Ch. 3

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After getting a plate of food, we all sit around the table and kitchen counter tops.

Logan, who introduced himself as my future husband and quarterback of the team, asked, "So, wifey, do you like football?"

I do like football it was the only television I watch, and the only sport I find interesting.

"Yeah, I like football." I answer.

"Do you really like football, or do you just like the uniforms?" Adam asks, his eyebrows moving suggestively.

"What do you mean? What do uniforms have to do with anything?" I ask confused.

"So you expect me to believe you follow football?" He counters.

"Why not? Lots of people like football." I say.

"Okay, if you can tell me who leads the NFL in all-time rushing yards, I'll believe you." Adam says not believing I would get it right.

"That's way too easy. Emmitt Smith." I answer, and continue eating.

It gets quiet so I look up and I make eye contact with the purple eyes that I haven't stopped thinking about since I got here. Then Logan yells, "I love you!" and everyone starts laughing.

Adam says, "She's mine. My question, my girl."

Ignoring both guys J.J. says, "That's awesome, you can come to the games with us, dad's the coach."

"Yeah, you can come as my girlfriend." Logan adds.

"No way, she likes me not your ugly ass." Adam teases.

"Will both of you shut up! You guys have no chance, she wants me." Luke says or is it Duke...

"Luke, she has no interest in your little cock." Adam, states smirking.

"Yeah, she wants a real man." Logan states.

I roll my eyes and laugh, these boys were too much. I know they are teasing each other to make me feel comfortable and to laugh. But enough is enough.

"Fine, it's settled, the guy with the biggest penis gets Hadley." Adam says, standing up.

I start laughing as Logan and Adam have a stare down and Luke, Adian and Chase say they want in too.

"I am only gonna say this one more time; she doesn't want to touch your diseased cocks! This is my cousin. Treat her like she was your own cousin!" J.J. yells.

I look around chuckling and notice everyone, even my grandma, is laughing. It's shocking to me, but it seems like this is a normal thing. I guess it is. With this house filled with testosterone it probably is a daily occurrence.

"All right, everyone who wants in on the action, drop your pants and someone get a ruler." Logan orders, while undoing his belt.

Everyone is cracking up at this point, but I feel eyes on me and watch to see the guy with purple eyes stands up and Adam yells. "No way, sit your ass back down, Maddox, we said penis size not that third leg you keep in your pants."

"I was just getting more to eat, besides, it would take more than a ruler to measure me." Purple eyes says in a serious tone. That gets everyone laughing again.

After dinner, Mary shows me to my room. Its lavender walls were definitely my style and all the accents were white or dark grey, I love it.

"Thank you for everything, Mary. You didn't have to take me in but it means a lot that you did." I say, honestly.

"We may not have known about one another but I would have never turned my back on you. You're family and we love you." Mary responds, hugging me tightly.

"Goodnight, honey, and if you want to shower you have a half bath in here but if you prefer baths, use the one across the hall. Night, love you." She says, closing the door.

"Shit, my bag."

I turn to leave but someone knocks on the door. I open it to see .J.J. with my bag.

"I was just going to get this, thanks." I tell him.

"No problem, your boxes came all ready and mom put your stuff away. Umm...some of the guys might have gone through your underwear, but I got it all back for you." He says, rubbing his hand on the back of his head. I laugh.

"Great...thanks. Goodnight, cuz." I say, smiling.

"Goodnight, Hadley." He replies, turning to leave and I hear, "Night, night, wifey, love you!" Logan yells from somewhere.

"Goodnight, Logan." I reply, loudly. Laughing lightly I shut the door.

I decide to shower and get my pajamas on which are black yoga pants and a black tank top and slide into bed thinking how lucky I am to finally have a family.

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