Ch. 25

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Uncle John comes in the room disrupting my panic over Maddox and Aunt Mary talking.

"Do you boys ever go home?" He complains smiling and kissing Mary on the cheek.

"My house is boring. Why would I go home when I have a soap opera right here?" Luke asks.

"And free food." Chase adds.

"Well, practice picks up next week so you have today and the weekend. Get it all out, boys, you know how important junior and senior year is for recruitment." John reminds them, looking at all the boys. He stops when he sees Maddox. Glancing at me and back to Maddox he says, "Maddox, I'd like a word with you in my office."

"Ohhh, you're in trouble." Luke says, snickering.

Ignoring him, Maddox follows John out of the kitchen.

"I hope he doesn't say anything about you moving in, that will go over about as well as a turd in a punch bowl." J.J. says shaking his head. "I can't believe you're on his side, ma, that's crazy after four days moving in together. Grandma, reel in your daughter." J.J. Orders.

"Life's too short. If that's what they want then they should do it. Maddox is not the type to do anything without thinking. He doesn't have a spontaneous bone in his body. He calculates every choice and every decision. I hate to side with Luke on this one, Hadley. But in the end, Maddox always gets what he wants." Grandma states, looking at me.

I don't know what to think. I'm surprised to hear that Maddox calculates everything...'every choice, every decision'...That's the complete opposite of the Maddox I know. I know in business he has the foresight to be successful. But in his personal life, or with me, he seems to be less careful, like with the condoms. Yeah, he definitely doesn't calculate everything he does. That would have been too big of a risk even in the heat of the moment.

"You really think Maddox is calculating?" I ask, no seeing the same person they are painting.

"I've known that boy his whole life. He has never done anything without fully thinking it through, wouldn't you say boys?" Grandma questions.

"I think the only thing I've ever seen him do that wasn't quite 'Maddox like' was shaving his head for you. However, it got your attention and now you're his. Yeah, I guess he is calculating. Damn he's good!" Luke yells, impressed.

Maddox and Uncle John walk back into the kitchen. Maddox looks blank and John looks angry. The tension is thick but Maddox seems unaffected, then I remember what my grandma said, 'in the end Maddox always gets what he wants.'

Luke being Luke breaks the silence, "Can we please talk about the pink elephant in the room? I have to ask, what the hell are you wearing, bro? I mean who has glasses like that and wears them in public, with a hot girlfriend?"

I laugh and so does everyone else except Logan and John.

"No, really. Since when do you wear glasses?" Adam asks. "You look like a grade A dork."

"You remind me of Clark Kent, the lame side of Superman." Luke adds and Maddox throws his head back laughing. Everyone is stunned and stops laughing and looks at Maddox.

I try to hide my face in my hair, hoping no one looks at me. When Maddox stops laughing he looks my way and I put my head further down making my hair more of a curtain to hide my red cheeks.

Maddox laughs again and Luke asks, "Maddox, why is Hadley blushing? Does someone like Superman?" He teases.

I groan. "No."

"She's more into the lame side of Superman." Maddox says smirking.

"Tell me you're joking. You bought those because she likes Clark Kent? Weird." Adam states.

"No. I had these. I wore them on our date and she blushed the whole dinner, every time I touched my glasses."

"Shut up." I demand, elbowing him.

"Why Clark Kent?" Luke asks, sounding really interested.

"Umm... I don't know, just always liked him I guess."

"You know why..." Maddox states, smiling.

"You have to tell us! She's turning so pink." Luke replies, cracking up.

"Sorry, sworn to secrecy." He replies. Turning to me he says, "You should change now if you want to, my grandfather is coming at five."

"Yeah, be right back." I say, turning to leave. I hear Luke begging, "Please tell me. I have to know."

Maddox laughs. "You don't want to know. You'll never be the same again."

I continue to walk to my room, what do you wear to meet your boyfriend's grandfather? Looking through my closet I pick a white floor length dress similar to the one I'm wearing and a light yellow cardigan. As I take both out and lay them on the bed I hear a soft knock at my door.

I go to the door opening it, Logan is standing there. "Hey, can I talk to you?" He asks.

"Sure." I answer and he steps past me into my room and shuts the door.

"I just want to say something and you can do whatever you want with it. Be careful with Maddox, your grandma is right about him being calculating, but he can also be manipulative if he wants something. He is high handed and he can see the pros and cons to every situation, he's always one step ahead of everyone. Don't let him get too far ahead of you. I see how he is with you and although you may not see it and he may justify the things he does, it doesn't make him right. He's possessive of you. Don't turn into just another thing he owns. Just please protect yourself, you've only known him four days, if he's like this after this short amount time, think about what he'll be like in a couple of months or a year. If he even hints at something he wants, you should know he'll stop at nothing to get it. You're too good for him, you're too good to sit at home while he's off fighting in illegal fights because he can't get a handle on himself. You're too innocent, too kind and far too beautiful to give yourself to someone who will only break your wings off so you can never fly away. Keep your eyes open and don't let him take all of you, because given half a chance, he will."

"Nice speech, you can go now." Maddox's scarily calm voice interrupts making me jump.

I turn to see him leaning against the door frame. I don't fault him for being mad but he's not just mad, he's livid and way beyond the realms of calming down. His eyes are narrowed on Logan I know this is not going to end well. I have to do something but this Maddox scares me.

"Logan was just leaving." I say, my voice shaking. "Get out of the doorway."

Maddox moves into the room and wraps his arm around me from behind. I can tell he's trying to kill Logan with his eyes. Logan looks the same way, although I can tell he's tense and nervous.

"I'll talk to you later, Logan." I state, nodding my head toward the door.

"No, you won't. Stay the fuck away from her. I know what you're trying to do. It won't work. She chose me, get over it."

"She doesn't know you. What do you think she'll do when she sees you for what you really are? She won't stay. She'll find someone better."

Pushing me lightly out of the way, Maddox lunges at Logan knocking him into the door. "Maddox stop!" I yell. He's not listening to me, he punches Logan making him fall to the floor and I see his nose is bleeding. I hear the boys shouting as they come up the hall. Maddox is on top of Logan, punching him repeatedly. J.J. gets to Maddox first and pulls his arm back, stopping Maddox's fist from connecting with Logan's face yet again. Adam and Luke pull Logan's body from underneath Maddox. Maddox has stopped struggling with J.J. and all the attention is on Logan.

"Get him in my truck. I'm taking him to the hospital." I hear John order.

I don't know what to do. I'm stunned and absolutely terrified of the man I think I love.

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