Ch. 20

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    The way Maddox is looking at me makes me feel like a possession. Then I hear, "I'm sorry." And his eyes lighten.
"You're driving me crazy. I want everyone to know you're mine. Especially, Tyler and Logan. Why did you take Tyler's number?" He asks, curiously.

"I didn't think it was a big deal truthfully, it's not like I programmed him in my phone or have him on speed dial. He's been nice to me. I think we can be friends." I say, resting my head on his chest. His arms tighten around my body.

"Can't you get girl friends?" He grumbles.

In Maddox fashion I just reply, "Nope."

"I'm totally fucked." He states, burying his face in my hair.

Then he rolls over and gets out of bed. "Can I get you anything?" He asks, while getting dressed.

"Going somewhere?"

"The store." He answers, looking back at me. "Get on birth control. I don't trust myself with you. You feel way too good, I'm tempted to get back in bed and make you change your mind." He warns.

"You know what they call people who have sex without condoms?.... Parents." I say, crossing my arms.

He laughs. "I already told you my thoughts about that."

"Yeah, basically you'd get me pregnant to send everyone a message that 'I'm yours'. That's a fantastic reason to get your eighteen year old girlfriend pregnant." I reply, sarcastically.

"That's not the only reason. You'd have to stay with me forever." He smirks.

"Just go get the condoms." I order, shaking my head.

He grabs his glasses and puts them on so I look away. He leans over me and starts kissing me by the ear. "I think it'd be really easy to change your mind." He whispers, hotly into my ear.

"Exactly, thats why you need to go." I demand, pushing at his arms.

"Fine." He grumbles and leaves the room.

I go to the bathroom and shut the door. My legs are a bit sore but other than that it's not bad. After using the toilet I jump in the shower. It's a huge shower with green glass tiles with jets and a huge shower head. I'm in love as soon as I step under the spray.

I use Maddox's body wash and wash between my legs. I hope we didn't make a baby. I still have way too much to do and no matter what Maddox says, he's not ready either. I have to find a way to reassure him I only want him. Obviously, giving him my virginity didn't do it.

I heard a door slam so I get out of the shower. I wrap a towel around me, bending over, I start drying my hair with another towel. After I'm done I see the hamper by the bathroom door so I put the towel I was drying my hair in it...then thought what the hell, I'm just going back to bed anyway and put the other towel with it. Walking into the bedroom, I don't see Maddox but I can hear him.

I walk out of the room and go to the kitchen, I see him at the fridge. He's bent over looking for something. I can't see his face and I know he doesn't see me. So, I decide to slap his ass as hard as I can.

"Mother fucker!" He yells, hitting his head on a shelf. I laugh and then he turns around. It's not Maddox.

"Shit!" I yell, my eyes as big as saucers. "I'm so sorry!" He's looking at me with his mouth hanging open and I remember I'm naked. I try to cover myself and turn to run back to the room. I vaguely hear the elevator doors open as I run out of the kitchen.

"What the hell!" I hear Maddox yell.

"Is that Hadley?" The guy asks, shocked.

"What the hell are you doing here, Jason?" Maddox sounds pissed.

"Just thought I'd come by to see you. Lauren's being particularly bitchy. Which I'm told has everything to do with that angel down the hall." Obviously, this wasn't a good enough excuse because he continues. "I didn't know you'd have company, you never bring anyone here." He tries to explain.

"Next time call first!" I think this is one of the times Maddox was talking about, where he can't calm down. I hear the strain in his voice, it terrifies me. I

I hear this while I'm throwing on my bra and dress, trying to calm my racing heart. I cannot believe I just did that to a complete stranger. I want to do die!

"You fucking hit the lottery, dude, she's smoking hot."

I hear Maddox say, "You're dead." And things are hitting the floor a glass breaks. I finish and run toward the kitchen to stop Maddox from hurting him.

Maddox has him pinned to the floor he pulls back and punches him hard. The stools are pushed over and there's glass on the floor. "Maddox, stop!" I yell.

Both guys look my way and Maddox takes Jason and drags him by the collar of his shirt to the elevator and pushes the button.

Jason looks back at me and Maddox backhands him across the face. "Look at me! You fucking prick, look at her again and she won't be able to stop me."

"What the hell, man!" Jason says, as he wipes the blood from his mouth. "You've only known her what, three days? I'm your best friend, remember?"

He points to the elevator. "Get out." He orders.

"Over this?! Because I looked at her? You crazy ass." He yells, hitting Maddox's hands way.

"Should have kept your mouth shut and looked away." He tells him.

"Like that would have been possible." He replies, smirking. I can tell that he's an old friend since he has the balls to talk to Maddox like he is.

"Do you want me to lose it again?" Maddox, threatens.

"I'm joking, man, calm down. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was like that between you two. You haven't told me anything." he shrugs, standing up and going to the elevator.

"Well now you know." Maddox nods his head towards the elevator. "Time to go."

"All right, I can tell when I'm not wanted." He looks up as the doors close and he smirks at me and says, "Bye, Angel."

Maddox hits the closed elevator doors. "Fucker."

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