Ch. 21

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I stare at Maddox. I can't believe he hit his best friend for a stupid misunderstanding. I shake my head. "What did you do? That's your best friend and you hit him for something I did!" I tell him, shaking my head.

I start to pick a stool up then think better of it and let it fall back to the floor. "Clean up your own mess, Maddox." I start walking back to the bedroom. I hear his heavy footsteps coming quickly after me.

I turn towards him. I see he's still tense but he looks worried too.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Oh, now you ask? Why not jump to conclusions again?" I walk the rest of the way to the bedroom.

"I didn't jump to conclusions. I saw him look at you, even when you ran away he was jumping over the damn counter to see you." He explains, still angry. He takes a deep breath. "Tell me what happened. Why were you naked?"

"I took a shower, I thought I heard you come in so I got out and dried off. I went to look for you when I saw Jason digging in the refrigerator, I thought he was you. I slapped his butt and when he turned around, I ran away. I'm so embarrassed. I don't think I'll ever stop blushing." Putting my hands on my heated cheeks I look at him. "It's my fault, you shouldn't have hit him. I'm sorry. What I did caused you two to fight. I think we both owe him an apology."

"I'm not apologizing! I know what I saw!" He yells.

"He was probably just shocked. I mean I smacked his butt really hard. When he turned, I apologized then hauled ass down the hall."

"I don't want to talk about it anymore." He replies, rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses.

The lamp is still on in the bedroom and he takes my hand walking me to the bed. He kisses me roughly pulling the straps of my dress down. As it falls, it skims my body before pooling at my feet. He takes my bra off and throws it behind him. Never breaking the kiss he picks me up laying me on the bed. His fingers find me, using them he brings me close to shattering then he stops. He starts kissing and sucking on my breasts, his hand comes up cupping my face I turn and take a finger in my mouth sucking hard. I hear him groan and undo his zipper. Next thing I know, he's entering me hard and fast setting a punishing rhythm. Our moans are loud, echoing throughout the room, turning me on even more. I lose control, squeezing my legs tight around his torso. I hear him grunt and he pulls out. Kissing my cheek I hear him whisper, "Mine." Before we both fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up on my stomach and look up to see Maddox lying on the same pillow watching me sleep.

"Freak." I say, my voice still raspy from sleep.

He laughs. "I'm hungry."

"So? I'm not chewing your food for you, go eat." I snap back closing my eyes again.

"Wow, you're definitely a morning person." He mumbles, sarcastically.

"Yep, a ray of sunshine." I agree.

"Let's go out to eat." He says, taking the covers off me.

"Uhhh...!" I roll over and sit up. "Fine. Clothes, please." I see he's already dressed and he gathers my clothes handing them to me. "You know I spoil you." I state, smirking.

He starts laughing and when I'm dressed he says, "I bought you a toothbrush last night, it's in the bathroom."

"Thanks." I reply, standing up. He stops me and kisses me on the lips and says, "I'll be in the living room when you're ready."

I nod. "All right I'll be out in a minute."

I use the toilet and wash my hands. Then I see Maddox bought me a red toothbrush and it makes me happy, he remembered my favorite color.

I open the medicine cabinet and grab the toothpaste. I see the box of condoms Maddox bought last night. I close my eyes and count to ten, why the hell is the box not opened?!

I brush my teeth in a daze, thinking how could I let this happen again?...I feel sick to my stomach, what am I going to do? I'm getting on birth control tomorrow. That's the best I can do for now, can you even get on the pill if there's a chance of being pregnant?

I guess I'll be finding that out. Leaving the bathroom I'm still thinking about everything. Walking into the living room I see Maddox watching ESPN and sit down next to him.

"Ready? I'm starved." He complains.


We walk to the elevator and I ask, "Where are we eating?"

"A diner downtown." He answers.

"Do you have practice today?"

"No. We have Friday to Sunday off. I'm all yours, what are you going to do to me?"

I laugh as we enter the elevator. "What am I going to 'DO' to you?"


"Well, there's something I'd really like to do." I tease, wrapping my arms around him.

"What's that?" He asks, huskily.

"Put a condom on you." I answer, narrowing my eyes.

"That was mean. You know I have to walk by people right?" He complains.

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"Well." He replies, nodding to his manhood.

I look down and laugh. "Good, let that be a reminder to you. Wrap it up next time." I order, quietly as the elevator opens to the lobby.

Maddox walks close behind me and I laugh. "Not funny." He whispers so only I hear.

When we get in the car I grab my purse and check my phone. I see that I have a five missed calls, two from J.J. and three from Chris. I check my voicemail while Maddox pulls out into traffic.

"Hey, it's J.J. Just checking in, I'll call Maddox's phone if I don't hear from you." I delete the message.

Next message:"CALL ME BACK RIGHT AWAY!" Chris yells.

I delete this message too.

Next message is Chris again. "WHERE ARE YOU! YOU BETTER BE DEAD OR FUCKING THAT HOT PIECE OF ASS!" I start, cracking up.

"What's so funny?" Maddox asks, so I replay the message for him to hear.

He laughs. "Are you going to tell him?" He questions as I delete the message.

"Yeah." I answer, as I wait for the next message.


Maddox hears the message. "He Googled me? For you?"

"I didn't tell him to, he's just a weirdo." I chuckle.

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