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Maddox POV

I let her go. After what I did to her arm I was disgusted with myself. I wouldn't want to be with me either. I gave her time, a whole day, but after talking to her I can't wait another one. I open my phone. I have her location. I put a tracking app on her phone. The morning after I got her back from Tyler's it occurred to me that I was lucky James knew where he lived.

After Hadley hung up crying, I packed an overnight bag and got in my car and headed to Malibu. I'll wait until morning and go knock on the door and get her. What the hell am I going to do about Tyler? Why does it always have to be him she runs to? I'm still pissed at Chris but I do know she has absolutely no feelings for Alex.

I may have overreacted about Chris telling Tyler, but fuck! Who wants another guy to know that about his girlfriend? To me, Chris deserved a beating, he got off light. Then Alex just had to step in, the fucker had been itching for a fight all night. I knew as soon as I saw him hug Hadley he wanted her. The way he looked at her, the way he wouldn't leave her side. Tyler saw it, too, I know he did because Alex glared at him too.

Alex the asshole doesn't know when to shut up. Even after Hadley left with Chris he was trying to get me to fight. Like I was going to fight him over Hadley, she was all ready pissed. She's mine and he knows it.

Tyler's another problem though. She's comfortable with him; she's not as comfortable with me as she is with him sometimes. It's irritating how easy they are with each other it's frustrating that they can laugh together. He has something with her that I don't. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing. I know if Hadley were to tell Tyler she was interested in him he'd jump at the chance. But as it is, he seems to be content with her friendship. I just don't get why.

I have two hours to think of a plan. She's not going to be happy to see me. I can't stop. I have to hold her, kiss her, bury myself in her again.

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