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VANCE HAD rushed over to his girlfriends as soon as him and his mom were done talking. He knew he could go through the front door but opted for her window again.
It was now about 7:00pm and was dark outside so he tried to get to hers quickly. Blue was currently hanging up her clothes after doing laundry so a knock at the window startled her.

She opened her curtains and saw his face. He was exactly what she needed right now. The girl quickly let him inside before giving him the biggest hug she could give. "I missed you." She mumbled into his chest. "I missed you to." He replied back.

The two pulled apart and sat on her bed facing each other. "How was your day?" He asked, trying to get his hair out of his face. "Horrible." She responded with a sigh. "Why is that?" The boy asked again worriedly.
"My father requested he see me and my brother so we agreed. But we met up at bar. Mom was there and it didn't go well obviously. I called him out for things that he didn't like than left. Baylen got mad and then mom put him in his place which he didn't appreciate. But I won't be seeing him for a long time." She finished taking in a dramatic breath since she said all that with practically one breath.

"I'm so sorry. That sucks. Seems like we both had dad issues today." He laughed but not because it was funny. "Oh, wanna tell me what happened?" She asked, placing a hand on his knee. His answer was by starting to explain.
"I hate him, Blue! I hate him I hate him I hate him!" That's how he summed up his story. Blue moved closer to him, having him rest on her.

"Listen, nothing I can say will help that much but I do want to say we're going through this together. It sounds really cliche I know, but it's true." The girl tried her best to comfort him which seemed to be working as his breathing slowed.

Blue couldn't hold back anymore. "I love you."

Vance had to make sure he heard her right, pulling away with a soft look in his eyes. "What did you say?" He asked again. "I love you Vance." Blue repeated, the blood rushing to her cheeks.
The boy didn't know how to react. He was in shock. Blue started to worry why he was just sitting there staring at her as if she had gone crazy.

"I know some people would say sorry but I'm not. I'm in love with you. And really, you don't have to say it back but-." Before she could finish lips were on hers and time stopped. A few seconds later he pulled away.

"Blair Parker, I love you to. So deeply truly in love with you." He responded and for the first time ever she saw his cheeks turn a deep shade of crimson. Blue put it upon herself to kiss him this time.
     The two teens had finally found what love was. Not a family love but a romantic love Blue had only read in books. But now she was experiencing it for herself.

Blue smiled against his lips, putting her arms behind his neck. The two kissed for what felt like forever, completely letting everything else go away and disappear.

When they finally pulled away both of their lips were red and plump causing the two to laugh at one another. Blue pecked his lips one last time before getting up and turning the music on a low volume for background noise.
     "Where's Baylen and your mom?" He asked, looking at her from his spot on the bed. "Probably in their rooms. We're all to mad to speak to each other at the moment." She answered truthfully.

"I'm sorry if I turned the conversation onto me earlier. I didn't mean to. I just didn't know what to say when you told me what happened." Blue looked at him as if he went crazy. "You shouldn't be sorry. I know comforting people isn't easy." She replied with a slight smile.

The girl went back over to him, tackling him down with all the force she had. He grunted as he fell back but then laughed. Blue laughed to, pinning his hands down.
     "What are you doing?" He laughed. "Fighting you." She replied with a straight face. "You only have me pinned." He said back. "Okay and? I still got you here did I not?" She asked with a smirk.

"Oh you bitch." He said but it only took one move to switch to him on top. Blue laughed as he tickled her sides. "Stop!" She was laughing so hard she hadn't realized Mandy walked in again.

"Again." Her mother said, placing her hands on her hips with a look. Vance quickly fell off of her as Blue sat up. "We weren't doing anything bad." She said, her face going red with embarrassment.
    "I'm kidding but I wanted to say goodnight." She kissed Blues cheek and unexpectedly gave Vance a hug. "Sweet dreams." With that her door was shut again.

"I didn't realize it got so late." The girl said looking at the bright red neon numbers on her alarm clock. "Looks like I'm spending the night." The boy said, getting comfortable. "Don't you wanna change first?" She asked, getting her sleeping clothes.

The girl looked at him, secretly wanting to sleep in his shirt but was too scared to say it out loud. "You good?" He asked quietly. "May I... um... wear your shirt to bed?" She got out, twisting her ring around her finger.
      Vance felt his heart just about jump out of his chest. "Thought you'd never ask." He smiled sweetly before pulling it over his head.

Holy shit. She thought as she saw him with no shirt on for the first time. He was gorgeous, was all Blue was thinking. "You know Blue, I think you have a staring problem." He teased, balling up his shirt before throwing it to her. "Oh shush." The girl blushed, before Vance closed his eyes so she could get changed.

After she was done he pulled on the shirt he always wore when he stayed over and the sweatpants before laying next to his girlfriend. Blue put a hand on his chest, laying on her side and closing her eyes.
      Suddenly it hit her. Her scars were on display. The girl internally panicked until she realized he couldn't see due to the lights being off. But the she remembered the morning time.

"On second thought I need to wear a sweater." She mumbled before getting up but Vance pulled her back down by her waist. The girl huffed knowing there was no getting out of this one. "Is this about..." his hand ran over her arm and she nodded just barely.

"Blue, you don't need to hide them from me. I know they don't bring good memories but they show how strong you are." He whispered, the dark silenced room creating a calm atmosphere. "I guess." The girl sighed, leaning her head back on his shoulder.
        "You look beautiful no matter what." He kissed her cheek before they laid down again. "I love you." He whispered, cuddling up against her.

"I love you to." The girl smiled, his comfort filling her head before drifting off to sleep.


A/N: few things I feel the need to say. In case you were wondering there will be ZERO smut in this book. Sexualizing minors is absolutely disgusting to me and will not be happening. I did bump their ages up to fit some of things but I will never sexualize minors. Second, I don't want anyone saying things like "Vance wouldn't do that" "he'd be more mean" because I honestly disagree. We only saw about 4 minutes of his character in Tbp and only have a little clue on how he is. I'm using my imagination and how I think he'd be in a relationship. If you are mad with any of this information you may exit out of the book. But anyways, thank you for reading. Comment and vote x

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