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21 IS a scary age

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21 IS a scary age. You're definitely not a kid anymore and you have to fend for yourself. No one can tell you what to do anymore and you almost feel free. The past is completely gone and now it's time to let go.

For Blue Parker it almost felt unreal. People said it was supposed to be fun turning 21. But Blue didn't feel that way. The girl still didn't know who she was after 6 years.
A basic overview of how those 6 years went.

Blue Parker had realized that life was about living it. Doing things you only do in dreams before it's all over. Jump fences. Get the cops called on you. Kiss people until you can't breath. Just say fuck it all.
She had grown to like her scars and some had even faded after time. The girl realized that they were just scars, not a dent in her head.

As for Vance and Blue... they had never left each others side. They had several arguments but always ended up realizing it was silly and forgave each other.


"Vance?" Blue asked as she looked out of the window of their shared apartment. "Hm?" He hummed, looking up from tying his shoes. "Don't you miss being 16?" She asked out of the blue.
     "Every day." He replied with a sad smile, walking over to her. "I wonder what she would think about me." Blue wondered aloud, looking at him.

"She'd probably be disappointed." He shrugged. She pinned her eyebrows together. "You never wanted anything to do with me and now look at you." He gestured to her. "Wearing my t-shirt, looking like a mess in front of me."

Blue gasped dramatically, hitting his shoulder. "But even like that you look beautiful." He smiled softly before wrapping his arms around her. "I wonder how Bruce and Gwen are doing." She said again as Vance rocked them side to side.
      After awhile the three of them had fell out of contact. Bruce had went to college and wanted to be a big baseball player which actually did end up happening. Gwen on the other hand, Blue had no idea. Gwen had always been a bit younger but Blue knew she'd get far in life.

"Bruce is probably living the life and Gwen, she's probably a scientist for all we know." Vance replied. "I miss them. A lot." Blue felt a tear run down her cheek.

Vance felt his shirt getting wet and pulled away from her. "Gorgeous, don't cry." He said, wiping her tears away. "I just miss how things used to be. When we'd go to his games and go get cherry cokes at the little diner down the street that's now just a run down building." Blue cried.

Vance picked her up, sitting them down on the bed. "I miss helping Gwen in fights when she couldn't win them herself and we'd win as a team. I miss helping her with homework every Tuesdays and Fridays. I just miss being a kid." Blue sobbed into his shoulder.
         "Hey hey, look at me." He said, stroking her back in a calming manner. Blue slowly looked at him and he quickly wiped some more tears away.

"I know you miss it but just think about what the future holds. You're the guitarist in a band. You're publishing a book today. Clara, Baylen, and I couldn't be more proud of you. Bruce and Gwen probably know all about this. And I guarantee you that they are also proud of you." He kissed the tip of her nose as she smiled a bit.

"Now, you need to get ready for your speech." He said, kissing her before she nodded and got up.
      Blue had been an emotional wreck since her 21st birthday and she didn't know why. She had also thought about the wonderful things that were happening in her life.

She quickly changed into a black turtle neck before putting on jeans and black socks. She pulled her hair into a pretty lose bun in the back, pulling out a few baby hairs. She put on a few silver chain necklaces around her neck before finishing.

She walked out of the bathroom and Vance immediately twirled her around. "Holy shit, you're gorgeous." He said before kissing her. "After. My lipstick can not get ruined." She said in a fake posh accent before smiling.
"You don't look to bad yourself." Vance was wearing a nice black shirt and dress pants with a silver necklace to match Blue.

"Only for you." He smiled before they grabbed their coats and left. The two walked into the snowy outdoors, getting in their car before heading off.


Blue stood to the side, looking at all the people who were waiting for her. She took a deep breath as they called her out. She put a smile on before walking out. The people clapped and whistled as she waved at them.
She stood behind the podium, waiting for everyone to be silent. Once it was quiet she began.

After a few sentences she spoke, "this book is inspired by a traumatic time in my life." She looked around at the crowd, wanting to meet Vance's eyes. Once she did he smiled. "And I wouldn't have made it without my boyfriend, Vance Hopper."

The crowd clapped, all looking at him before back at Blue. "The characters Bailey and Jace are just like him and I. The book is a very personal journey that I thought would be very eye opening for young viewers. It is to show that you are more capable of many things that maybe you aren't aware of."

After a few more sentences it was over and the book was now released to the public. "Blue! Oh my goodness!" A voice shouted. Blue looked around and saw a very familiar blonde and a very familiar man with her.
"Oh my! Sadie?!" Blue shouted happily, running over to the woman and giving her an enormous hug. "Mason?!" She shouted again, giving him a hug. "Hey bullet." He even remembered the nick name.

Blue felt happy tears prick her eyes and immediately called Vance over. "How?!" Blue asked breathlessly. "Well we heard about your band and I automatically remembered you then I found out about your books and we just had to be here." Sadie ranted.

Vance had said his hellos and they all caught up with each other. "Yeah, we're married." Sadie smiled, showing Blue the ring. "Holy shit, that's a gorgeous ring." The brunette complimented the diamond.
The four felt as if they were 16 and 20 again and Blue was never happier.


"You did it!" Vance shouted, picking her up while kissing her once they met in one of the back rooms. "I'm so proud of you." He smiled, putting her down. Blue smiled and for the first time in a long time she was genuinely happy.
"Now to celebrate, wine and movies?" Though they were 21 now she thought he acted like a child still. "Of course." She gave a smile and they left after some book signings.

The two cuddled up on the sofa after debating on what movie to watch. "Come on! We have to do The Outsiders." Blue begged. "Fine but just because I love you." He quickly put the disc in before he joined Blue on the couch.

"Now, who was it that told you Matt Dillon would be the next big star in a few years?" Blue teased him. "Clara..." He mumbled embarrassed. "Speak up." Blue pretended she couldn't hear him. "Clara!" He shouted with a laugh.
"See, sometimes she is right." Blue laughed with him.

Clara and Baylen had gotten together in 1980, a year after they had figured out they had feelings for each other. Blue had continuously teased him about it like he did her.
The siblings were always busy with their own lives that they rarely ever saw each other anymore. It was hard for both of them but they managed.

By the middle of the movie Blue was passing out but before she could fall asleep Vance put his forehead against hers.

"I love you, Blue Parker."

"I love you to, Vance Hopper."



A/N: and it's over. I'm in shambles. I will make a long ass authors note after this so stay tuned :)

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