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BLUE AND BAYLEN were at the store, grocery shopping

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BLUE AND BAYLEN were at the store, grocery shopping. Mandy needed more dinner options but had to work so she sent the siblings to get them instead.

Baylen was pushing the cart while Blue put things in it. "We need flour so we can make cookies." Baylen told his sister as they neared the baking isle. She nodded looking over the shelves before grabbing the bag.
      "Done. What's next?" She asked, leaning against the cart. "I'll go get eggs and you can go get these." He handed her the rest of the things on the list and she went off to get it.

While she was walking, heavy foot steps followed her. The girl shrugged it off and knew it was just another shopper. She went to where the cheese was but just as she made it over a voice started talking.

"Hey little girl." She turned around and saw a middle aged man standing before her. Here we go again, she thought, preparing herself for anything.
     "I saw you and your little boyfriend." Before she could protest he wrapped his arms around her. He reeked of
tobacco and alcohol which made her instantly uncomfortable.

"Oh hell no." She mumbled, stepping on his toe which barely worked. "That's my brother you motherfucker!" She yelled, elbowing him hard in the rib cage. "And I know for a fact you don't want to meet my boyfriend." She seethed, kneeing him hard in the stomach before lifting him up by the collar of his shirt.

"Don't fuck with me again." The girl spoke through gritted teeth as she threw him to the ground. By now she had a crowd including her brother. She laid a punch across his face before standing up.
    "You!" A voice of a worker shouted. The girl rolled her eyes as she was taken out of the store. "This isn't fair! He tried kidnapping me!" She shouted, thrashing around in the securities arms.

"He looked like your grandpa kid." One of them said back. "You don't fucking believe me?!" She asked, still trying to get out of their grasp. "Not for a minute." With that she was thrown out of the store.


"That's so fucking rigged!" She shouted as the two walked down the street with no bags in their hands. "He was grabbing me, Bay! Grabbing me!" She yelled, her voice breaking at the end. "I knew I should've stayed with you. I'm so sorry." Baylen apologized a million times.

"Don't apologize. It's not something anyone should be sorry about! It's the fact men can get away with that shit and no one cares." She picked up a stone before angrily throwing on the side walk, hard enough to leave a small crack in it.
       "I know you're a young man but men are disgusting pigs! They can get away with anything they want whenever they want! It makes me sick." The girl said, looking at the ground while kicking rocks.

"Listen, I know saying sorry won't do anything. And trust me I'm all for women's rights but there's nothing we can do about it." Baylen shrugged sadly.
   "That's a lie. We can do something about it but that costs money we don't have and no one would listen." Tears pricked her eyes but she blinked them away.

The rest of the walk home was quiet but Blue came home to a surprise sitting on her bed. "You son of a bitch." She laughed as she saw Vance laying there but immediately looked at her once he heard her voice.

"You know you love me." He replied, getting up and kissing her. He would've kissed her longer until he realized she was angry.
   He pulled away and looked at her. "Why'd you stop?" She asked confused. "You're angry." "No I'm not." Blue replied with a laugh.

"I can't tell by your eyes and your voice. Tell me." Blue huffed before telling him everything. Vance was fuming by the time she was done.

"I'll be back soon." He replied, kissing her cheek before leaving again. She knew exactly what he was going to do and didn't stop him.


"Ah, Vance, you're back so soon." Deputy Thomas spoke as he saw the curly head sitting in his office. Vance sat there with a straight face, not saying a word to the deputy.
     "You're on a roll kid." Thomas said, sitting at his desk. "Last week, the grab n' go, oh because you couldn't get a quarter from a local. Saturday, because the vending machine wouldn't work so you cussed out the worker. Today, because you beat up a 53 year old man."

Thomas gave him a stern look as he read off the papers. "Don't forget about all of the things before those." Vance still sat with with no emotion.

"Just because you and your little girlfriend saved the entire population of Denver doesn't mean you can do whatever you want." He leaned back in his seat, looking at Vance through his glasses.

"I don't do it because I want to. That man tried taking my girlfriend sir." The curly head finally spoke, looking directly in his eyes. "Evidence? Or is that just an excuse?"  Thomas asked skeptically.
     "Blues reaction was evidence in itself." The younger boy replied. The deputy sighed, running a hand over his face.

"I'll let you off this time but you still need someone to pay for your bail." Vance didn't know what to say but just hoped he wouldn't call his mother.


"Yes sir, I'm willing to pay all of it." Mandy spoke at the front desk with her purse on the counter. "He's not even your child though?" A fat cop replied. "I take care of him like my own child, so yes, I have every reason to be able to do this." The red head replied, trying to seem as professional as she could.

Soon enough Vance stumbled on out with a scowl on his face. "There you are." Mandy smiled at the curly head and he couldn't help but smile back a bit.
     Vance practically lived in her house plus, Mandy had always treated him as if he were her own child. That does sound weird considering he was her daughters boyfriend but it was basic human decency.

The two left the station in silence before he spoke. "Thank you." "No problem sweetie."

Mandy brought him back to her house so he could see Blue. He walked in the house and saw her making a smoothie. Blue noticed him and sighed. "You beat him up didn't you?" A long moment of silence was passed.

"...yeah." He replied but Blue just smiled. "You're gonna be the death of me." Mandy smiled at the two before getting a snack herself.


A/N: holy shit, the next chapter is the end. I'm gonna cry. But thank you for reading :) comment and vote x

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