with him?" He asked again.
Blue thought about it. Yes. Yes she did. After everything they went through together she would love to be a thing with him.

It took her the longest time to realize that but she finally did. "If I tell you, you can not tell a soul." She told her brother, looking at him sternly. "No one." He smiled holding out his pinky. She interlocked them before speaking. "Yes." Baylen got excited.

"My little sister likes Vance Hopper!" He shouted but the girl immediately slapped her hand over his mouth. "Shh! Moms still here!" She scolded him but laughed. "My bad." He laughed.
Baylen let his sister rant about mostly everything that happened. "Holy shit! You got shot!" He said, shock covering his entire face.

"Yep." She pulled up her shirt, revealing the scar just above her abdomen then the one on her shoulder. "Wait... who saved you?" He asked confused. "His name is Mason. He saved me." Blue took a minute to really let that sink in.

Mason (last name unknown) had saved her from death. They barely knew each other and he saved her.

Tears welled up in her eyes at the thought of him. She never got a goodbye from either Mason or Sadie. And now they were long gone. She had no way of contacting them and they lived too far away to see them.

"Blue?" He asked, pulling her from her thoughts. "Hm?" She replied quietly. "You can talk to me about everything that happened. I won't judge you for a second." She smiled, giving him a hug before pouring every single itty bitty thought that popped into her mind.


After talking with Baylen for hours she finally went to the bathroom to clean herself. The girl looked in the mirror, almost crying as she saw herself. She took off her clothes, staring at every single wound littering her body.
She put a hand over her mouth to keep her sobs quiet. The girl prepared herself for the amount of pain she was gonna be in once the water hit her.

The water hit her skin and she cried out in pain. She thought the physical pain would be gone forever once her life went back to normal but that's when she realized her life would never be normal again.

She carefully cleaned her wounds, watching the blood twirl down the drain. She scrubbed her hair as best she could, now knowing that she could keep clean every day of her life now.
Once her shower was over she made sure her body was completely dry before covering herself in bandaids. Her arms were covered in them as were her thighs. She placed one across her cheek carefully before pulling the towel back over her and going to her room.

The girl looked in her full length mirror, her body now covered by one of Baylens shirts and sweatpants so no one could see the bandaids on her legs.
"I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm gonna try. I'm gonna be okay." She spoke to herself as tears brimmed her eyes. She frantically wiped them, not wanting the bandaid to fall off.

A knock at the door startled her. "Blue, it's mom." Mandy called. Blue opened the door, throwing her arms around her mother. Mandy returned it quickly, stroking her daughters wet hair.

"Why? Why did that happen?" Blue cried into her chest, leaving tear stains on the red heads sweater. "They made me crazy." Her shaky voice got out. Mandy tried not to cry but failed.
"Sweetheart it's not gonna be easy for awhile and you're not gonna be happy but I want you to know nothing like that will happen again." Mandy cried to her.


Blue knew she was gonna have nightmares forever and tried to except it. For the first time that night as she tried to sleep she thought of Vance.
What would things be like for them now? She didn't want to face him anytime soon but also did.

Laying there with her thoughts running wild made her realize she was truly broken and numb. The world had fallen apart beneath her and she was barely holding on by a finger.


A/N: I'm not sure how I'm going to write the next few chapters without making them super depressing but I'll see what I can do. Comment and vote x

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