Ch. 66

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"I don't like him." Maddox says for the umpteenth time.

"Yes, I know you've mentioned it before." I say sarcastically. "It was just a ride, I'm more worried about my keys. I can't believe I misplaced them."

"Where did you see them last?" he asks. I try to think but my phone rings. I teach into my bag and take out my phone.

"Finally." I say answering.

"Where have you been, mister?" I fake hysteria.

"Where do you think? I've been taking care of my brother, the one YOU left broken hearted... Alex remember him? You know the guy that's been there for you for the last two years, loved you for two years. Sorry, your right calling you should be my top priority."

"Chris, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking, he's that bad? I'll come talk to him." I say, going to the door.

"Good, he needs to listen to someone. I've done everything I could, gave him every speech. Nothing is working. All he does is go to practice, games and the gym."

"Why didn't you call me sooner?" I ask looking for the Porsches car keys.

"I thought giving him time would help. But it's not helping, its just making it worse."

"Where are you at? I need the address." I say, finally finding the keys.

He tells me the address and I write it down. I feel Maddox standing behind me but I'll talk to him after I get off the phone.

"Okay, I'm on my way." I say hanging up.

"Where exactly are you going?" Maddox asks.

"To see Alex I guess he's not doing well. Chris needs help getting him to come around. I need to talk to him again." I say kissing his cheek and brushing past him.

He grabs my arm. "You already talked to him. He's probably doing this for attention."

"Maddox, he wouldn't do that. I'll be back soon." I say, pulling on my arm.

"I don't want you to go to him. He can deal with this on his own."

I look at him confused. "What? You think I'll leave you for Alex now. Maddox grow up. He's my friend I'll go to him when he needs me, no matter what. Now, let go of my arm." I demand my anger rising. Doing the smart thing he lets go of my arm and I walk to the elevator doors. I put my phone and the address in my purse and step onto the elevator. I see Maddox watching me from where I left him. His face hard.

I get to the car and drive to the address Chris have me. It's a house and it has a gate similar to Tyler's. I put in the code Chris texted me on my way here. I drive up the long driveway and park. Gathering my purse and texting Maddox that I made it safely, I exit the car and walk up to the front door. I knock as hard as I can and wait. I knock again after a few minutes. Finally, I hear the door starting to opening.

I gasp at Alex standing in front of me. He looks nothing like Alex. And he seems shocked to see me. His hair is getting shaggy something I've never seen on him and he's bigger then he is normally. Then I think of what Chris said all he's does is play baseball and workout. He has facial hair a little longer then the five o'clock shadow look. Twin black smudges under his eyes tell me he doesn't sleep well. I can't be what caused this. I step to him and hug him. His arms stay at his side's for a second before pulling me to him tightly.

"Why didn't you call me? What's wrong?" I ask into his chest. His arms tighten slightly.

I look up trying to see his face but his head is buried in my hair. "He called you, didn't he?" Alex asks taking a deep breath.

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